VS bit banging where all 32 clocks are eaten on both 128 and Drive.
4 lda $dd00 2 lsr 2 lsr 4 eor $dd00 2 lsr 2 lsr 4 eor $dd00 2 lsr 2 lsr 4 eor $dd00 4 sta somewhere
Well does the GCR read + decode + checksumming take 64 or more clocks ( given we are running at 2mhz not 1 mhz), if so or about that much, instead of STA RAM,x inx can you not just STA CIA REG ??
I mean even if it was just an RLE of level data or something, still gets you more disk space with zero effort on the 128 side, so your game gets more CPU time.
Well I'm loading a one shot game, such as Dropzone and Kung Fu Master, so I only need to load once.
If you can do on the fly GCR decode without the fancy tricks at 2Mhz ( the 1571 internals book claims you can ) that would free up a lot more RAM right?
IOr if you have the speed and you can dump data directly down the SSR, could one use the data as Huffman and hence you can deflate Huffman code off the disk?
In my loading case it has a bitmap and music playing, with the 128 version it can keep them going right till the end. On the 64 version it need to load in all the data. Remove the bitmap, music and then deflate. The disk is here http://cloud.cbm8bit.com/oziphantom/autoboot_dropzone.d64 use Boot or let autoboot load the 128 version. LOAD "*",8,1 to load the C64 version.