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Forums > CSDb Entries > Handle id #9897 : dmd
2017-09-06 09:17
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
Handle id #9897 : dmd

The full handle was Diamond Design but he changed to dmd in 2014. Perfectly OK, but it's not OK to rename the entry. Old handle entry created, I'm trying to restore older productions under the old handle now.
Edit: I've set the separation line at 30 November 2013, when he joined ATL, of course first hand information would be better.
2017-09-06 14:43
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 8
According to your logic the entry The Clue must be assigned to http://csdb.dk/scener/?id=30129, because that logo was drawn by Diamond Design and NOT by dmd.
2017-09-06 15:21

Registered: Dec 2007
Posts: 864
So Diamond Design was the handle that got dmd as short form

dmd (not the same as the previous short form) can also be expressed as DMD

Is this right?
2017-09-06 15:27
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 8
dmd = true;
DMD = false;

@Ian Coog:
And to be more precise, you have to assign all logos marked with a diamond (see AFL+HF Intro 02 as an example) to Diamond Design.
2017-09-06 18:22
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
That's up to you to decide, I tried to restore a bad situation that you created. And for me it's more correct now than it was before. To me the whole change was not really needed at all as dmd is already the short form of Diamond Design.
2017-09-06 19:56
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 8
of course first hand information would be better.

So you even stated that you have had no real clue about what you were doing. Well done!

That's up to you to decide

No, that's not true. I didn't split those entries. That was your decision. If you want to have multiple entries make sure the information is correctly splitted otherwise merge the entries again.

To me the whole change was not really needed

Restore the old data and everything is fine again.
2017-09-06 20:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
the original intend and the consequences are quite correct - when someone changes his handle the old one should NOT get renamed.
2017-09-06 20:38

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2320
how about solving that with "Handle alternative spelling"?
2017-09-06 21:59
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
@dmd: sorry but YOU are the one not having a clue how this database should be handled.
@theryk: There was already aka field and handleshort but he changed his entry deleting them, all is logged, and today he went forward deleting other fields.
I suggest mods to restore order and lock the entry for good.
I'm done fucking around with other's fault at doing things right.
2017-09-07 14:52
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 8
ATL = Atlantis and Atlantis = ATL. 1 entry.
FLT = Fairlight and Fairlight = FLT. 1 entry.
GP = Genesis Project and Genesis Project = GP. 1 entry.

dmd = Diamond Design and Diamond Design = dmd. 2 entries.
Makes perfect sense. And thanks a lot for locking my information. It shows what kind of person you are.
2017-09-07 19:24
Doc Strange

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 101
What TheRyk said.
2017-09-07 19:51

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 523
what Dr.Strange said :)
topic was ok till post 2 or 3, then escalated quickly. I hope the best solution can be found soon. Compared to global warming, isis attacks, Kim Jong-un's bombs, etc is a rather small problem, so no need for blood ok?
2017-09-07 20:45

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Alternate spellings of handles should only be used if they are actually alternate spellings, like me using "cpx" to sign logos as a short form of "Compyx".

One could argue 'dmd' is a short form of 'Diamond Design', but that doesn't seem be the case.

Pro tip: don't change your handle, I've lived with mine since I came up with it as a 14-year old lamer :)
2017-09-07 21:08

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 523
Compyx is a cool handle. Figure my kids are laughing at me since the day I revealed them what's daddy's secret identity :)
indeed, it's too late to change the nick now. I chose "The Smasher" in very early 80s while playing with a vic20 or a videopac. "Ze" was added much later, copied from GP's best cracker: there's an intro around where you can read "cracked by ze goblin". It's simply short for "the", so stop asking if I'm a brasilian soccer player! :)
2017-09-07 21:28

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
My handle is simply 'comp' of computer and 'YX' added because in the 80's handles with X,Y and/or Z where cool.

Still helps with registering on websites, Compyx is never taken as a username, and if it is, I forgot I already registered :)
2017-09-09 09:48

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4747
If dmd is short for Diamond Design, there should be one entry: Diamond Design, with the shortform dmd. I don't see the problem here.
2017-09-09 09:59

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2621
I agree with hedning. The point is, I think dmd wanted to show that nowadays, he does not use the full form of the handle anymore, but just the short; there have been instances of that in the past as well, Rubberduck comes to mind. And there are cases where the short form is the main handle, and the full spelling is only in the alternate spelling field, because it was rarely used in its full form. But of course that is not the actual meaning of that field.
dmd, I hope you don't worry too much. :-)
2017-09-09 13:03
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
The problem was created by dmd by changing his entry. Time to restore everything. Done. This useless discussion went far too long for what it's worth.
2017-09-09 13:52

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4747
Good work Ian. Thanx.

Another thing related to this, which I always run into, is the problem that people think they "own" their scener entry. Like if csdb was Facebook or something. I am glad people who know the database principles jumped into this.
2017-09-09 21:13
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Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
Quoting hedning

Another thing related to this, which I always run into, is the problem that people think they "own" their scener entry. Like if csdb was Facebook or something. I am glad people who know the database principles jumped into this.

Most EU countries have data protection laws that give people the right to see their personal information, change (correct) the information and delete the information that have been collected by data collectors like facebook and csdb.

You must be referring to the archiving principles of CSDB and not database principles ;-)
2017-09-09 21:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
a handle is not personal information - he can always get his personal data removed.
2017-09-09 22:40

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
I consider my handle very personal. It's the name I used to publish code/gfx I was proud of. And it's a name/handle I still use.

So a handle is personal information, even more so than an address, addresses change, handles don't.
2017-09-09 23:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
well, the reason those handles exist are that people dont have to use their real names :) i very much doubt they would count as "personal data" protected by those laws. (it'd be kinda hard to identify anyone just by knowing his handle...). there is very little potential for abuse with such handles too - unlike with real personal data like name, address, phone etc
2017-09-10 19:15
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Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
Quoting Groepaz
well, the reason those handles exist are that people dont have to use their real names :) i very much doubt they would count as "personal data" protected by those laws. (it'd be kinda hard to identify anyone just by knowing his handle...). there is very little potential for abuse with such handles too - unlike with real personal data like name, address, phone etc

Why not read up on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personally_identifiable_informati..
2017-09-11 06:47

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 640
What Mr Ammo said. PII counts for being able to single out a person in a crowd. What's the GDPR compliance status of CSDb?
2017-09-11 13:05

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
the what?

some ppl seriously need spanking. publish tons of stuff publicly that contains this "personal information" and then complain that public information is being publicly collected and documented? good luck :)
2017-09-11 13:59
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
csdb data is encrypted with double xor #$ff, don't worry.
2017-09-11 14:01

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
next someone will complain their IPs are going into logfiles, eh? =)
2017-09-12 13:42

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 640
Groepaz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation
2017-09-12 13:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
i know all that. i still think you need spanking for even thinking about it regarding csdb :) (and on various other big sites - including wikipedia itself - "handles" are dealt with like i said, and quite rightly so)
2017-09-12 14:51

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 640
Groepaz: You know I'm not the one making these rules and regulations, right?
2017-09-12 15:02

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
Why would i even remotely care who made them?
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