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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Event id #3201 : Crack Intro Music Competition 2022
As long years have passed since the last time, getting officially blessed by Didi/Laxity, I have a great pleasure to launch another edition of Crack Intro Music Competition. Get acquainted with the rules below and let's go!
Basic Info:
- Deadline for entry submission is August 14, 2022 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm).
- Voting closes one week later at August 21, 2022 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm).
- Voting platform is CSDb but eventually votes will be processed with a trusty algorithm to weed out CSDb vigilantes as much as possible. No voting system is perfect but god knows I really tried :D
- As usual the main prize is CSDb fame and prestige but this time Top 10 entries will also be compiled as a nice oldschool cracktro themed music disk.
- Multiple entries per musician are allowed - no limit here, go with the flow!
- Entry must be handed in as executable .prg (which might be embedded in .t64 or .d64) and optionally .sid. Preferably both ;)
- Max. playtime is strictly up to 1:02 min. at PAL rate, then tune must loop to any desired point. These 2 seconds extra are really the last resort so don't push it ;)
- Max. size is $1000/4096 bytes for music routine and content (preferably located in memory at $1000-$2000).
- Single speed only.
- Tune should sound as acceptable as possible on all SID models so pay attention to filtering and usage of combined waveforms ($31, $61, $71 won't work well on 6581). That said, you may set any SID model you prefer in .sid file but be sure some curious people will check it on various revisions ;)
- Music entries cannot be used in any cracktro or similar production before or during the compo (and its voting phase). So, dear crackers, hold your horses this time ;)
- This time no regular covers are allowed at all. Contestants might make at most a delicate nod to some cult cracktro theme.
- Visuals should be as modest as possible, not to distract voters from the essence which is audio content.
Rule set might expand if compo related discussion leads to it. I hope not :D
Good luck and have fun! |
... 86 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Aug 2021 Posts: 126 |
Quote: Yep, 14 gems inside already! Voters don't keep up with it yet, though :D

More's coming ;) |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Without any further comments, here's one from me too: Cracked Down |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Quote @Flex:
"Holy cow! How do you make a difference when 10/10 seems to be the default... :-D"
Uhm, yeah. Agreed. The quality of submitted tracks is insane. This seems to be the tendency at demoparties too, just think about last years' Transmission parties (both), Revision, Gubbdata and Moonshine Dragons too. I bow to you, SID musicians, thank you for being active and creating tasty SID music <3 |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
25 tunes already in! \o/ |
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Registered: Aug 2021 Posts: 126 |
Quote: 25 tunes already in! \o/
Its crazy! And i'm gonna be BLASTING out tunes! |
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Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 489 |
A lot of tunes in already, but quite a bunch I'd say "topic missed" even if technical execution may be good. I have coded a lot of crack intros yet and checked though all entries until now. There are very few I could imagine building a crack intro upon. Sorry if I spoil the hooray spirit... maybe my imagination is just too limited...
Well, just go on and have fun that's the prime directive here... ;-) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Maybe you're thinking with cliches a bit ;) I'm sure 'crackiness' will reflect in votes ;) |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2359 |
Sure, everyone's got their taste and I also wouldn't do a cracktro with each and every tune just because it's short or eats litle RAM/raster time. But
Quoting Didi... very few I could imagine building a crack intro upon. ...
VERY? seems a little big, maybe you just lack imagination :)
But as Jammer sez, punish uncracklike stuff by heavily downvoting it (with 8s and 9s, they are the new 2s and 1s, you know) |
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Registered: Aug 2004 Posts: 1415 |
Quoting TheRyk(with 8s and 9s, they are the new 2s and 1s, you know)
Ahahaha too true. People really do need to be less afraid to throw around sixes and sevens, and god forbid anyone votes 5 for something that they don't like as much as ten other entries in the same compo. |
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Registered: Apr 2018 Posts: 21 |
what a great compo so far.... new short sids for new intros !!i gonna use some of them for sure !! ;)= |
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