| | Oswald
Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5109 |
looking for rom independent keyboard read routine
I'm lazy, anyone can help me out? I'd need shift+crsrs + return aswell, not just alphanumeric stuff.
thanks. |
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| | Oswald
Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5109 |
all keys + shift handling, one key at a time max:
(btw at groepaz's code I think dd02/3 should be dc02/3 or not needed)
lastkey = $10
actkey = $11
mask = $12
matrixlo = $13
matrixhi = $14
table = $0f00
*= $1000
lda #$37
sta $01
jsr $e544
lda #$35
sta $01
ldx #$00
lda #$00
- sta table,x
bne -
lda #$ff
sta lastkey
lda #$08 ;helper table to index into keyboard matrix
sta table+%01111111
lda #$07
sta table+%10111111
lda #$06
sta table+%11011111
lda #$05
sta table+%11101111
lda #$04
sta table+%11110111
lda #$03
sta table+%11111011
lda #$02
sta table+%11111101
lda #$01
sta table+%11111110
lda #$08 ;left shift and another key
sta table+%01111111
lda #$07
sta table+%00111111
lda #$06
sta table+%01011111
lda #$05
sta table+%01101111
lda #$04
sta table+%01110111
lda #$03
sta table+%01111011
lda #$02
sta table+%01111101
lda #$01
sta table+%01111110
lda #$08 ;right shift and another key
sta table+%01101111
lda #$07
sta table+%10101111
lda #$06
sta table+%11001111
lda #$05
sta table+%11101111
lda #$04
sta table+%11100111
lda #$03
sta table+%11101011
lda #$02
sta table+%11101101
lda #$01
sta table+%11101110
;endless dummy
uu jsr keyscan
lda actkey
cmp #$ff ;$ff= no key pressed
beq +
cmp #$40 ;convert to screen codes
bmi ok
sbc #$40
sta $0400
+ jmp uu
keyscan lda #%11111110
sta mask
lda #%11111101
sta $dc00
lda $dc01
and #%10000000
beq shifted ;left shift pressed
lda #%10111111
sta $dc00
lda $dc01
and #%00010000
beq shifted ;right shift pressed
lda #<keytabunshifted
sta matrixlo
lda #>keytabunshifted
sta matrixhi
jmp scan
lda #<keytabshifted
sta matrixlo
lda #>keytabshifted
sta matrixhi
scan ldx #$07
rowloop lda mask
sta $dc00
ldy $dc01
lda table,y
beq next
lda (matrixlo),y
cmp #$01
beq next ;skip left shift
cmp #$02
beq next ;skip right shift
cmp lastkey
beq debounce
sta lastkey
sta actkey
rol mask
lda matrixlo
adc #$09
sta matrixlo
bcc *+4
inc matrixhi
bpl rowloop
debounce lda #$ff
sta actkey
.byte $ff,$14,$0D,$1D,$88,$85,$86,$87,$11 ;0
.byte $ff,$33,$57,$41,$34,$5A,$53,$45,$01 ;1
.byte $ff,$35,$52,$44,$36,$43,$46,$54,$58 ;2
.byte $ff,$37,$59,$47,$38,$42,$48,$55,$56 ;3
.byte $ff,$39,$49,$4A,$30,$4D,$4B,$4F,$4E ;4
.byte $ff,$2B,$50,$4C,$2D,$2E,$3A,$40,$2C ;5
.byte $ff,$5C,$2A,$3B,$13,$01,$3D,$5E,$2F ;6
.byte $ff,$31,$5F,$04,$32,$20,$02,$51,$03 ;7
.byte $ff
.byte $ff,$94,$8D,$9D,$8C,$89,$8A,$8B,$91
.byte $ff,$23,$D7,$C1,$24,$DA,$D3,$C5,$01
.byte $ff,$25,$D2,$C4,$26,$C3,$C6,$D4,$D8
.byte $ff,$27,$D9,$C7,$28,$C2,$C8,$D5,$D6
.byte $ff,$29,$C9,$CA,$30,$CD,$CB,$CF,$CE
.byte $ff,$DB,$D0,$CC,$DD,$3E,$5B,$BA,$3C
.byte $ff,$A9,$C0,$5D,$93,$01,$3D,$DE,$3F
.byte $ff,$21,$5F,$04,$22,$A0,$02,$D1,$83
.byte $ff
;one extra $ff column is added, because the zero value is used to detect unpressed kays
| | TWW
Registered: Jul 2009 Posts: 545 |
Quote: here is a crude table I made for this kind of routine a while back (Don't remeber where i got this info (maybee 3 key rollover or the ref. manual). Maybee it could be of some use...
