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Forums > C64 Coding > cleaning up between demoparts
2005-08-06 15:58
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Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 70
cleaning up between demoparts

One of favorite projects (or maybe not) -- I am currently trying to integrate some code made by others (basically, I am planning to do a release of some unreleased demo parts)

Problem is, one of the demo parts seems to be assuming a helluva lot of the c64. If I link the parts together, and do a soft reset I can start the last part with no problems.
But, if I have run some other demo part first, this part will just freeze up.

But, since I dont want anyone to have to use soft reset inside a demo, I want to clean up so that the final part works fine. Currently I am using the following calls:
	jsr $ff5b		; Initialize screen editor
	jsr $fda3		; Initialise I/O
	jsr $fd15		; Restore Kernal Vectors
	lda #$00
	ldx #$00
        sta $d800,x
	cpx #$28
	bne cleanme

Anything else that I can do? I am trying to avoid my worst case scenarios (which are releasing each part as they are as standalone applications, or rewriting most of the code that I didnt do; none af them are very appealing to me)

2005-08-06 16:39
Monte Carlos

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 355
First check, which $01 value is assumed by the foreign (F) part.
Than make sure, that the init routine of F doesnt disturb the
irq of the part before, else write an intermediate irq routine.
Some codes initialize the irq and clear $d019 directly. Thats wrong, because while initiating, an irq request may occure.
This one is waited to be fulfilled, until the next cli.
If you start such a part, if there is tricky raster timing in it, it works sometimes and sometimes not, dependent on the framepos when the part is started.
Make sure, that the cli after initialisation of this part is executed always at the same time relative to the first irq.
Or place the lsr $d019 directly before the cli.
If the part disables nmi by $dc0d make sure, it does an bit $dc0d additionally, because else exacly one nmi may be executed after.
2005-08-06 17:26

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
By the end of my 'active' coding career (circa 1994) I had it all figured out, knew exactly what to set and which routines to call to clean the system. The demos I released later on were oneparters, so there was no problem at all.

Last year WVL/Xenon, Jayce/Focus & me were working on the WWE demo 'Primal Scar', which is a one-filer with three parts, thus there was a need for a clean exit.

We failed. For some reason 3 of the last few remaining Dutch coders, including one who's amongst the absolute best in the world, couldn't get the job done. Hence we competed with a 'preview' version, and Jayce had to spend some extra time at home, linking it all together.

We suck. What's your excuse? ;)
2005-08-06 17:33
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
This might help.
I had the same problem sometimes..

Before starting everything..

Hope it´s any good..
2005-08-06 23:47

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 50
Quote: This might help.
I had the same problem sometimes..

Before starting everything..

Hope it´s any good..

If I'm correct those are the same as jsr $ff5b, jsr $fda3 & jsr $fd15 ... only they are direct.
2005-08-07 07:31
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
Quote: If I'm correct those are the same as jsr $ff5b, jsr $fda3 & jsr $fd15 ... only they are direct.

Haha,you are absolutely right. 8)
Stupid me...
2005-08-07 14:13

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 206
are you cleaning also screen and colours ? you can turn off the screen ($d011) or just use kernal routines.
2005-08-07 15:27
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Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 12
remember the Kernel-Bug in $fd15 !!!

FD15 A2 30 LDX #$30 ; low FD30
FD17 A0 FD LDY #$FD ; high FD30
FD19 18 CLC
FD1A 86 C3 STX $C3
FD1C 84 C4 STY $C4
FD1E A0 1F LDY #$1F
FD20 B9 14 03 LDA $0314,Y
FD23 B0 02 BCS $FD27
FD25 B1 C3 LDA ($C3),Y
FD27 91 C3 STA ($C3),Y ; this writes into RAM, which
; can kill placed Data !!!
FD29 99 14 03 STA $0314,Y
FD2D 10 F1 BPL $FD20
2005-08-07 17:47

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
when will all pc headed dude finally learn that:

kernel != kernal

anyways, the code clears the C bit, and I dont see instruction that changes C until the bcs takes place.

2005-08-07 19:22
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Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 12
till it could have been a spelling mistake??
i might be wrong, but kernal is the name of the c64 kernel, coz i learnt in former days, that in computer engineering, the kernel is the core of an operating system, or am i wrong?

btw: this routine is 100% writing into the ram under the rom. regardless if c is set or not.
2005-08-07 20:42

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 117
Hm i tried it to be honest...

I filled area from f000 to ffff with 0 and then with ff
and after switching of the rom there is only ff...

2005-08-07 21:08
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Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 12
@honesty: do you have a non-moded rom? means, the posted routine is the same, as in your rom? coz if so, u must have the io-vectors in your ram, located from $fd30 to $fd50.
2005-08-07 21:16

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076

the rom at e000-ffff is called KERNAL. The name "kernal" has nothing to do with "kernel" it just sounds similar. Kernal can be looked at as the WHOLE OS of the c64.(or show me the core of the OS where it is ?) Then we got the basic rom at a000-c000.

