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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1046 |
Handle id #8069 : Derbyshire Ram
I'm sorry to have to tell you all that Derbyshire Ram (Barry), former member of groups like Dominators, Illusion and Avantgarde passed away peacefully at his home early on Sunday morning, 27th of May.
He has been so brave and fought cancer with every bit of effort he could find for four years. Right up until the Saturday evening prior was he sitting in his chair with all his children around him.
Rest in peace old friend. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 463 |
Goodbye to a good old friend in the scene, which I had contact to from 1988 till he passed away.
He was one of the greatest guys in the scene ever. Everyone here will surely agree with me on this. |
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Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 98 |
This is awfull. One of my best scene friends ever, passed away. Barry, you was a very special person for me. Long letters, long phonecalls. I nearly had to break your arm, to get you into DOM, as you ment you were not worthy. You became a true Dominator. God bless you and your family, you will always be among us. Rest in peace, we will miss you. |
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Registered: May 2005 Posts: 231 |
Rest in peace, Barry. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 128 |
:( This is terrible! And as if it was a big bad joke i just read an interview (scene world #8, AFAIR) with him yesterday. ...
I never talked to him. but to me he was an institution. he has always been there, from the days I entered the scene till today! What a great loss!
R.I.P. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 3060 |
I've never been in contact with Derbyshire Ram and could only "envy" to Manik who has been swapping with him in past, but I've always taking his presence in the scene granted the same way that we count on on presence of our parents. I perceived him as an icon and authority and it was quite a shock seeing this in the todays news post ;((
rest in peace, derby,
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Intensity Account closed
Registered: May 2002 Posts: 337 |
R.I.P. Barry, may you rest in peace, you are at a place now, where we all want to go one time. |
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Nik of Ikari Account closed
Registered: Mar 2004 Posts: 5 |
This is very sad news indeed. I can still remember the first time Barry called me and asked if I could send him new releases that he'd distribute for us.
We used to get loads of calls like this and I guess I was lucky that on this occassion I agreed to do it, must have been 20 years ago.
Barry was true to his word and spread the new releases far and wide very quickly. It got to the stage that the first thing I'd do when cracking/downloading anything was to send it to Barry and let him do the rest.
RIP Barry, you were a true gentleman.
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 2381 |
Rest in peace Barry. |
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Registered: Jul 2004 Posts: 26 |
Rest in peace. :-( |
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Megasnail Account closed
Registered: Jun 2005 Posts: 10 |
Peace be upon you Barry,
He was an exceptional chap; he would always encourage me not to quit the scene and never to give up on mankind. You will be in my thoughts.
I only partly remember his address but I will still like to send a condolences card, if this would be ok with his family. |
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Registered: Feb 2004 Posts: 152 |
Rest in Peace, pal. |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 35 |
I was in touch with Derby Ram since the Network days and I remember him as being one of the nicest persons on the scene. I remember the first time seeing a picture of him, I was surprised that he wasnt my age but rather a friendly looking grayhaired older guy, and I thought "When I grow old I want to be like Derby Ram!" (: Rest in peace Barry. You will truly be missed. |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1046 |
Megasnail: sent you a PM with his address (wife+family).
If anyone wants to send a card, please send me a PM. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 621 |
Oh no :( More sad news. May he rest in peace. |
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Registered: Dec 2002 Posts: 1571 |
R.I.P. Barry.
Good memories when seeing a release where he participated in.
A great loss indeed :( |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 498 |
Respect to the legend! |
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Registered: Mar 2004 Posts: 729 |
i swapped with barry for many years when i was really active and he was just one of the nicest blokes you could ever speak to..
my respect goes out to his family as he will be a huge loss for them and he will be a huge loss to the scene
derbyshire ram a true legend in the c64 scene someone who will always be remembered and never forgotten |
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Registered: Dec 2002 Posts: 140 |
Really sad to hear the news, respect to Barry for what he did in the scene, and my thoughts are with his family.