$dc00 is used for selecting one of eight the scan rows as folows and the $dc01 value is then peeked:
+----+----------------------+--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------+
| | | Peek from $dc01 (code in paranthesis): |
|row:| $dc00: +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+- -----------+------------+
| | | BIT 8 | BIT 7 | BIT 6 | BIT 5 | BIT 4 | BIT 3 | BIT 2 | BIT 1 |
+----+----------------------+------------+------------+------------+------------ +------------+------------+------------+------------+
|1. | #%11111110 (254/$fe) | DOWN ($ )| F5 ($ )| F3 ($ )| F1 ($ )| F7 ($ )| RIGHT ($ )| RETURN($ )|DELETE ($ )|
|2. | #%11111101 (253/$fd) |LEFT-SH($ )| e ($05)| s ($13)| z ($1a)| 4 ($34)| a ($01)| w ($17)| 3 ($33)|
|3. | #%11111011 (251/$fb) | x ($18)| t ($14)| f ($06)| c ($03)| 6 ($36)| d ($04)| r ($12)| 5 ($35)|
|4. | #%11110111 (247/$f7) | v ($16)| u ($15)| h ($08)| b ($02)| 8 ($38)| g ($07)| y ($19)| 7 ($37)|
|5. | #%11101111 (239/$ef) | n ($0e)| o ($0f)| k ($0b)| m ($0d)| 0 ($30)| j ($0a)| i ($09)| 9 ($39)|
|6. | #%11011111 (223/$df) | , ($2c)| @ ($00)| : ($3a)| . ($2e)| - ($2d)| l ($0c)| p ($10)| + ($2b)|
|7. | #%10111111 (191/$bf) | / ($2f)| ^ ($1e)| = ($3d)|RGHT-SH($ )| HOME ($ )| ; ($3b)| * ($2a)| £ ($1c)|
|8. | #%01111111 (127/$7f) | STOP ($ )| q ($11)|COMMODR($ )| SPACE ($20)| 2 ($32)|CONTROL($ )| <- ($1f)| 1 ($31)|
+----+----------------------+------------+------------+------------+------------ +------------+------------+------------+------------+
I have made a routine aswell for keyboard scanning.
However right now i am using the X & Y-regs to pass any special keys like CTRL, C=, etc.
Are there any standard over which codes should be "inserted" in my keyscan matrix above?
I'm asking coz I want my routine to be as "standard" as possible :) |
| | Devia
Registered: Oct 2004 Posts: 403 |
If you want standard, use KERNAL!
I wrote a routine some years back. Basic operation of that goes something like this: An IRQ routine takes a snapshot of the current state of the matrix. Then it updates 2 other tables with key up and key down states. The key up/down matrices only gets cleared when a message is passed to the IRQ routine from "user code" to do so.
The "user code", running outside IRQ or in another IRQ or whatever, can then choose to do whatever it wants with the key up/down events and then acknowledge them once they have been handled.