"btw: this routine is 100% writing into the ram under the rom. regardless if c is set or not."

thats sure, but if C is not set then then it wont alter the information stored in the ram (lda (c3),y sta (c3),y). if c is set it will.
2005-08-07 21:52
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Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 12

hmm... ok, but it seems, that i differ with you by the meaning of core-routines (:

back to the real problem:
i thought of using the routine by its jump-vector, as Tch posted. so there wouldn't be any requierment in thinking, if the io-vectors are set or not.
this routine just reminds me, when i used it years ago, i had this ram-writing problem and nearly got a headache, till i found this lousy bug. ^^
2005-08-08 00:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 466
If I have a really troubling piece of code I hand reset any needed vectors, fix the stack pointer, fix both CIAs and VIC II so the proper interrupts happen then test.
2005-08-08 05:06
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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 4
Just cheat....

Set the cartridge auto start at $8000 and then do a soft reset :D
2005-08-08 09:54
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990

You're wrong, the LDA ($C3),Y STA ($C3),Y will read from ROM and write to RAM.
2005-08-08 16:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
H.O: If you have access to the source code of the parts that won't work you could insert some "logging" to find out where it fails, e.g. by setting a byte somewhere in the memory to some different values at some different places in the code, and then look at which value it has when it crashes.
2005-08-08 18:01

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
graham: damn, I was blind :-/
2005-08-12 19:58

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1762
How about the code below?
I pasted this together from my implemention in the Over5 code, so I haven't tested it and may have forgotten a line or two, but it should mostly work.
It will give you a fairly good idea of what gets initialized during startup.

; Do complete reset, load basic program, and then do RUN.
        ldx     #$ff
        jsr     $fda3   ;Init interrupts /d418=0

;*** $fd50 Init Memory Subst (to avoid the annoyingly slow memory test, and avoid trashing one byte at $a000) ***
        lda     #0
        sta     $0002,y
        sta     $0200,y
        sta     $0300,y
        bne     lp1

        ldx     #$03
        lda     #$3c
        sta     $b2
        stx     $b3

        ldx     #$00
        ldy     #$a0
        jsr     $fd8c   ;Set MemBounds
;*** end $fd50 subst

;*** $fd15 Init Vectors subst (to avoid trashing of memory at $fd30) ***
        ldy     #$1f
        lda     $fd30,y
        sta     $0314,y
        bpl     lp2
;*** end $fd15 subst
        jsr     $ff5b   ;Init video

;*** Init Basic! ***
        jsr     $e453   ;Init basicvectors
        jsr     $e3bf   ;Init basic zp + other stuff

; <---- HERE is probably enough initialization for most programs!

;* Set stack for basic *
        ldx     #$fb

;* Init I/O for basic
        jsr     $ffcc   ;CLRCH
        lda     #0
        sta     $13     ;Keyb input
        jsr     $ff90   ;Program mode

;* do "LOAD"
;* setup end address in $2d/$2e
        lda     #<end_of_prg
        ldx     #>end_of_prg
        sta     $2d
        stx     $2e
        jsr     $a68e   ;set pointers to program start
        jsr     $a533   ;relink basic program in memory

;* do "RUN"
        jsr     $a659   ;do run.
        jmp     $a7b1   ;Basic mainloop...
2005-08-14 09:21

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
Good stuff, especially for us xfer system coders!
2011-07-12 22:42

Registered: May 2009
Posts: 24
if I want to init only the screen editor leaving unchanged VIC registers, could I use JSR $E51B instead of JSR $FF5B os there are contraindications (e.g. Kernal modified or so...)?
THX. ;-)
2011-07-13 05:42

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
how about copying the kernal routine to the ram below, and patching the vic reg writings ?
2011-07-13 17:52

Registered: May 2009
Posts: 24
If I call $FF5B, and this address then will call $E518.
The first subroutine which get called at the address $E518 is the one that starts at $E5A0 and it's the one that sets the values of the VIC, but I want to bypass it.
So the idea is to do a direct call to the routine that stars right after $E51B.
But I've a doubt about the compatibility.
I don't that if I call directly the routine at $E51B could create problems in case of modified kernals (ie: speed dos or similiar, which I assume using a kernal ROM modified, so it could possible a system crash, in this case).
Or not?
2011-07-13 18:00

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
it may be incompatible, but a stock rommed c64 is considered and used as the standard anyway, so I dont see it as a show stopper.
2011-07-13 20:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
from my experience, you almost always want to implement your own version of the reset routine. especially from a demo point of view the kernal routines suck hard.

(wtf, i read "cleaning up between demoparties" ... /o\)
2011-07-14 14:31
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Cleaning up after a demoparty must be a worse job than jizzmopper in a stripjoint :-)
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