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Forums > C64 Coding > Setting up a timer interrupt
2004-03-14 22:48

Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 10
Setting up a timer interrupt

Hello *.*,

I'm trying to set up a timer interrupt to make something happen at a regular basis (let's say: every 5 seconds). I already managed to do a raster interrupt, but setting up a timer interrupt beats me. After browsing the web I came up with this code:


inittint lda #$7f
sta $dc0d ; disable cia1 int

lda $dc0e
and #$be
sta $dc0e ; stop timer a

lda $dc0f
and #$be
sta $dc0f ; stop timer b

lda #$00
sta $dc05 ; hibyte timer
lda #$ff
sta $dc04 ; lobyte timer

lda #<inthand
sta $0318
lda #>inthand
sta $0319 ; set t-int handler

lda $dc0e
and #$80
ora #$11
ldx #$81

stx $dc0d ; enable timer int
sta $dc0e ; start timer a

loop jmp loop

inthand lda $dc0d ; interrupt-source?
and #%00000001
beq timerint

timerint jsr *fancy_stuff*


After running the program, the interrupt never seems to occur. Now, what's my mistake?

I assume I'm making a fool out of me for asking that question, but that's no problem for me... ;-)
2004-03-15 00:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 466
read $dc0d after setting it and see if that helps.
2004-03-15 07:29

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 154
CIA1 generates IRQ, while CIA2 generates NMI interrupt. Try using the $0314 vector, instead of $0318. Alternatively, use CIA2.
2004-03-15 11:19

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 332

Make sure to sei before setting up interrupt, and to cli to get the interrupt.

This is too obvious, but i sometimes forget the cli, and wonder, why no irq...
2004-03-15 20:02

Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 10
Thank you very much for the input. I added an SEI at the beginning and a CLI at the end (before the main loop), changed the interrupt vector to $0314 and acknowledged the interrupt after setting it. But now every time I start the Timer A (using STA $DC0E), the program is terminated (blue screen with ready.) and the memory is corrupted. Woaw... ;-)

Should I load a different value into the accu before doing so? Or am I doing another mistake?
2004-03-16 07:38

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 103
$314/15 is not the hardware-irq-vector. When an irg occurs, the processor jumps to the adress stored in $FFFE/FF. Some of the usually necessary jobs like pushing registers to the stack are done by the kernel before it uses the software-vector $314/15. These values have tu be pulled from the stack again. When using $315/15 you better do not return with an RTI but jump to $ea31 (keyboard, timer and some kernal-stuff), $ea7e (lda $dc0d..) or $ea81 (only exit, best for you). And I think it should be ...bne timerint
2004-03-18 21:35

Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 10
Well... Now the program doesn't crash anymore, but no interrupt will occur. I guess I'll have to have a detailed look at the whole code.

Thanks to everyone!
2006-01-10 09:56
Account closed

Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 149
try this:

        ;set NMI vector
        lda #<TCF_SCR_DoNMI_1
        sta $fffa   ;nmi vector lsb
        lda #>TCF_SCR_DoNMI_1
        sta $fffb   ;nmi vector msb
        ;set nr of wait cycles
        lda #62
        sta $dd04   ;low-cycle-count
        lda #0
        sta $dd05   ;high-cycle-count
        ;enable timerA interrupt
        lda #%10000001
        sta $dd0d
;        ;fire the 1-shot timer at 50Hz
;        lda #%10011001
;        sta $dd0e
        ;fire the continuous timer at 50Hz
        lda #%10010001
        sta $dd0e
        ;disable timerA interrupt
        lda #%00000001
        sta $dd0d
        ;aknowledge nmi
        lda $dd0d
        ;stop the continuous timer at 50Hz
        lda #%10010000
        sta $dd0e

I used your code as a base, but changed all of the $dc0x addresses to $dd0x addresses... and now it works :-)

I don't know why, but this seems to do the trick. Maybe someone else can explain this...

If I use the $dc0x addresses, the vector is at $fffe
and if I use $dd0x addresses, the vector is at $fffa

I like the last one better, because then I can use NMI and IRQ at the same time.
2006-01-10 17:24
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Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 478
Quote: $314/15 is not the hardware-irq-vector. When an irg occurs, the processor jumps to the adress stored in $FFFE/FF. Some of the usually necessary jobs like pushing registers to the stack are done by the kernel before it uses the software-vector $314/15. These values have tu be pulled from the stack again. When using $315/15 you better do not return with an RTI but jump to $ea31 (keyboard, timer and some kernal-stuff), $ea7e (lda $dc0d..) or $ea81 (only exit, best for you). And I think it should be ...bne timerint

When using multiple interrupts (eg. setting the IRQ multiple times via $0314/0315) I use $ea81 and $ea31 for the final irq.

eg. IRQ1 INC $d019
lda #<irq2:sta $0314
lda #>irq2:sta $0315
lda #$a0;sta $d012
jmp $ea81

irq2 inc $d019
lda #<irq:sta $0314
lda #>irq:sta $0315
lda #$30:sta $d012
jmp $ea31

I've never really looked into it further as to how many cycles, if any, are saved this way but $EA81 works as long as you us $ea31 for the last interrupt :)

2006-01-11 07:40
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 17
$0314/$0315 is for gheys

Use the hardware vectors.

2006-01-11 07:45

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
@style: When you have graphics at $fffe/$ffff then the kernal vectors prove VERY potent. =) (such as in the case of an AGSP etc.)

So, it's not ONLY for ghays.
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