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Registered: Jul 2024 Posts: 13 |
Hi there. It's my first post here, so lemme introduce myself. I'm angelo, or æn.d͡ʒə.loʊ, or unj, a founder of KSKPD, the group behind polish unesco application.
I'm in process of researching some early-computing stuff, including an idea planted by @Krill and @bitfat, that the default narrative of "In the beginning it was a cracker scene, that developed into demoscene later because $REASONS" might be worth challenging.
I might be asking in various sub-forums questions around data on this site, but while I used to be a part of demoscene as a coder (1995+), I also owned PC exclusively since my first computer in like 1990. I skipped 8bit phase completely, so please bare with me, if the questions sound obvious or straight-up outrageously naive :) |
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Registered: Mar 2021 Posts: 285 |
I thought exactly that. Copy protection did not come to be because copyright law was well established and firmly enforced, but for exactly the opposite reason. |
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Registered: Apr 2012 Posts: 251 |
I feel like i should write an article about this, if only i wasnt allergic to academia, it seems i have made my research, but was too lazy to write dat shit down.
Next to the Ocean/Imagine story video by the BBC there are two more very important documentaries from 84/85, one is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZFonUaAkNg (Computerfieber)
which shows the reflection of computer activities in the german bourgeoisie - funny that GROEPAZ is mentioned there, but he insists the name similarity is purely coincidal (i would, too) and the other one is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_NElnJKafI (Wild in den Straßen - St. Pauli Champs)
-- this one has little to zero computer relevance, but shows, how the U.S. Street-Gang mentality bled over to Germany and made youth groups form prominently named gangs.
Just in case you wonder where all that "group" and "naming" spirit of the 80s cracers(Sic) came from.
Ofcourse, there may have been one or two and a half art students in Marburg and Bielefeld with a cat, who thought like "oh this is omazing, i am going to write a demonstration program to show my skills", but: for which audience? Home-computers were a teenage thing. (Proof: Advertisements for video games)
I remember being a nerd in 1987 and nobody liked nerds, because the term nerd wasn't a thing and thus i just was a computer-idiot. x-marked for bullying.
Surely, you have art from professional artists who even used computers, but that was a non hobbyist thing. Imho, the demoscene was invented by the media in late 1980s, because they were talking to "cracer scene" people who could deliver them interesting content for their magazine disks. See 64er Sprite Multiplexer Competition 64'er was a very influential, well selling Magazine that focused on things C64 and they had a coverdisk. It is my personal opinion, that this was the moment, when the demoscene came into existence, when Cracer groups formed "legal" sections that only produced legal content to be published and picked up (for money) by magazines. Because magazines could not sell warez. And that way, the whole crime-gang thing slowly turned. (Please credit me as Sebastian I. Hartmann, big thx)
Think about this:
1.) Among todays teenagers, do you see any _notable_ mobile-phone demomaking efforts with mainstream attention? Why not?
2.) Is Tiktok perhaps an alternative demomaking platform? What are they demonstrating? |
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Registered: Sep 2002 Posts: 695 |
Piracy started the minute someone released software... in the 70's, people were pirating things for every single computer system. It didn't start with C64, nor did "branding", or as I said bragging rights. They were pirating arcade games too, from pong onwards. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 2990 |
Quoting wsthe problem of copying existed from very early on. copyprotections did not come up because of copyright law. it was because of the copying. Quoting 4gentECopy protection did not come to be because copyright law was well established and firmly enforced, but for exactly the opposite reason. I didn't say that copyright and copy protections had any relation.
The point was that the early scene copied and spread anything they could, well before widespread copy protections or enforced legal restrictions were in place. And that perfectly-legal-to-copy stuff was spread, too. |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 4743 |
Quote: Correction: you're not correcting what I've said, just adding to it.
Yes, and no. "Accept it" implies a stop and passive acceptance. I added upon that so that there is no stop, thus correcting it. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5098 |
Quote: Yes, and no. "Accept it" implies a stop and passive acceptance. I added upon that so that there is no stop, thus correcting it.
there was nothing wrong with I have written, thus there was nothing to correct. Acceptance of proofs only doesnt means that the further intricacies of the scirentific method are invalid / non existing. |
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Registered: Mar 2021 Posts: 285 |
Quote:"The demoscene", as a separate entity distinguishable from the "cracking scene", did not emerge before the mid-1980s, which doesn't seem to be contested by anyone.
Here's the (seemingly, I guess) agreed upon thesis.
Quote:Imho, the demoscene was invented by the media in late 1980s, because they were talking to "cracer scene" people who could deliver them interesting content for their magazine disks. See 64er Sprite Multiplexer Competition 64'er was a very influential, well selling Magazine that focused on things C64 and they had a coverdisk. It is my personal opinion, that this was the moment, when the demoscene came into existence, when Cracer groups formed "legal" sections that only produced legal content to be published and picked up (for money) by magazines. Because magazines could not sell warez. And that way, the whole crime-gang thing slowly turned.
And here is a perfectly valid explanation imho.
If this holds then "demoscene emanated from crackerscene" sounds like just about the right way to explain the roots to outsiders without too much philosophy. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 2990 |
I find it very unlikely that a German-language print magazine (or media in general) "invented" the demoscene.
And my point is still that the moment a separate "cracker scene" was born (even if only as handy catchword) was the moment a separate "demoscene" was born, and vice-versa.
Both "emanated" from a common ancestor which had had a "legal section" all along.
Siblings, not parent and child. |
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Registered: Mar 2021 Posts: 285 |
Quote:And my point is still that the moment a separate "cracker scene" was born (even if only as handy catchword) was the moment a separate "demoscene" was born, and vice-versa.
Both "emanated" from a common ancestor which had had a "legal section" all along.
Siblings, not parent and child.
While I see how to a certain point this "fervour" question can apply to myself also, may I ask: Where does this fervour you seem to harbour come from? Why are you so adamant to prove the mainstream "creation myth" wrong? Let's put aside the fact that I think that you are wrong. I know I repeat myself, but I'll say it again: I don't think it's doable. Replacement of the creation myth that is. Why stir the pot for no constructive reason? |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 2990 |
Quoting 4gentEWhile I see how to a certain point this "fervour" question can apply to myself also, may I ask:
Where does this fervour you seem to harbour come from? [...] Why stir the pot for no constructive reason? You seem to have answered your own question there. |
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