print"{clr}";:fori=1to27:print"PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP";:nex t:poke2023,80
10 gosub 100 20 r=rnd(0):i=-(r>c)-(r>b)-(r>a) 30 w=f0(i)*x+f1(i)*y+f4(i):y=f2(i)*x+f3(i)*y+f5(i):x=w 40 mem=b(y)+(xand504):pokemem,peek(mem)orm(x) 50 goto 20 100 rem *** Plant by Rudi - 22.06.2019 *** 102 rem *** optimised by cjam (2.4x faster) *** 105 rem *** takes approx 200 million years to compute *** 110 dimf0(3),f1(3),f2(3),f3(3),f4(3),f5(3),p(3),m(4000),b(200) 120 poke 53265,11 122 print"{clr}";:fori=1to27:print"PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP";:next:poke 2023,80 125 fori=0to3:readp(i):next:fore=0to3:readf0(e),f1(e),f2(e),f3(e),f4(e),f5(e):next 130 t=1:forx=0to7:m(7-x)=t:t=t+t:b(x)=8192+x:next 135 fory=8to199:b(y)=b(y-8)+320:next 140 forx=8to319:m(x)=m(x-8):next 155 x=14.54:y=112.5:a=p(0):b=p(1)+a:c=p(2)+b 157 poke53272,29:poke53265,59:poke53280,0 160 return 200 data 0.01, 0.85, 0.07, 0.07 : rem probabilities 210 data 0.16, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 100.00 :rem transforms 220 data 0.85, -0.05, -0.02, 0.83, 51.20, 17.00 230 data 0.22, 0.27, -0.22, 0.20, 19.78, 80.00 240 data 0.24, 0.30, 0.24, -0.15, -17.45, 115.00
x and 504
x and 248