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Forums > C64 Coding > rr.c64.org relaunch
2010-09-18 02:20
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
rr.c64.org relaunch

http://rr.c64.org relaunched and @H:Replay Resources,2010

Now featuring:

- About all freezers from Action Replay to Super Snapshot
- Special focus on "Replay based" platforms
- Kernal ROMs and Speeders (Speed DOS, JiffyDOS and quite a few more)
- Cartridge based speeders
- Related hardware ranging from REU and Expansion port expanders to Parallel and Nullmodem cables
- ROMs and Software to about anything - properly sorted.
- Galleries


- POKES to games!

This thread will be linked up on the main page so you may start commenting, ranting and submit material either here or via PM/Email.

... 7 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts....
2010-09-21 21:21
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
Place your wishes. :)

Tbh - there is not much more to cover than the stuff which is at least already outlined. We are not planning to extend the wiki in a particular direction much stronger. There will be much completion work on the existing topics, hopefully additions whenever something curious and related pops up and possibly a few smaller surprises somewhen later.

So, apart from filling the many remaining gaps and improving the overall quality there will only be two more minor topics get covered. I can't really imagine much more related material either so you are free to add ideas or better yet software. :)

2010-10-25 21:00
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
A smaller site update includes some findings from X2010 (AR MK3, FC1 and such) as well as some other recent contributions. All remaining dumps will be posted here soon. We are close to having them sorted and working out.
2011-06-06 22:58

Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 1
I have scanned a german AR6 manual in a better quality than that on the site: http://bj.spline.de/AR6_Manual_german.pdf
2011-06-06 23:37
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
It is at http://rr.c64.org/wiki/File:Action_Replay_MK6_german_Manual_V2... as well. Thx for it again.

It is not on the archives yet as we are still sorting out a related Disk Mate ROM which I'd like to add as well then.
2021-07-26 19:20

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 156

Is the source for Retro Replay available? The RR has some clear advantages over Action Replay, but I stick to the old ROM as I still like the sprite viewer and the pokefinder - neither option is in RR for some reason.

I am not saying I would implement it, but I would for sure have it as a backburner on my ToDo list. A version that supports both NTSC and PAL would also be handy...

2021-07-26 19:43
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
The source is not available.

While I am sure you can easily enter the required H strings o the monitor yourself, the Pokefinder is and always was on the ROM. It even got extended in the very beginning and was never touched again then.

A new version will likely be released somewhen soon though it will NOT be PAL/NTSC but you'll have to choose the right ROM version. (This may change on future v4 series when Transwarp is added as the ultimate universal "beast" replacing the trackloader hehe )

New version will support newage toys like SD2IEC, JiffyDOS equipped drives and more. Current changelog can be seen at:

A special hacker version is also in the works:

Last not least work on a more generic config tool is in progress at:

2021-08-01 13:58

Registered: Sep 2002
Posts: 697
I should finish recoding the monitor one of these days... got so bored of C64.
2021-08-01 14:05
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
No worries - surely Danzig will recover the Editor sources soon to put some pressure on you :)
2021-08-01 14:27

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1793
Quoting Count Zero
A new version will likely be released somewhen soon though it will NOT be PAL/NTSC but you'll have to choose the right ROM version. (This may change on future v4 series when Transwarp is added as the ultimate universal "beast" replacing the trackloader hehe )

New version will support newage toys like SD2IEC, JiffyDOS equipped drives and more. Current changelog can be seen at:

Cool that you are working on new stuff here!

Have planned native JiffyDOS protocol support for superfluid too but you beat me to it. :)
2025-02-01 12:29

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 34
Any news?

Quoting Count Zero
A new version will likely be released somewhen soon though it will NOT be PAL/NTSC but you'll have to choose the right ROM version. (This may change on future v4 series when Transwarp is added as the ultimate universal "beast" replacing the trackloader hehe )

New version will support newage toys like SD2IEC, JiffyDOS equipped drives and more. Current changelog can be seen at:
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