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Registered: Jan 2005 Posts: 631 |
Release id #149773 : in_sidplay2
I'm wondering if this violates the GPL. ResidFP is licensed under GPL2, meaning any derived work (the plugin) is also covered by the GPL.
Which in turn means a closed source project (such as Winamp) cannot link to the plugin. But since it's a plugin, Winamp doesn't link to it, but uses dl_sym(), dl_open() (or whatever the Windows equivalent is) to access the plugin.
Which seems to me like a nice way to circumvent the GPL. I'm not trying to be an asshole here, if people want to use Winamp to listen to sids, let them. Just wondering about the legality of this construct. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11444 |
afaik this kind of contruction is valid.... ie you can write a wrapper which is linking to the GPLd library, and then you load the wrapper dynamically from the closed source application. (this still enables you to change/update the GPLd library, which kinda is the whole point for the GPL) |
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Registered: Jan 2005 Posts: 631 |
Right, so this wrapper/plugin construction allows one to use a GPL'ed library, but not its code directly. Which means Winamp could write a GPL'ed SID plugin themselves and package it with Winamp, adhering to the GPL by making the plugin code open source.
I'm no RMS, but this all smells a bit fishy. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11444 |
RMS would of course say that this isnt valid at all, and that all kind of linking qualifies as such with all consequences =)
FSF interprets it in another funky way: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#GPLPluginsInNF (not sure if that relates to v2 or v3 of the GPL)
edit: they also repeat the "closed source drivers are GPL violation" thing: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#NonfreeDriverKerne.. - which doesnt seem to have any relevance in practise (which kindof supports what i said about the wrapper above)
edit^2: they dont agree with the wrapper thing either: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#GPLWrapper
oh well =) |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1081 |
So Suity McSuitface makes a popular closed source audio player with a plugin system. Beardy McBeardface makes a popular GPL2 licensed audio library. Now Clowny McClownface goes and makes a wrapper that takes beardlib and releases it as a GPL2 licensed plugin for SuitAMP. Who exactly would FSF be mad at? |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11444 |
FSF is irrelevant *unless* Beardy McBeardface was stupid enough to transfer his copyright to the FSF (as they want you to do) |
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Registered: Sep 2006 Posts: 275 |
Great job, but on the second+ run pseudo-stereo channel selection disappeared for good. Any idea how to bring it back? |
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Registered: Sep 2004 Posts: 640 |
It's all about intent when it comes to law. If you are consciously attempting to use technicalities to circumvent restrictions in a license, then you are effectively acting in bad faith and violating the spirit of the license, and you will get your ass handed to you in court if it comes to that.
Easy solution: If you don't want to use a GPL license yourself, then avoid GPL licensed code like the plague because it spreads like it. |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 44 |
Playlist/ticker doesnt display sid details (2.91). Bug or user error? |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11444 |
about bugs you should perhaps ask the author here |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 44 |
Post on Lemon, or delete the plugin and forget it ever existed? Hmm... :)
Thanx for the link ;) |