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Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 489 |
Hacked/modfied games - Do you have more info?
Based on the discussion about Demoni +4DGHF , which is a hack of Warhawk with modified graphics, and what Smasher wrote about these hacks and about cracks without intros being sold in Italy. I also got word that in Spain it was done in a similar way.
Maybe you know about other countries this was common?
Also scene groups sometimes modified old games to look a bit different and published them as first releases of new (because widely unknown) games. Cycles +FT is a well known axample for this.
Maybe you know about more games where this was done? |
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The Overkiller Account closed
Registered: Mar 2002 Posts: 342 |
About Demoni, Flavioweb already said my same opinion and anyway I was focused mainly on the fact it was RARE, not an hack .... Anyway, we've also The White Ninja Ninja Bros +4 [seuck] or Ninja Bros [seuck] which is an hack of Outlaws http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=10981&d=18&h=0 (one of the games sold in bundle with the original SEUCK disk) .... |
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Registered: Oct 2007 Posts: 43 |
The 1992 Image release "Marblemania" was originally written by another person and originally published in 1989. Marblemania
Original is here: http://gb64.com/game.php?id=9103&d=18&h=0 |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2367 |
Hey Mediterraneans, I need some more info about these strange bootlegs.
Is this one
Special Cars [italian]
renamed by ICS or has it been sold under that name officially?
And how about that one:
BADALM = Bedlam
made me facepalm a lot today ^^ |
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Registered: Feb 2003 Posts: 524 |
Quote:renamed by ICS or has it been sold under that name officially?
in Italy back in the 80's you could buy commodore/spectrum mags with embedded bonus tape full of games at every kiosk. those games were mostly cracked games with removed intros and italian translation. so to answer your question: it was very probably "sold" that way, not in a computer shop with proper cover and box.
///Ze Mediterranean |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2367 |
buying hot warez at a kiosk... unthinkable in 1980s Germany where copy criminal kids lived in fear of being tracked down by police or company lawyers :) |
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Registered: Apr 2003 Posts: 33 |
I remember a wheelchair race game which was infact a modified Pitstop 2, something similar to http://csdb.dk/release/?id=108678. But I can't remembery anymore if it was for made for getting a firstie or just for fun. |
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Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 466 |
Italian "Kiosk tapes" =)
http://specialprogramsipe.altervista.org/default.php |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2367 |
What I really wonder is why the Italians borked the game titles so frequently, BADALM (facepalm) might be a typo but why re-baptizing Night Racer to Special Cars? Did they think, renaming it would make it less obvious/less copyright-criminal? |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 3007 |
Quoting TheRykless obvious/less copyright-criminal? The fun part is that it was, in fact, technically legal for a long while. And technical legality is the best kind of legal. Similar in the Netherlands, and some other countries, iirc, where related loopholes persisted. |
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Registered: Feb 2003 Posts: 524 |
ZeRyk: correct. you could take "Microprose Soccer", rename it as "Roberto Baggio soccer" and you could sell that game and make money. there was no laws that said the practice was legal or illegal, and if there really was a laws about that nobody really cared. even F4CG had a shop in the early days.
Also many games were not complete, especially multiload ones: you could find and play the first level only on that tape.
aaaww, someone should really bring back the 80s, when Italy was world champion while today we don't even go to Russia... :) |
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