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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 39 |
Event id #3065 : World Wide ZOO
Our schedule for Saturday 25.9.2021 (UTC/GMT +3 hours):
15.00 Welcoming words
15.15 The Finnish Museum of Games
16.00 Studio (with guest)
16.15 Compo: PETSCII
17.00 Greetings from Skrolli magazine
17.15 Studio (with guest)
17.30 Compo: Music
19.00 Flashbacks & Black-Outs – Brief Finnish Party History (with guests)
19.30 Studio (with guest)
19.45 Compo: Graphics
20.30 On the sofa watching demos
21.15 Studio (with guest)
21.30 Compo: Basic Effect
21.45 Studio (with guest)
22.00 Compo: Demo
Compo after talk (with guest)
Voting closes 30 minutes after the Demo competition is finished
Results & Prizegiving 30 minutes after voting has closed
00.00 Live music: 8 Bits High
01.00 Live music: 64mula
Note that this is VERY preliminary schedule and changes are mandatory.
Register & submit your entries in: https://partyman.zooparty.org/
Deadline on Friday midday (UTC/GMT +3 hours). |
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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 39 |
Our links:
Submit entries & live vote: https://partyman.zooparty.org/
Live, Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zoopartytv
Live, Peertube: https://tv.pirateradio.social/videos/watch/4b9feb0c-72c7-4ea9-b..
Chat: https://discord.com/invite/8kzwDqp4bh
General info: https://2021.zooparty.org/
Less than 24 hours to finish your entries. Just DO IT! |
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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 39 |
Due the public demand and as an act of scene democracy we have extended the deadlines to following ((EEST (UTC +3)):
Music, PETSCII and Graphics – Friday 23rd 18:00
Basic Effect and Demo – Saturday 24th 12:00 |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 235 |
Friday the 24:th and Saturday the 25:th of September. ;D |
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iAN CooG
Registered: May 2002 Posts: 3210 |
in finland they have VERY different time zones!1 |
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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 39 |
That's Fri 24th and Sat 25th of course. My mistake. |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2326 |
either it is prolonged once more or the "TIMETABLE" on PARTYMAN displays UTC instead of EEST, very confusing, these darn time zones ^^ |
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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 39 |
We're live and starting soon with first compos:
ZOO Chat in Demoscene Discord:
https://2021.zooparty.org/ |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 269 |
Thanks to the party organizers and those who submitted entries. I was entertained. I especially enjoyed the live feel of it coming from a party place. |
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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 39 |
Thanks to everyone involved – staff, guests, participants and the audience. From our point of view we had a good (but exhausting) weekend with good content in all. Thanks for the great amount of compo entries – 75 entries in five categories is not bad at all.
In all we estimated a total of ca. 500 viewers, with a Twitch peak of +360 simultaneous viewers during demo compo.
As we stated in the stream, we really REALLY hope to do this as a live party next year again. However, after experiencing Zoo online (and accepting that Finland is very far from most of the viewers) we might have more content streamed in our future events as well. Stay tuned! |
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Registered: Feb 2017 Posts: 3 |
some sleep and resting... i can say it was awesome 7o7
did not fell like when we code the demo xD
next year well we come back ! and real party !! |
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