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Forums > C64 Coding > Some sort of multithreading.
2008-04-08 22:51
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Registered: Apr 2005
Posts: 56
Some sort of multithreading.

About a week ago the topic multithreading came up on #c-64. So today I gave it a try. However, there's something wrong with my code and I can't really figure out what it is.

A short description: I have a fixed number of threads running and a CIA IRQ deals with context switching in a round-robin fashion. Every IRQ I save all current state data (SP, status register, PC, A, X, Y) in a structure and fetch the state data for the next thread.

In this example the first thread increments the screen background color (fast), while the second thread changes the border background color (slow). However the wait in the second thread runs too fast every other time, and I have no idea why. It's probably something wrong with the context switch stuff, maybe some of you could take a look at it?

Sources are for ACME.

!to "threading.prg",cbm
!cpu 6510
;!source "mylib.a"
!macro basic_header .a, .b, .c, .d {
        *= $0801
        !byte <.eol,>.eol,0,0,$9e
        !text .a, .b, .c, .d
.eol:   !byte 0,0,0

num_threads = 2
thread_num = $fd		; current thread number

+basic_header "2", "0", "6", "1"

*= $080d

init:	sei
		; set up context switch IRQ
		lda #$35
		sta $01

		lda #<context_switch
		ldx #>context_switch
		sta $fffe
		stx $ffff
		lda #0
		sta thread_num

		jmp thread1

		lda $dc0d

		; save current thread
		lda thread_num
		; *8
		; save A,X,Y
		sta thread_data+6,y
		sta thread_data+5,y
		sta thread_data+4,y
		; save PSW
		sta thread_data+1,y
		; save PC
		sta thread_data+2,y
		sta thread_data+3,y
		; save SP
		sta thread_data,y

		; next thread, wraparound
		ldy thread_num
		cpy #num_threads
		bne +
		ldy #0
+		sty thread_num

		; *8

		; restore thread data
		; stack pointer first
		lda thread_data,y
		; push PC, PSW for RTI
		lda thread_data+3,y
		lda thread_data+2,y
		lda thread_data+1,y
		; push registers
		lda thread_data+6,y
		lda thread_data+5,y
		lda thread_data+4,y

		inc $d021
		ldy #$02
		jsr wait2
		jmp thread1

		inc $d020
		ldy #$80
		jsr wait2
		jmp thread2
-		ldx #0
		bne *-1
		bne -

	!fill 8, 0
	!byte $ff-$40, $22, <thread2, >thread2, 0,0,0,0

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2008-04-17 16:25

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 122
I guess my ironi tags became hidden...

My personal definition of a thread is that it is a process making some sort of work for the mainprocess. A process is for me a loop that executes somekind of code and it's also able to delegate jobs to other processes in form of threads..
2008-04-17 17:06

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
"Cant someone explain the difference between threads and processes, please?"

"the difference can only be explained in the context of the
execution environment."

--> as gregg's code doesnt implement execution enviroment it cannot be said wether it is multitasking or multithreading.

which is the same I keep telling here: if you dont define process: you have no processes -> without process you cant define threads.

like in maths for the concept of complex numbers you need to define: natural numbers -> negative numbers -> rational numbers -> irrational numbers -> complex numbers.

without defining first negative, rational, etc numbers complex numbers cannot be defined.
2008-04-17 17:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386

as gregg's code doesnt implement execution enviroment it cannot be said wether it is multitasking or multithreading.

LOL. how exactly would that code code run at all if there is no execution environment?

2008-04-17 17:18

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
Quote: Oswald, the whole of your posts show why you are wrong because what you are writing contradicts the links you have been posting.
You said "try reasoning that will help". The point is many other posters have tried reasoning with you and what you do is still keep on repeating your same mistaken assumptions and posting the same links that disprove what you are writing.

It is very obvious that you are confused and you are wrong.

"Multi-tasking = Multiple processes that can support multiple threads. A hierarchy."

still waiting you quoting a reliable source which states the same.

no 2 level hierarchy of processes/threads means multitasking without multithreading not what gregg's doing or you trying to force. threads without processes simply make no sense. by definition threads are parts of processes and by definition processes are part of multitasking capable OSes.

2008-04-17 17:22

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
Quote: Quote:

as gregg's code doesnt implement execution enviroment it cannot be said wether it is multitasking or multithreading.

LOL. how exactly would that code code run at all if there is no execution environment?


you said that processes and threads cannot be told appart without execution enviroment. I have assumed you are using "execution enviroment" in the sense of an OS. Since you have even brought an example where you compared 2 OS as execution enviroments. Hardware may be looked at like an execution enviroment, but the cpu/ram/bus/hdd type alone wont help tell apart threads and processes imho.
2008-04-17 17:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386
you are, again, assuming too much and drawing conclusions from said assumptions. "execution environment" has nothing to do with OS, threads, processes - or even computers per se.
2008-04-17 18:11

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
"Cant someone explain the difference between threads and processes, please?"

groepaz: "the difference can only be explained in the context of the execution environment."

groepaz: " "execution environment" has nothing to do with ... threads, processes "

conclusion: the difference between threads and proccesses can only be explained only in the context of the execution enviroment which has nothing to do with threads, processes.

thats supposed to make some sense?

what is this magical execution enviroment, it has nothing to do with processes and threads, still in its context the difference can be told between processes and threads? can you define this magical concept for me? :)

2008-04-17 18:27

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
I've been thinking about this for a while now and without citing neither Google nor Wikipedia nor refer to any textbook I came to my personal conclusion which is ofcource highly subjective:

The C64 clearly has an OS. This OS takes care of IO, keyboard, cursor blink, screen scrolling and even some rudimentary memory managment if you consider the built in BASIC.

Natrually I consider this a non multitasking OS despite it being capable of f.e. formatting a disk while allowing the user to type in BASIC code. I consider it non multitasking because there are no OS-calls to create new processes. Only replace the one and only existing via LOAD+RUN.

Still this one and only process can very well use the OS to hook its own timer IRQ and implement threading by simple context switching and still be friend with the OS. This kind of threading is normally called green threads, i.e. threads implemented non OS-code.

So to conclude what I consider:

* The KERNEL is an OS.
* The OS is non multitasking allowing only one process.
* _THE_ process can implement threads any way it wants.

What do you guys think? Did I put more wood in the fire now?! ;)
2008-04-17 18:38

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386

conclusion: the difference between threads and proccesses can only be explained only in the context of the execution enviroment which has nothing to do with threads, processes.

thats supposed to make some sense?

no, your conclusion, again, doesnt make sense.
2008-04-17 18:46

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Quote: Quote:

conclusion: the difference between threads and proccesses can only be explained only in the context of the execution enviroment which has nothing to do with threads, processes.

thats supposed to make some sense?

no, your conclusion, again, doesnt make sense.

ROFL. OK. ;)
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