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Forums > C64 Coding > How to correctly use KERNAL routines from a cartridge?
2013-03-22 21:45

Registered: Jul 2010
Posts: 24
How to correctly use KERNAL routines from a cartridge?

Hi there,

The last couple of days I've been struggling heavily to get the Kernal SCNKEY routine to work correctly when called from a cartridge build. I think I maybe missed something crucial in the memory init or something, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Perhaps somebody here can help me.

My cartridge starts with:
		.word launcher
		.word launcher
		.byte $c3 ;c
		.byte $c2 ;b
		.byte $cd ;m
		.byte $38 ;8
		.byte $30 ;0

launcher	sei
		ldx #$ff
		jsr $ff84	;init I/O
		ldx #$17
		lda #$00
lp1		sta $d400,x	;clear SID registers
		bpl lp1
		tay		;(A still contains zero)
lp2		sta $0002,y
		sta $0200,y
		sta $0300,y	;clear a bunch of low-memory locations
		bne lp2
		ldy #$a0
		jsr $fd8c	;init system constants (without the ram-test)
		jsr $ff8a	;restore kernal vectors
		jsr $ff81	;init screen editor
		ldx #$fb

Then I copy all my code to RAM, disable the cartridge, and start my game from RAM. The above is enough to get my game running. However, when I try to access the kernal with the following part, it does not register any keys pressed:
		lda #%00110110                  ;enable kernal
                sta $01
		jsr SCNKEY			;read keyboard
		lda #%00110101                  ;disable kernal
                sta $01

It should put the current key pressed in $0277, but there is nothing there. When starting the SAME build from the prompt, i.e. without copying first from cartridge it works correctly!
I already checked that all relevant ZP and $02XX adresses are set correctly. So I'm kind of lost here, maybe someone has some ideas?


2013-03-23 11:15

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2997
Your code works here, i only added a copy-to-ram loop, a cli before the jsr SCNKEY, an sei after it, and a jmp back to the kernal enable.
Pressing a few keys will fill the keyboard buffer at $0277 just fine.

I suspect the error to be somewhere in the game code.
So maybe your game changes things to the worse only when run from cartridge.

Can you provide a minimal non-working cartridge image?
2013-03-23 11:37

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 246
At the end of the source you change zeropage $01 to 35. That turns off basic+kernal rom and will trigger the irq vector at $fffe/$ffff. And if that vector has not been properly set up you should get a break crash or a jam.

[edit] Krill's suggestion works, but by setting up the $fffe vector you dont have to use sei and cli when changing $01.
2013-03-23 11:55

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2997
I suspect the game is already in a state advanced enough to tell a crash from a non-working subroutine. :)
2013-03-23 15:42

Registered: Jul 2010
Posts: 24
Thanks for the suggestions. After commenting out some routines I found the problem.
After the above memory-setup routine and before copying the game to RAM I had also included a logo with a colorram fill routine. I didn't nicely end filling the collorram at $dbff, but I went some bytes beyond it, probably corrupting some CIA adresses. Now the game itself does not use any CIA stuff, except for the keyboard read part!
Somehow I always end up with these bugs were one routine corrupts another routine which is not used untill much later, so that I never suspect that they are correlated :(

Anyway, back to coding again.

Thanks again!
2013-03-24 08:08

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2021
Quote: Thanks for the suggestions. After commenting out some routines I found the problem.
After the above memory-setup routine and before copying the game to RAM I had also included a logo with a colorram fill routine. I didn't nicely end filling the collorram at $dbff, but I went some bytes beyond it, probably corrupting some CIA adresses. Now the game itself does not use any CIA stuff, except for the keyboard read part!
Somehow I always end up with these bugs were one routine corrupts another routine which is not used untill much later, so that I never suspect that they are correlated :(

Anyway, back to coding again.

Thanks again!

