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Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 87 |
Release id #122077 : Pixcen
Hi all!
I'm opening this forum for Pixcen. Please post your feature requests and bug reports here if possible to keep the comment section clean(er).
As of this weekend (2013/10/12) I have hopefully fixed a crash (as reported by Dr.Science & Bamse), changed some menu items and implemented mirror/flip, shift and rotate on selected areas. To be uploaded. |
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Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 87 |
I accept all feature requests. Many things requested I have already thought of but requests helps me prioritize. Some requests are really simple to implement, others are heavier and postponed and some I will just ignore :-)
My design idea with Pixcen is to keep it fairly low level (Koala paint / Ultrafont) but with many modern conveniences. I do encourage people to make the first draft in a higher level app like GIMP/Photoshop and then import (don't forget about pixel aspect ratio). |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5095 |
grasstust, thanks for the nice words :) I've said what I did, because, I feel really bad for losing interest in p1 and through that not supporting the ppl using it. I'd like if ppl could hop to pixcen from p1, and if CRT wouldnt loose interest developing it, before he gets the tool to the sweet spot. So I think he should focus on things that are important for the c64 part of the tool.
Also I think It's not like the greatest pics of the world are made up of copy-pasted areas selected by magic wand tools. :) But if you really need that then make a sketch in your fave high end editor, and do the rest in pixcen, which should rather have fancy helping in cramming 3 colors into 1 char instead of magic wand selection tools. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11390 |
Quote:First and foremost because non of the other paint programs has a 3-colour limiter
its 4 colors btw =) however: try promotion, it can do that (and is by far the best PC pixeling tool, IMHO)
p1 not being closed source would've helped - i certainly would have (tried to) fix one or two things that were annoying me :) |
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Registered: Apr 2007 Posts: 43 |
Yeah you're right. I usually leave out the background color. Anyway, guys, I'm sticking to Pixcen! Love the program and I've already gotten some much needed features made and I think this is an opportunity for all graphic artists to get some features they really want! |
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Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 87 |
Status report. I was planning to upload a Pixcen with sprite mode support this weekend but I'm holding it back a bit. I got sprites working but I'm not happy with the overall code design, too much duplicated and hacked code. I found some bugs so I have started some restructuring. Also implemented back buffers (animation frames if you like). With this feature it's easy to step frames and paint in any mode (bitmap, char, sprite). |
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Registered: Apr 2007 Posts: 43 |
I would really love it if there was a replace color-function, so one could try out different color combinations even after something was painted. Maybe even make it selectable, mark a certain area and the color changes would only affect the selected area. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5095 |
Quote: I would really love it if there was a replace color-function, so one could try out different color combinations even after something was painted. Maybe even make it selectable, mark a certain area and the color changes would only affect the selected area.
copy your picture to PS (or any other modern painprog), set selection, replace colors, when done use your fav. converter to go back to c64 format. done.
supporting animations, or variable picture sizes is more important imho. these two were never done afaik correctly.
another important feature would be allowing the user to swap around the multicolor bitpairs used inside a char, or even let him force bitmask to be used, fix colors to bitmask if needed. these are often needed for gfx optimized for effects, fex. if you want to draw gfx on 4x4x16 mode, or whatever.
finally, a function to optimize the picture for packing, keep color nibbles in color / screen ram consistently used in lo/hi nibbles for better RLE runs. |
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Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 87 |
Thanks for your requests and support!
There is already a lacking lock feature in the cell window. The cell windows represents the masks used. It's possible to select an area (or the whole picture) and change the color for a specific mask. However this is useless for an existing bitmap if you have no control of what masks are used for what color, it will just ruin the image. I intend to add some re-mask tools for this, perhaps something simple like moving the colors in the cell window. Also a recolor tool as grasstust asks for.
As a first step I'm extending the cell window with separate locks for each mask so it will be possible to paint with fixed colors in chosen masks.
Current char mode (found bugs in it btw) and unreleased sprite mode is 3+1 color only. I'm adding color RAM support for all modes that can support it. Classic 3+1 color char mode will be available by simply filling color RAM and locking the mask or as a preset from the New window. This also opens up for a future mixed single/multi-color char mode.
Optimizing bitmaps, I've been thinking of exactly the same things. There is (of course :-) already an Optimize option under tools. It's a simple export to RGB and import back -hack. In the process, invisible masks or colors are cleaned up, usually it shortens the crunched data. But, I think it can do more by sorting the colors better an an RLE friendly manner as you suggested. I just have to improve on the RGB import code.
This is what I have done since last release:
-Fixed memory leak
-Fixed refresh bug after copy ROM font.
-First draft of sprite mode.
-64 bit build is now possible after cleaning up integers.
-Masked paste and better window drawing of paste.
-Back buffers (animation).
-Added backspace-key to delete area (was only delete-key before).
This is what I want to finish before next release.
-Unify a lot of duplicated code (already started).
-Color RAM for char and sprite mode (individual sprite color).
-Individual mask locking.
-Replace/Ignore option on color overflow.
There will probably be some more requests thrown in. |
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Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 87 |
I realize the next update is growing too much so I decided to give you a link to the current development version. Perhaps you can spot stuff I broke.
This is an unofficial update for now. Your current Pixcen will not ask to update to this version. You have to replace the executable by hand.
I have done a lot of work on the file formats, the GPX format is updated but Pixcen should import older GPX files without problems. Keep a backup of your current artwork just in case this new Pixcen would corrupt any file at load or save.
Sprite mode:
This is highly experimental, I wouldn't trust it but feel free to play with it.
Back buffers:
When creating a new image, font, sprite you can select the number of back buffers. In the editor you can switch between images with period and comma ( . , ). Note that if you save a koala image, only the currently visible image will be saved. Save as GPX to save all your back buffers. If you want to load multiple images into back buffers, the only ways are either GPX or copy and paste.
Masked paste:
Masked paste is invoked from the Edit menu or by pressing CTRL+Shift+V. The currently selected secondary color (right click on the palette) will work as a mask.
-as well as delete will fill selected area with currently selected secondary color.
File formats:
More native C64 file formats added: Advanced Art Studio, Cenimate, Doodle, Doodle compressed and Koala compressed.
Other changes:
There are loads of invisible changes, code cleanup, 64 bit compatibility, new zLib, code restructuring and other work in progress included in this version. Stay alert of bugs. |
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Registered: Jul 2012 Posts: 369 |
What about chooseable background color while saving as prg? |
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