SENDER [dummy packet 1]---ACK---[filetype packet]---ACK---[First file packet]---ACK---[Second file packet].... RECEIVER ----------------GOO---S/B-----------------GOO---S/B------------------GOO---S/B-- ------------------GOO...
SENDER --------------------------------------------------0x91---ACK---[odd data block]---ACK---SYN---S/B---ACK---[data block 1] RECEIVER GOO(over and over again until the transfer starts)----GOO---S/B---------------GOO---S/B---SYN---GOO---S/B----
Aye, I'm moving on to that next. I'll have to set up C*base on VICE for sniffing.
Do you recall who did write that version?
Wow that is one seriously fucked up protocol. I don't think I could come up with something slower and more error prone if I tried.
faster than xmodem!