I call BS on the screen loading time! But thank you for confirming the SCREENSHOT I posted was REAL! aha! So please let the real one stay But maybe it just FEELS fast. Anyhow, here's the ACTUAL load sequence in REAL time... with the REAL screens! https://zerofusion.com/21_second_backup_cable/21_second_backup_.. It's the FASTEST copier ever made, full stop. NO other copier can copy a full disk in under 21 seconds. Dual drive is even faster (no disk swaps) NOTHING can touch this, not by a mile!
the video doesn't use an altered G64, it was made using this exact G64 image. Nothing altered, nothing changed.
because the extra G64 support was removed in newer versions of Vice.
Also G64/Vice doesn't support multi-density on a single track
The exact G64 that works is the one that's posted here
Nothing in Vice 2.4 SPS has been "altered" to make this work, going into preferences and setting the proper machine and drive emulation and features within Vice is NOT an "alteration". there's no magic here. Drive settings: 1541, Parallel cable standard, never extend, idle none, no drive expansion. model settings: NTSC with OLD SID. true drive emulation must be ON (this setting is NOT with the rest where you might expect it to be)
This is NOT the ONLY title that only 2.4 SPS works with, there are MANY other G64 images such as Paperback Writer, Filer and Planner - all posted to Bombjack because of this issue. I didn't post them here because of threads like this one.
The Vice team *broke* G64 support, by removing all the extra G64 support in SPS
There have been filed bug reports about this with full logs and details, which have been verified by the Vice team.
The Vice team have said they have NO interest in fixing these issues or in re-instating the G64 support from Vice 2.4 SPS because "it's only a few titles" and "it's not a game" and "it's not the latest version".
Another example: Vice/G64 does *NOT* support images that have multiple densities on a single track. Even 2.4 SPS doesn't support this :(
UPDATE - try some of these on a recent version of Vice:
paperback writer works just fine in 2.4 SPS
as Vice Team removed the extra G64 handling sometime after v3.2
This should be handled in the Vice Support Forums!
It doesn't work in newer Vice versions due to a 1541 VIA timer issue that crept in at some point.
PBW doesn't work in newer versions due to, ironically, better emulation in Vice 1541.
In newer versions changing the density setting seems to adjust how bits clock into the shift register and they come in wrong if it doesn't match what the track is defined as, like the real thing does.
If I get time, I'll pull the routine out and make a test from it and submit a bug report.