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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3364 : BCC Party #18
2024-01-12 10:46

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
Event id #3364 : BCC Party #18

<Post edited by TheRyk on 19/2-2024 23:46>

Hey party animals and remote competitors!

As it's only 6 more weeks, here is some more info.

General info:
Everything went surprisingly well last time at the new location c-base, Rungestr. 20, Berlin, near station 'Jannowitzbrücke' -> hence, there's not much reason for changes. Mostly our idea is doing much just as in last April.

So my "In a nutshell" from #17 is only slightly changed for #18:
- Free admission, but donations welcome! <- as usual
- Limited amount of space -> 70 guests -> Please REGISTER (not online yet) or just add yourself here on CSDb as attendant or drop me a PM.
- Even less space for hardware -> Tell if you bring CRT or only Laptop or nothing
- Compos will be streamed (probably again on Twitch, thanks to Charlie and Function Party Channel)
- Officially we can not allow sleeping at the party place due to German fire safety regulations
- Free coffee, tea, water around the clock
- Drinks at the c-base bar at fair prices
- various international takeaways and restaurants just around the corner
- Smoking outdoors only -> don't make more noise than necessary
- In general, be nice guys - not only but especially when you're dealing with c-base Staff or BCC orgas

- power strips
- extension cord
- C64 / laptop / ...
- cash for the bar
- BBQ canceled officially... of course you can spontaneously have one if you care for everything yourselves

DON'T bring
- pets
- boomboxes
- party lights

Some details:

Food: There's enough fast food temples just around the corner, so no one's gonna starve.

Drink: Same as last year, the c-base bar is happy to sell you drinks (beer & soft drinks) at fair prices, bringing own booze _is_! tolerated, however.

Sleep: Same ol situation, by national and regional fire security law, we can not officially allow to sleep at the party place. However, hotel situation in Berlin is way better in late Feb than in late April (last time the Mayday <- the holiday, not the C=64 group caused rather tight booking and thus high prices). The earlier you book, the better. For example, a very close hotel is the Social Hub, some hipster co-working space place, kinda expensive but quite nice and just 10 minutes walk (of course depending on how fit/drunk you are, ask Röly...). You find cheaper alternatives if you're ok with using public mass transport (which operates all night long in Berlin at weekends).

Smoking: Outside. Keep doors shut to save energy and reduce noise emission.

Entrance free: Please donate some bucks to c-base and BCC and/or just help by buying a lot of drinks at the bar.

Bringing own hardware Though the universe might be endless, space _IS_ limited in the spaceship c-base... My guess is, last time, around 3 dozen C= systems with CRT were built up, much more won't be possible. If e.g. the Padua Bavarians want to reserve one of the round tables again, just tell us so as early as possible.


We plan to use wuhu party system (not online yet) again, so no matter if you compete live or remote, you'll be needing votekeys and try to get your entry online yourselves. Of course we'll help you if necessary.

Once again, we are going to offer pretty much the same categories as last time, i.e.
- C64 Demo
- C64 One-Filed-Demo
- C64 Gfx (any C64 gfx that ain't PETSCII)
- C64 Cover Music
- C64 Original Music
- C64 Games
- C64 Mixed (stuff that needs anything that can't be considered C64 vanilla, such as FM-YAM, C64 DTV, You-name-it)
- Other 8-bit-Platforms (be aware you should contact us early to make sure we can show your entry,
we've got a lot of hardware but we need to know what you bring yourself or want us to provide,
showing a mere .MP4 video should really be the total emergency exception).

Depending on the amount of entries for a category, we might decide to split or merge categories.
EXCEPTION!!!C64 Demo (multi-filed, i.e. anything which does not fit into 1 64k file) remains own category no matter how few entries we get. We know, there are pros (not comparing apples and oranges) and cons (A demo is a demo is a demo...) of this policy. This was also discussed after X-Party and I also got PMs on CSDb and had IRC chats on the topic. We understand both views and considered all points made but we decided to keep Trackmos/Megademos apart from Onefilers.

All entries are planned to be streamed and will be made accessible on CSDb.dk after the event.
We reserve the right to refuse entries, e.g. if they clearly violate national or international law,
so no pornographic content, no nazi stuff - use common sense.

All deadlines will be Sat 24th of Feb 2023, high noon, 11:59:59 am CET.

Time enough to finish your entries or even start from scratch, so get going! :)

Looking forward to your entries and to party with you again!

TheRyk for BCC Orga Team
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2024-02-19 23:25

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 214
Very very very much appreciate the timetable! Looking forward to following the compo action.
2024-02-19 23:35

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
forgot: all times CET of course, stream will probably start somewhat earlier again (half past 7 or sth...) so you can already twitch-chat a little before compo presentations start, more info about stream will follow soonish, bookmarking Function Party channel on Twitch is never a mistake ;)
2024-02-22 07:58

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 347
i missed this. maybe i will go in for the petscii comp. :D
2024-02-23 00:14

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
still this night and one more to finish entries :)

BTW 22 entries already, not a bad figure some 36 hours before deadline, but especially PETSCII could need some more :)
2024-02-24 18:31

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
Live Stream


2024-02-25 09:42

Registered: Feb 2023
Posts: 137
Quoting TheRyk
Live Stream



I saw my music demo only played for a minute on the live stream.

The demo was supposed to be played for at least five minutes in order to hear the new SID's being unlocked:


Wish you had used the video link instead.

How do you like the computer generated songs?
2024-02-25 18:59

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
I hope all entries are up and available on CSDb now, I had to improvise a little because Charlie gave our server some planned sleep, please double check and report (or fix) any issue.

