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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #165826 : EasyFlash Saving
2018-06-28 09:41
Knight Rider

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 133
Release id #165826 : EasyFlash Saving

EasyFlash saving....


It was q0w who brought this to my attention (after Sam's Journey). Not only does EAPIEraseSector take a lot of time, it actually causes chip deterioration (especially on older flash chips) as the erase cycles are finite.

The way my saver works is the following:

Save game under #$fe bytes
Assumption: Write to bank #$18 LOW

. Start at $8000 checking LH pointer, incrementing until result is not $00/$00 (the load address). (ie $8000, $8100 --> $a000/end). When data found this is the current save state.
. Delete by changing the load address to $00/$00
. Advance LOW bank address
. If $a000, then EAPIEraseSector, set LOW bank address back to $8000
. Save data (load address + data)

Save game over #$fe bytes
Assumption: Write to bank #$18 LOW

. Start at $8000 checking LH pointer, incrementing the bank until the result is not $00/$00 (the load address). (ie #$18, #$19 --> #$20/end). When data found this is the current save state.
. Delete by changing the load address to $00/$00
. Advance bank number
. If #$20, then EAPIEraseSector, set bank number back to #$18
. Save data (load address + data)

Save game over #$1ffe bytes
Assumption: Write to bank #$18 LOW & HIGH

. Start at $8000 checking LH pointer, incrementing the bank until the result is not $00/$00 (the load address). (ie #$18, #$19 --> #$20/end). When data found this is the current save state.
. Delete by changing the load address to $00/$00
. Advance bank number
. If #$20, then EAPIEraseSector <-- 2x for LOW bank & HIGH bank, set bank number back to #$18
. Save data (load address + data)
2018-06-28 11:06

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2036
Nice, thanks. Eye of the Beholder will most probably feature flash save and those savegames are comparatively huge.
2018-06-28 11:21
Knight Rider

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 133
I didn't actually use the 1st example yet. Just coded it.

Tass Times in Tone Town uses the 2nd example.
Oil-Imperium [german] uses the 3rd example.

These 2 samples use inc/dec $d020 during saving. The initial value for $d020 is the actual bank number in use. This enables you to 'see' EAPIEraseSector. Generally the base screen screen is black during 'format', followed by white, red, cyan etc. See https://csdb.dk/release/?id=161988&show=notes#notes for further info.
2018-06-28 12:23

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 466
The true problem which we have using EF save-to-flash code as HighScore/Status saver, is that each save will delete a "sector" of 64kb in flash ram.
We can't decide where a sector starts... we can just choose to use a Low or a Hi bank where to start, then format from here 64kb in Hi or Low memory "chip".
"Sectors" starts from Byte $0000 from the first $8000/$A/$E000 bank and next "sector" is exactly $10000 bytes forward.
Isn't possible to put data to be read/saved in random places on FlashRam... because when we go to save data to our "file", we need to "format" 64kb "around" it.
So, imho, the best solution is to reserve a 64kb sector just to store files for save operations...
A borderline case is, for eg GrandPrix Circuit, where we have 18 save file.
Put first file at the start of our reserved 64kb bank and saving to it, means that we delete all following files due to format operation.
And reserve 18x$10000 banks (1 for each file) is not feasible, because we need $12000 bytes just for this ($2000 too much just for saving...).
So, my solution, is to reserve a "files area" starting from a sector, where to put all saving files, making a backup/restore for each save, just changing the file that is written...
I asked to Skoe if there are other possibile solutions, but he stated:
There is a technikal reason: That's the physical page size of (some) of the flash chips used.
2018-06-28 13:04
Knight Rider

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 133
You don't need to format a 64k sector for each save. You format the sector 1x and then fill it. Remember erasing a sector sets all bits to 1. When you write you can only set a bit to 0.

This means:

Erase a bank:
%11111111 x 64kb

Write a bank:
%11111111 x 64kb > something else until > %00000000 (final state)

So each file can be logically deleted.

Your file system could look like this:

Bank : EF Address : C64Load Address : File Name
$18    $8000        $1234             HS_01
$18    $8100        $4567             HS_02
$18    $9100        $7890             HS_18

now when you want to overwrite HS_01, you don't need to erase the sector. You logically delete it by EAPIWriteFlashInc $00 to $8000 (x2).

Taking my example #2, you simply EAPISetBank +1 to the logically deleted HS_01 and write a new one. You can do this right up to the end of memory, or keep within predefined boundaries.

this would result in:

Bank : EF Address : C64Load Address : File Name
$18    $8000        $0000             HS_01
$18    $8100        $4567             HS_02
$18    $9100        $7890             HS_18
$19    $8000        $1234             HS_01
2018-06-28 13:26
Knight Rider

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 133
See example:

;Sample Save Routine - Knight Rider Example #2
; Switch Bank
-       lda zpBANK      ;Some zero page address
        jsr EAPISETBANK

; Read The Destination Address From The EasyFlash
        ldy #$01
        lda (pDestL),y  ; pDestL is $8000 or whatever
        sta zpSavAH     ; H Start address during SAVE
        lda (pDestL),y  ; pDestL is $8000 or whatever
        sta zpSavAL     ; L Start address during SAVE

; If it is not ZERO then overwrite
        bne SEFJ1       ; Overwrite Old Save image
        lda zpSavAH     ; H Start address during SAVE
        bne SEFJ1       ; Overwrite Old Save image

; It is ZERO, increment the bank
        inc zpBANK      ;Some zero page address

; Loop
        bne -          ; Short JMP

; Overwrite Old Save image

;Set The Pointer
        jsr SETPTR      ;EAPISETPTR

;Erase The Header
        txa             ;X is #$00

;Switch Bank
        lda zpBANK      ;Some zero page address
        adc #$01

;Check That We Are Still In Bounds
        cmp zpBANKe     ;End Bank
        bne +

;Switch Bank
        lda zpBANKs     ;Start Bank
        jsr EAPISETBANK

;Erase The Sector
        ldy pDestH      ;ie >$8000 or whatever

        jmp SEFJ2       ; Write New Save image

;Set The New Bank
+       jsr EAPISETBANK

; Write New Save image

;Set The Pointer
        jsr SETPTR      ;EAPISETPTR

;Reset Save Start
        lda zpSavAL     ; L Start address during SAVE
        jsr EAPIWRITEFLASHINC ;Set Up The Needed Header
        lda zpSavAH     ; H Start address during SAVE
        jsr EAPIWRITEFLASHINC ;Set Up The Needed Header

;Save The Bytes
        ldy #$00
-       inc $01       ;ie $38
        lda (zpSavAL),y ; Start address during SAVE
        dec $01       ;ie $37
        inc zpSavAL   ; L Start address during SAVE
        lda zpSavAL   ; L Start address during SAVE
        bne +
        inc zpSavAH   ; H Start address during SAVE
+       lda zpSavAH   ; H Check If The End Has Been Reached
        cmp zpSavEH   ; H End address for SAVE
        bne -
        lda zpSavAL   ; L Start address during SAVE
        cmp zpSavEL   ; L End address for SAVE
        bne -

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