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Forums > C64 Pixeling > New PC paintprogram for c64
2005-10-17 22:18

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
New PC paintprogram for c64

Some of you might already know this, but i've been working on a paintprogram of my own for some time now.

It's based on Paint.Net (http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/ (check it out, it's great (and free!))), so it has layer functionality, effects, all default tools, antialiasing, unlimited history and more fancy stuff you'll only find in that program and photoshop but my adaptation also has filters to convert to c64 formats (FLI, koala and single color bitmap but also the option to convert to sprites and more).
On top of that you can paint and draw in single and multicolour mode with all 16 c64 colours and a transparent colour.

Here's a screenshot of what it currently looks like and shows some of the features:


It currently doesn't export anything, because i'm not quite sure how to implement that yet, so any suggestions are welcome :)

For the moment i'd like to get some feedback and in about a month (I have to put together a document first on how to use it) I'll be putting out a first alpha version which people can test (this requires windows 2000/server 2003/XP and the .Net framework 1.1)


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2006-03-17 19:24

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Quote: might have more luck with mono than wine :)

I have my doubts when it comes to compiling dotnet 2.0 sources with Mono, it might work though..

I tried downloading the source of Paint.net, but for some reason they keep it on a single server which quickly drops its speed to about 0.4kB/s and stalls after a while :(

Then I tried installing the DotNet framework 2.0.whatever under Wine, but that failed too (directories got created, but no files). However, I've yet to read a report of someone actually getting dot.net (2.0) to run under Wine, so it's not just me :)

Maybe I'm better off creating some plugins for the Gimp, they seem to be quite simple to implement.

2006-03-18 01:52
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Registered: Apr 2005
Posts: 247
Quote: Coooooooool!

Why can't I find any DOWNLOAD-Link for this magic tool?

It WAS up there... bummer that Mirage pulled it. From what I have seen, it is a FANTASTIC tool. I am more or less just "playing" with it now and not doing anything serious with it yet, though.

Perhaps Mirage doesn't think it is quite "ready for prime time", but from what I have seen, I am amazed.

2006-03-18 19:35

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 907

I just tested Timanthes, and what can I say? even dumbass coders can get something decent out of it ;D

2006-03-19 05:55

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5109
putting aside my envyness, I must confess: this is THE tool for drawing pics on pc. I'm really curious how the dithering works in the converter, never ever seen it done so awesomely perfect. (check WVL's convert)

Mirage, you should release this, instead of teasing us :)
2006-03-19 15:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 145
@WVL: You're great! Please do a gfx-collection with your state-of-the-art-never-out-of-fashion-porn... :)
And Mirage: Please release it for more beta-testers... :)
2006-03-19 16:29
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Registered: May 2005
Posts: 1332
Yes, I wanna be a BETA-TESTER! :-O
2006-03-19 22:48

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
believe me, you don't want to be a beta tester... the program is too complex as it is now... unless a majority of beta testers say it's ready for the public i won't release it yet... sorry :(

Hein, Sander, Krill, Scout, WVL, (Deev?), hollowman... ready for public release?
2006-03-20 08:40

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 907
Quote: believe me, you don't want to be a beta tester... the program is too complex as it is now... unless a majority of beta testers say it's ready for the public i won't release it yet... sorry :(

Hein, Sander, Krill, Scout, WVL, (Deev?), hollowman... ready for public release?

I'd wait until you got rid of that GDI bug at least :) The rest of the things do not seem really troublesome to me :D
2006-03-20 11:23

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 498
Quote: believe me, you don't want to be a beta tester... the program is too complex as it is now... unless a majority of beta testers say it's ready for the public i won't release it yet... sorry :(

Hein, Sander, Krill, Scout, WVL, (Deev?), hollowman... ready for public release?

I havent even installed it yet ;)
2006-04-07 09:36
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Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 1
first THANKS for this SUPERB program.

The only problem I found is the way to load the PRG into the C64 and show my image.

I followed the (great) tutorial to build an indexed image with c64 plaette limitations, I export it as a prg, but when I load it in any emulator I can't see it correctly.

Could you be so kind to post the right instructions to load and show the image on a 64?
Thanks again.
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