Rest in peace, Derbyshire Ram. |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 2932 |
It was always enjoyable chatting with Barry on the phone, he was one of the few sceners I really liked and now regret never meeting him in person.
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 90 |
Its a great loss and a very sad day. As you all have stated above, he IS an institution and will be rememered as one of the BIG guys of the scene. I can only say that Im proud to have being in the same group as him and we all in REM will miss him endlessly. My condoliances to his wife and family.
Singning off a chocked and sad Icon... |
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 189 |
Uuuuh.... What a bad news!!! I swapped with Barry many years ago, this is just terrible to hear. Does anyone know if his wife (Anne?) ist still alive? We will miss you a lot, Derbyshire Ram!!! |
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The Communist
Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 485 |
I didn't have any contact to Bary for about 15 years. But I remember him as a very fine, gentle and friendly person.
Rest in Peace Barry.
Olaf |
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SECRET MAN Account closed
Registered: Jun 2004 Posts: 336 |
Rest in Peace,Barry
Bad news to the weekend
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 206 |
Really sad news. I was lucky enough to meet him once and he was a really nice bloke with lots of interesting scene stories to tell. Best wishes to Anne and the rest of his family at this time. |
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Registered: Dec 2005 Posts: 362 |
Sad news indeed I always enjoyed his nice letters and his great sendings. Barry was always happy to include that extra disks with a few requsted games. Talking to him on the phone was always a good time and I loved to hear his stories about his fascination with trains.
RIP Barry, I will miss you greatly my friend. |
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Registered: Dec 2004 Posts: 1106 |
this just sucks, so long Barry and rest in peace. you were a true scener, respected by everyone. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1879 |
Never was in touch with the guy but yes, he was a true legend. R.I.P. .. |
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Ream Account closed
Registered: Feb 2003 Posts: 2 |
So long Barry old friend.
As people already said before.. he truely was(is) a GREAT person and friend !!
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Registered: Sep 2005 Posts: 271 |
I did not know him, but from what I seen he was very active and a very respectable scener. May he rest in peace. |
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Registered: Nov 2006 Posts: 850 |
I can not believe it! Barry was one of the best crackers and suppliers in the United Kingdom for years, and now he is gone. This is so depressing as I have quite a lot of his old cracks on disk which some are not on CSDB or whatever.
May you rest in peace DerbyRam. You were truly the best of the cracking scene! :(
Dahm, the UK scene is starting the shrink very badly, which is not good at all. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 599 |
that's just so sad.
may you r.i.p.
:( |
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oys Account closed
Registered: Oct 2005 Posts: 14 |
R.I.P |
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Registered: Aug 2002 Posts: 142 |
Rest In Peace.
The scene is truly a smaller place without you. |
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Shokray Account closed
Registered: Dec 2002 Posts: 66 |
we will miss you Barry!
R.i.p. |
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Troublemaker/Crypt Account closed
Registered: Feb 2006 Posts: 8 |
I never knew you, but i will never forget you. |
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null Account closed
Registered: Jun 2006 Posts: 645 |
I hope he may rest in peace... always sad news when a scener dies =(
http://hardwarehacks.untergrund.net/misc/zomgwtfbbq/ |
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The Overkiller Account closed
Registered: Mar 2002 Posts: 342 |
Goodbye Barry. May you rest in peace. |
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RMK Account closed
Registered: Aug 2006 Posts: 2 |
Rest in peace Derbyshire Ram. |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 246 |
Rest in peace Derbyshire Ram. |
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Petey21 Account closed
Registered: Nov 2003 Posts: 49 |
That's terrible news! Although I never knew him (other than from seeing his fine releases), he will be missed for sure, a great loss to the scene and to everybody who knew him, and also us who never knew him! :(
Rest in peace! |
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Registered: Jan 2003 Posts: 113 |
Living in derby myself i'll probably spend the rest of my days here thinking about this when i drive to work in my car listening to the radio tuned in to RAM FM...