That's life without an MMU and an OS that creates non-writable executable pages for you... :) Otoh you get the powah' of self modifying code! :D
2013-03-24 10:13

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1793
Quoting JackAsser
That's life without an MMU and an OS that creates non-writable executable pages for you... :) Otoh you get the powah' of self modifying code! :D

An MMU isn't really guaranteed to save you at the hardware register level though. If you're lucky you could guard different pieces of hardware from each other but it's not going to be funny to switch contexts inside timed 6502 code. ;)
2013-03-24 12:50
Pex Mahoney Tufvesson

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 53
MMU destroys most of the fun there is in hacking. I'm thinking of making a return-oriented programming demo contest on the c64 aka "iOS jailbreak demo compo" - something for Gubbdata 2013, maybe? :-D

1. You're not allowed to execute any assembly code or BASIC program from RAM. (read: execution prevention bit).
2. You're not allowed to modify any RAM address from your code (read: MMU + sandbox) - except the stack & HW/OS registers.
3. You must find a kernel bug that allows you to run a "demo" anyway.
4. Jailbreak may be initiated with LOAD "demo",8,1 - nothing else.

Yes, it can be done. The title of this discussion thread is a hint for you.

Have a noise night!
2013-03-24 15:13

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1793
Quoting Pex Mahoney Tufvesson
1. You're not allowed to execute any assembly code or BASIC program from RAM. (read: execution prevention bit).
2. You're not allowed to modify any RAM address from your code (read: MMU + sandbox) - except the stack & HW/OS registers.
3. You must find a kernel bug that allows you to run a "demo" anyway.
4. Jailbreak may be initiated with LOAD "demo",8,1 - nothing else.

So what you are saying is execution must be done by letting some rom code (e.g kernal) be an unintentional interpreter, but specifically disallowing the built in basic functionality? In addition it may only write ram in the area $0000-$0333? (minus $02a7-$02ff?) + I/O regs.

I guess it should be possible but the rules need to be much more strictly defined for a compo to make sense.
2013-04-01 08:51
Pex Mahoney Tufvesson

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 53
Sure, these rules are not strict enough - you're right, tlr.

By overwriting the return address from the loader in the stack, you can "jump" to any place in basic/kernal. And when that piece of code is done, you better have another "RTS" or "RTI" address ready for what piece of ROM code to execute.

I've almost completed a "set the border colour to black" routine this way. Printing something to the screen is probably easier that writing to D000-registers, though.

$01ed-$01f7 are overwritten/trashed by the disk loader.
$01f8 and $01f9 contains the return address when loading is done. Direct this to your kernel rom code of choice.
$01fa and $01fb will be the next RTS address, if the code you jumped to does RTS at the end.

Fortunately, the stack wraps when it is empty, so there an astonishing 200 bytes left for return addresses! :-D
Have a noise night!
2013-04-01 11:20

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1793
You can do an "IFFL" slideshow by loading $cc00-$ffff, then wrapping to $0000 upto $ae/$af where you overwrite your pointer to go back to $cbb0... et voila.

1. load screen ram at $cc00 to $cfe8
2. setup $d000 regs for bitmap display
2.5 optionally setup wrooam sound as you pass $d400.
3. load $d800 color ram.
4. load $dd00 to set vbank.
5. load $e000-$ff40 bitmap
6. wrap to overwrite $ae/$af -> $cbb0
7. go to 1.

Of course you need to pay attention not to destructively change the value of any I/O registers you pass.

It would even allow to set up a few sprites according on what combination you can make the IEC loader tolerate.

Pretty slow though. :)

EDIT: couldn't resist it, there: Nocode-slide ;)
2013-04-01 20:27
Pex Mahoney Tufvesson

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 53
Your slideshow is awesome, simply awesome! Congratulations on a world's first in 2013! This is one for the history books! :-D

Have a noise night!
2013-04-01 20:31

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1793
Hehe, thanks! :)
I'm sure something more radical could be done with similar techniques.
2013-04-01 20:32

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2381
So much new amazing things still happening in the world of c64 coding it's insane!
2013-04-02 08:05

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 425
Awesome idea!
2013-04-02 17:36

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1793
@mahoney: Perhaps you should try to define your original rules a bit more stringenly?
It would be fun to try to do something more flexible. :)

Your original rules aren't too bad as is actually. Executing BASIC code is actually implicitly disallowed via the code execution restriction because it relies on executing CHRGET/CHRGOT at $0073 in zp.

The main thing that is unclear is what piece of RAM you may modify.
You could say $0000-$0400 but that is a bit harsh restriction on e.g screen mem.
You could say that ROM, e.g $ffd2, may modify RAM outside $0000-$0400 but that is kind of pointless because all code executed is ROM code.

How about allowing read/write to all RAM?

If the $0000-$0400 RAM write restriction is to be kept, can the initial LOAD still load any amount of RAM?
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