What I was referring to is the way of instrument design and handling notes. The SID is basically a substractive synthesizer. On a VST or hardware synth you have the knobs and faders to define the sound. In most of the cases there's also visual indication of parameters and waveforms, so you always know what you modify.
On a C64 with numeric editors it's completely different. Yes, it's a substractive synthesizer but without obvious feedback.
Would composers create better songs with better UI's? Does it worth the effort to make a completely new music editor interface just because of a couple of composers would be happier? Would more people try to make music on the C64 with visually more satisfying editors? Would it be good for the scene or it would be flooded with crap tunes?
Remember MSSIAH with its piano roll and mouse control? Did anyone do something for the Real C64 scene with it?
@Karmic: Any chance to expand compo about a week or so? My new routine is almost done and I'm kinda desperate to finish it :D Or maybe at least till tomorrow/Sunday?
I'll give another week. Entries are now due at the end of May 14, CET.
A lot of great very small tunes waiting to be used in the upcoming 4k or lower compos. ;-)