I doubt there's an afterlife, but from what i've heard he's lived a happy and active life and i'm sad he didn't have more time to continue with that
If there is an afterlife: good luck there, and say hello to edwin... we'll all be joining you there some time sooner or later |
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Nightlord Account closed
Registered: Jan 2003 Posts: 131 |
RIP true legend |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1046 |
Stan: Ann is around as well as his family (daughters etc).
If anyone wants a postal address to send a condolences card, send me a pm. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5098 |
Until recent years I havent even heard of him, but I can see how he was a scene institute himself. I have deep respect for all his work for our community. Rest In Peace. |
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Registered: Aug 2006 Posts: 186 |
R.I.P. |
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Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 16 |
May you Rest In Peace old friend!
Thank you for having the honour of knowing you! |
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Registered: Aug 2002 Posts: 6 |
Rest in peace, Barry. I will miss you. |
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Shadow Account closed
Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 355 |
I actually hadn't heard about him until his name was mentioned in the "Who is the oldest scener" thread.
But I have the utmost respect for a man with an almost twenty year scene career and who was an active scener well into his sixties. A true oldtimer.
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 956 |
Rest in Peace. |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 12 |
Real Legends never die! I'm glad that i was once a swap partner from him! All the best wishes to his wife and his family! :(
Rest in peace, Barry! |
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Registered: Jun 2004 Posts: 498 |
I remember my brother and I playing many games in our very early 64 days cracked by him. Years later it was nice to learn that he was such a top bloke.
RIP Barry, thanks for the games and the memories. |
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Registered: Nov 2006 Posts: 228 |
R.I.P. |
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Duke Account closed
Registered: Jun 2003 Posts: 20 |
Barry, old friend, you leave behind you a loving family and thousands of sceners, who also became your family. We will never forget you. I haven't spoken with you in many years, and yet you just had a way about you that made you one of the most, if not the most, likeable, loved and respected of all the thousands of us who became part of this scene.
Here's to you, Barry. A friend to all of us! |
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Registered: Mar 2002 Posts: 469 |
So many years have passed since I was in contact with Barry and yet it seems like only last week.
I hope my sadness will pass by remembering the impact he made to the lives of so many of us, so that I can treasure that memory for ever. Thank you Barry for being one of the best examples of what our scene had to offer!
Rest in peace.
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Registered: Mar 2002 Posts: 241 |
Yet another true legend has left us! I´m very very sorry to hear about this... I was in contact with Barry in the years 1991-1994. He was a big part of my active c64scene days. Last time I was in contact with him was in November 2001, where he sent me a greeting at the Remember site.
Barry, I´ll never forget your kindness, long letters, support etc.. Seems what they say is true - good men die first...
The scene will never forget you and will always try to keep the memories of you alive.
May you rest in peace.
*****Once A Scener - Always A Scener***** |
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Platoon Account closed
Registered: Mar 2004 Posts: 40 |
never knew you barry.
but as i can read above you where a good and nice guy.
its always sad when someone dies may you r.i.p.
and my condolences goes to your family. |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 3 |
Just read about this really _saaaad_ news...
Well, the most is already said here in all those posts before from various good (scene)friends of mine.
I knew Barry from back in the good old days around ~1987-1993 when I was most active in the c64 scene and also was proud to be also a member of a group he has joined then as well.
Sadly I never had a chance to meet him personally but I always knew that he is and was a great guy, pal and _scener_ for life!
So rest in peace now and forever.
You'll never ever be forgotten in and from the real scene!!!
With great honor,
Juergen aka Weasel/ex-Avantgarde
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Zapotek Account closed
Registered: Jul 2003 Posts: 4 |
Rest in peace Derbyshire Ram. Thanks for all nice letters , was great swapping with you !! |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1341 |
R.I.P. |
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Doc Strange
Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: |
Rest in Peace Derby... bye old great scener. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: |
Rest in peace Derbyshire Ram.