Once more thanks to
- all competitors and congratulations to the winners
- party people (also for donations)
- our sponsors
- Function Party for streaming us and everyone partying with us on Twitch
- c-base Team for the location and all the friendly service you provided to us aliens
- anyone I might have forgotten!


PS: Mr SQL thanks for your entry! Videos are not our way of presenting C64 stuff and IIRC we gave that entry far more than a minute, rather 5 or sth. It's here now Pong Music Demo so you can point out either in Production info or on Forums what makes it special or what you think didn't get across in the presentation at the party!
2024-02-25 19:57

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 214
This was a really fun one to follow at home - thank you!
2024-02-25 22:39

Registered: Feb 2023
Posts: 137
Quoting TheRyk
I hope all entries are up and available on CSDb now, I had to improvise a little because Charlie gave our server some planned sleep, please double check and report (or fix) any issue.

Once more thanks to
- all competitors and congratulations to the winners
- party people (also for donations)
- our sponsors
- Function Party for streaming us and everyone partying with us on Twitch
- c-base Team for the location and all the friendly service you provided to us aliens
- anyone I might have forgotten!


PS: Mr SQL thanks for your entry! Videos are not our way of presenting C64 stuff and IIRC we gave that entry far more than a minute, rather 5 or sth. It's here now Pong Music Demo so you can point out either in Production info or on Forums what makes it special or what you think didn't get across in the presentation at the party!

Thanks TheRyk! Glad you showed it longer I missed that section of the stream. 5 minutes in demo mode is long enough to illustrate creating new songs though it can take a while to find some of the more interesting ones. I will add details on the production link.
2024-02-26 07:42

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
Here's the official results exported from wuhu:
#  ____   _____ _____   _____           _             _  _  __  ___
# |  _ \ / ____/ ____| |  __ \         | |          _| || |/_ |/ _ \
# | |_) | |   | |      | |__) __ _ _ __| |_ _   _  |_  __  _| | (_) |
# |  _ <| |   | |      |  ___/ _` | '__| __| | | |  _| || |_| |> _ <
# | |_) | |___| |____  | |  | (_| | |  | |_| |_| | |_  __  _| | (_) |
# |____/ \_____\_____| |_|   \__,_|_|   \__|\__, |   |_||_| |_|\___/
# ========================================== __/ | ==================
# E X T R A  T E R R E S T I A L            |___/     23-25. 02. 2024


    1.  #01   101 pts    Blasphemous Rumours - The Syndrom
    2.  #04    98 pts    Was Sommer Trinken? - Spider Jerusalem
    3.  #02    94 pts    Like Ice In The Sunshine - Nordischsound
        #07    94 pts    Karma Chameleon - Proton/Finnish Gold
    5.  #05    85 pts    Come_What_May(day) - GI-Joe
    6.  #06    83 pts    GerRyk the Germ - TheRyk/Mayday!
    7.  #03    73 pts    Capitan Futuro - Manganoid / Hokuto Force


    1.  #07   103 pts    Full Ack! - TheRyk/Mayday!
    2.  #03    98 pts    (A head of) Monkey Island - Logiker
    3.  #06    92 pts    MorboSez - TheRyk/Mayday!
    4.  #05    87 pts    Arcade Venus - Skleptoid
    5.  #01    81 pts    Lino-Banscii - Snake Petsken / Hokuto Force
        #04    81 pts    Fallout 64 - Snake Petsken / Hokuto Force
    7.  #02    57 pts    Lapins de mer amoureux - Brittle / Dentifrice


    1.  #02    72 pts    Offline Player - BYB / HOKUTO FORCE
    2.  #01    63 pts    BlasterMania 4.1 - TOXIC/ICC
    3.  #03    48 pts    Pong Music Demo - Mr SQL


    1.  #06    79 pts    Sajnálom Az Elefántokat, Mert Nem Tudnak
                           Piszkálni Az Orrukban - dalezy/Triad
    2.  #07    78 pts    To Absent Friends - Toggle/Padua
    3.  #04    72 pts    Black Lipstick - Mibri / Atlantis ^ MultiStyle
    4.  #05    63 pts    Went Under The Schmalzers - Spider Jerusalem
    5.  #03    62 pts    ASIIIIIIIID - Sidman / Hokuto Force
        #08    62 pts    Rapid CatFire - Proton/Finnish Gold
    7.  #09    53 pts    BCC24SYS4000 - Sonki/C64 Club Berlin
    8.  #01    45 pts    Robotic - Technotron
    9.  #02    43 pts    Imminent Disaster - Technotron


    1.  #08   104 pts    Fish - Oni
    2.  #05    98 pts    Rain - Grass / Hokuto Force & Lethargy -
                           additional code TCE / Hokuto Force
    3.  #07    93 pts    E$G and the QUANTUM car - Slaxx
    4.  #06    90 pts    Forest Druid - Crayon / Hokuto Force
    5.  #02    89 pts    Appetite for some Pixels - Pixelnacho / Hokuto
    6.  #03    75 pts    Tribute to Giana Sisters - Firelord/Excess
    7.  #01    66 pts    Q Fire - Slaxx
    8.  #04    60 pts    Alienz - Splixx / Hokuto Force


    1.  #04    75 pts    coop #05 - Nordischsound and Low Spirit
        #08    75 pts    Summer Is Coming - Samar
    3.  #05    73 pts    Mau#40 - Lethargy
    4.  #02    67 pts    Aldi Oldi - Logiker
        #07    67 pts    Perigeum - MoonShine
    6.  #03    61 pts    Bouncing Rasterlights - Hokuto Force (code:
                           mpsoft, music: et1999cc)
    7.  #01    57 pts    Capitan Futuro - Kimono
    8.  #06    56 pts    Aua mein Ryken - Hotstuffers


        29 votes were cast by 43 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu
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