Not you personally of course, but you're definitely an active part of a group that objectifies and encourages objectification of women. And we're not animals. Lo' and behold: we have conscience, we feel love, strong empathy, we have free will, but also the painful emotion of shame. And our purpose in life isn't just reproduction, you know. The problem with physical attractiveness today: it would have to be about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own body rather than basically forcing yourself to look like clichés from popular culture whilst destroying yourself mentally and physically (as otherwise you might feel degraded and less recognized).
Well what your previous example shows, is, that a very high percentage of idiots are on this planet, but it lacks the whole path of correlation to the said theory. I could simply proof the opposite. We have one secretary and else men only, but she is pretty fine here, noone molests her in any way. Maybe, because here it is a pretty good reason to get fired in case.
Also, how is the victim you describe being objectified?
You only can treat things equally if they are equal or can be made equal. But you can't make crap taste like vanilla iceream, by just stating that they have to taste equal.
An no, if you boil it down, the only reason to be here is reproduction, this also applies to humans. The rest is nice sugar on top, but not necessary. Those "extraskills" might even help us to destroy humankind faster then intended.
imho there's no purpose of life, unless you make one for yourself. and we're animals
, and its not wrong liking and drawing nice boobies. people are always having various problems, low self esteem, not liking your body ? blame it on men who are naturally obsessed with nice women. how wrong they are! they shouldnt! women shouldnt work on their low self esteem, or do something about their fat body, its all caused by evil men... I think this story has 2 sides.
Indirect female input doesn't counts?