It is very sad that another scener has just passed away. Derby was one of the few that gained respect of almost everyone in the scene, be it with his releases or with his dedication to C64, albeit his age was well over the average.
After Kjell, Edvin and Richard, another big loss for the scene.
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Registered: Sep 2002 Posts: 695 |
Rest in Peace Barry, you will be missed and not forgotten.
A true pillar of the scene, for almost 30 years.
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 97 |
I don't post much here, but I respect Barry and at my up coming days in the c64 world admired him. Every ware back then had his touch on it.
Even his name, so unique, as a person he was. Is very sad how time passes by so quickly and most people don't notice... Until something like this happens....
Rest in peace good buddy!
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Registered: Jun 2003 Posts: 4 |
This is a tragic time for the whole scene.
I did have the honour of being a contact of Derby's for a while, even spoke to him on the phone a few times. He was a very friendly guy, especially since I was a 16 yr old kid back then hehe.
I was speaking to other people from other scenes about him, and we all agree that he should be in the scene hall of fame, not just for C64, but in general. His dedication was unquestionable, and it really touched me when I heard today from JC that he passed.
Rest in peace Barry, we are all still thinking of you... |
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Registered: Apr 2003 Posts: 347 |
I did post on the other site... it's funny although I wasn't in contact with him in years, i remember a lot..
the thing about his other hobby, trains esp. . He always had time for people, which is a good quality.
I wonder if some of the rest of the uk people know about this.
bod,richie,ice cube to name but 3, maybe someone has contact with them, who knows.
nice to see some familour names here, just pity about the situation I saw them.
he helped cosine out anyway with the lethargy demo. even though , I remember demos weren't his fav things.
regardless i counted him as a friend, which is probably what the scene is about really.
I can only say I am glad / lucky to have known Barry.
RIP Barry.. |
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Axis Account closed
Registered: Aug 2006 Posts: 43 |
oh no :-(
he has always my respekt..!!
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Marauder/GSS Account closed
Registered: Jul 2006 Posts: 224 |
always sad to see a true scener passing away, and I believe you were such one, though I didn't knew you personally. All my respect and rest in peace.
My deepest condolence and best wishes to family and friendz! |
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The Shadow
Registered: Oct 2007 Posts: 304 |
Major respect to Derbyshire Ram. He was and will always remain
a true legend from our beloved scene. Rest in peace Barry... |
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shaun-apex Account closed
Registered: Jul 2008 Posts: 1 |
Really sad to hear about barry, i was just looking up his name to say hello, i haven`t spoke to him for years.
I new him from the scene way back but had other connections, as he used to work at the same factory as i did before he retired early. He lived up the road from me and often phoned to discuss new releases and a like. I met him once or twice, he was a really nice bloke, just a shame i never got to say hello again after all this time.. R.i.P barry old m8 |
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Remix Account closed
Registered: Jan 2003 Posts: 9 |
One of my best contacts while I was swapping in C64 scene. His packs always excited me, packs with good warez and always with personal letters/notes. He is surely a milestone for us sceners, and I feel priviledged to be his contact for a long time. I'm sure he will be remembered by a lot, a lot of people. May his soul rest in peace. |
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Rough Account closed
Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1829 |
The Yokel/Riff Raffs is Barry. Please merge. |
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Registered: Oct 2009 Posts: 44 |
Not merge, that's what "other handles used by this scener" is for.
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Rough Account closed
Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1829 |
You got something wrong. |
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Celtic Administrator
Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 807 |
are we sure that dude is a handle used by derby ram, 100%, if so i will use my merge tool :) |
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Rough Account closed
Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1829 |
Yes. |
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caledonian Account closed
Registered: Oct 2016 Posts: 1 |
A good friend and true legend in the scene, spent a lot of time helping me learn how to crack and train games..RIP Barry |