For the "user code" to check/ack keys I use macros like these:
.macro KBCheckKey key ;Returns zero if the checked key is pressed
ldy #<(key) ;Keyboard matrix row number in Y
lda #>(key) ;Keyboard matrix row value for given key in A
and KBMatrixSnapShot,y ;Check given key value against row value in matrix
.endmacro ;If equal, Zero flag is cleared
.macro KBCheckKeyDown key ;Returns zero if the checked key has a Key Down event
ldy #<(key) ;Keyboard matrix row number in Y
lda #>(key) ;Keyboard matrix row value for given key in A
and KBMatrixKeyDown,y ;Check given key value against row value in matrix
.endmacro ;If equal, Zero flag is cleared
.macro KBCheckKeyUp key ;Returns zero if the checked key has a Key Up event
ldy #<(key) ;Keyboard matrix row number in Y
lda #>(key) ;Keyboard matrix row value for given key in A
and KBMatrixKeyUp,y ;Check given key value against row value in matrix
.endmacro ;If equal, Zero flag is cleared
.macro KBAckEvents ;Acknowledge all Key Up/Down events
lda #$01
The keys have then been defined like the following:
KEY_F3 = $2000 ;.byte %00100000,0
KEY_F5 = $4000 ;.byte %01000000,0
KEY_CRSRUD = $8000 ;.byte %10000000,0
KEY_3 = $0101 ;.byte %00000001,1
KEY_W = $0201 ;.byte %00000010,1
KEY_A = $0401 ;.byte %00000100,1
Each key combined by column/row in 2 bytes. (I'm writing $dc00 and reading $dc01)
Is that a KB handler then? No. It's more like a KB hardware driver for which I have to write a handler every time. But since I haven't needed full textual input for any of my projects yet, I haven't even thought out any general purpose style kb handler.
| | TWW
Registered: Jul 2009 Posts: 545 |
Read the post TOPIC!
Forget about ROM.
To read and decipher $dc00/dc01 isn't a problem...
The problem is to assign the non-graphical keys to the scan-matrix you can find in my post above and return a value which means "CTRL" pressed or somesuch instead of passing the information via bits set/clear in reg's / stack etc...
This also means you don't need to scan for special keys and decipher them differently / pass they differently then ordinary alphanumeric keys if they have a proper code assigned. |
| | Hein
Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
How's it possible that when I have this pretty piece of code:
lda #$fd
sta $dc00
lda $dc01
eor #$ff
I get only 2 bits from $dc01 when I press keys 3-4-E at the same time, but I get 3 bits from $dc01 when I press 3-W-A at the same time. According to this matrix sta.c64.org/cmb64kbdlay.html those keys are on the respective selected row.
This happens in VICE btw, and on other row/column combinations as well. |
| | Repose
Registered: Oct 2010 Posts: 227 |
Keyboards explained in detail in Transactor 5-05.
Also, distinguish left from right shift
| | Hein
Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
Quote: Keyboards explained in detail in Transactor 5-05.
Also, distinguish left from right shift
The transactor pdf is interesting, but it doesn't answer my question.
I only need to know if I can do a 3-key-at-once check (4 if you include shift/cbm-key) by simply reading the column byte each row and shift it 8 times to get all the key-bits in that row.
Seems bits get lost with some combinations of keys. |
| | Repose
Registered: Oct 2010 Posts: 227 |
I think you'll have to try it. I believe there's physical limits to how many keys can be read in one row/column due to the power available. I know Marko Makela has the answer. If you search for him and keyboards he's done a clever trick with reading caps lock or shift even though they are physically connected, or some such thing.
Sorry I didn't give best answer, I didn't have a lot of time. We celebrate Easter in my country. |
| | Hein
Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
Quote: I think you'll have to try it. I believe there's physical limits to how many keys can be read in one row/column due to the power available. I know Marko Makela has the answer. If you search for him and keyboards he's done a clever trick with reading caps lock or shift even though they are physically connected, or some such thing.
Sorry I didn't give best answer, I didn't have a lot of time. We celebrate Easter in my country.
The 'physical limits' sounds like a reasonable posibility.
I've tried it, btw, wondering if my routine was borked or the hardware is limited.
The simplest check is what I wrote in my 1st post in this thread, reading the column bits in one row and it turned out some key-combinations in that row result in all proper bits, whereas other key-combinations in that row result in max 2 bits.
Thanks for the effort anyway :) Happy easter. |
| | Frantic
Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Can't really give solid info either, but I can just confirm that I have also noticed that some key combinations work, and some don't, when you use some key combinations that involve several keys. Seems to be a hardware thing, yes.. |
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