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Forums > C64 Composing > SID-Wizard - further development
2012-07-08 16:59

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
SID-Wizard - further development


I opened this new thread to discuss upcoming ideas for SID-Wizard which I released on 7 July.
SID-Wizard V1.0 RC

As you can see the source code is entirely shared, so you might contribute to the code yourself in some way if you wish.

As a starting point I'll try to make a sketch of the whole code-structure which might help to find parts of the program.
Soci gave some ideas which I think will be described soon in this topic.

thx for your great feedbacks
2012-07-09 11:44

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
Thanks to Soci, the project is now at sourceforge and will be developed through svn.

The link to the .zip file containing the entire release:
2012-07-09 21:47

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 466
It's possible to include some kind of "pitch correction/compensation" to play a tune both in PAL and NTSC?

As discussed here:

sid timing ntsc/pal

also if speed of execution is the same, there is a pitch difference if a tune was composed on a PAL machine and play on NTSC system, and vice-versa, due to hardware difference.

So, i thought... tunes $00-$0F = composed in PAL, tune $10-$1F = same tunes but pitch-shifted for NTSC compensation.

If Sid-Wizard is PAL/NTSC compliant, there may be a flag to identify if a tune was composed on PAL or NTSC machine and the tunes from $10-$1F automagically become compensed for the other system...
2012-07-10 07:59

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
what about simply recalculating the note table before starting the tune?
2012-07-10 08:04

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
Hi. Thanx for the idea.
I think it will be easy to realize.
My idea is to have a separate prg for ntsc mode instead of including both PAL & NTSC tables in the editor/player, because the two modes won't be swithched too frequently back & forth.

There are bytes left in the SWM format's header for later expansions so it won't be a problem at all to sign in the SWM module if the tune is PAL or NTSC, and SID export will have to support this switch as well.

The tempo and hard-restart timers should be switched automatically if e.g. a PAL editor would open an NTSC tune. That would cause differences in the sounds according to my experience with Goattracker's NTSC mode. HR timers were set to 3 (which is possible in SWM instrument-data but my player should be upgraded to support it) for some sounds and even changing the tempo was not perfectly matching but could be approached well at tempos above ~5.
(NTSC framespeed is 60Hz, so e.g. PAL tempo 5 would be 6 in NTSC mode for the same speed result.)

I'll implement this feature as soon as possible...

2012-07-10 08:32

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
There are some issues I collected which are to be solved:

1. I mentioned in the comments what Ian Coog notified me:
Instrument 0 should have a pointer or better checking should be implemented in the player-code to avoid reading any pointer for instrument 0 which doesn't exist, because it can point outside the player routine and possibly could cause undefined behaviour.

2. The $FF sequence/orderloop jump/loop command's address should be verified by the player (I think it was, but I possibly left it out from the latest fixes.) At the RC release if a FF jumps to itself it causes endless loop. This is easy to fix and I still wonder how I could overlook

3. I found out that tempos are not fine-tuned, e.g. Dazzler in SIDHACK33 is slower than the original in tempo5, but faster in Tempo6.

4. The hard-restart code should be verified. I think I did it correctly in the player-code but some hard-restart setups don't seem to trigger sounds well. Maybe I don't know hard-restart values enough and that's all. We'll see...
Someone who is really familiar what HR setups work well could delight me if the HR routine is good or should be improved...

5. After the latest last-minute fixes I found out that F1/F2-key initiated song-play modes doesn't read big-effects (like tempo-change) if there's no instrument in the instrument-column of a pattern at the same row. However F3 play doesn't have this issue. This will need a little fix in the initialization routine of the player I guess.

As soon I get used to the SVN method at sourceforge I'll do all the remaining fixes (I never used svn because I always developed alone). We have to modularize the code as much as possible with assembly. Soci have ideas how 64tass can be used for a degree of modularization. As soon the fixes are in place, adding the new features can follow (with a pace that my other project, building the FPGA computer can allow)...

2012-07-11 13:49

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
I found a descussion here and there's question about HerMIDI.

I'll concentrate first on finalizing SID-Wizard 1.0 version then I finish the HerMIDI interface's development. It's working but after a little while it gives up the asynchron C64-PIC connection. As soon I can stabilize its working (what I tried at the party), I'll share its documentation asap.
You have to know HerMIDI is going to be a cheap, simple fast & dirty solution, just to be able to use a simple MIDI keyboard/controller connected to C64. It doesn't even have optocoupler because it takes the operation voltage from the MIDI device's 5V whose output should have a ground-pin (2) according to MIDI specification.
A fully compatible isolated MIDI interface could be designed to USER port where everything is given, even power (which is not present in Serial/IEC port.) I'm not sure if I'll build an USER port version in the future, but for a while the Serial port solution can be better than nothing even if it's monophonic and non-multitimbral MIDI-Omni (processes every MIDI channels). USER port connector seems to be available at Ebay however I've read its occurrence is occasional... My keyword for HerMIDI is simplicity, if one needs fully capable standard MIDI interface it must possible to acquire one...

2012-07-14 12:32

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
I made a graphic explanation how the source files in SID-Wizard 'source' directory relate to each other at this state. It may change what the source files contain but they are likely to stay in this layout for a while.

To ease development I'll make a flow-chart for the player-code in 'player.asm' soon...
2012-07-19 03:47

Registered: Jan 2007
Posts: 42
What about adding support for 1351 mice?
2012-07-19 09:04

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1650
tsm_carmine: Ahh.. That is the kind of comment that makes me happy that I never released my own music editor. Feels so good! :)
2012-07-19 14:14

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 208
Why not... last year Clarence mentioned this to me too. Maybe me or someone else will try to add mouse-support.
One thing should be solved 1st, the multiplexing of the remaining cursor sprite...
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