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Forums > CSDb Discussions > colodore is the new pepto
2016-12-12 00:26
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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 35
colodore is the new pepto

Hey guys, I remeasured the video-signals of my VIC-II's and slightly updated my 15 year old attempt at calculating an rgb-clone. While at it, I also measured VIC & TED and made a little website about it, that allows you to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation as you like and then save your own custom palette to a png-file.


I took extra care to make sure, that the brightness, contrast and saturation sliders behave the same way as my 1084s.

While closely comparing my LCD to the 1084s, I found that making the transparency of scanlines dependent on YUV's Y (so they are less visible for brighter colors) looked a lot more like the real thing. I also noticed that the phase-shift on odd-lines happens for YUV's V only and there's even a name for it in video-lingua: hanover bars.

After implementing this, I'm happy to say that the images on my LCD and 1084s are remarkably close.

I will write a more detailed article about it in January, but seriously need a christmas-break first...

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2016-12-12 21:58

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
Nice to see more progress in this area. Thank you!
2016-12-13 10:36

Registered: Aug 2009
Posts: 36
This is so utterly cool. Many thanks for the great effort, pepto!
Be aware that you just made me spend a whole night remapping *all* the graphics I ever produced (admittedly not much, but some were a real pain) - after, of course, updating the VICE, Personal Paint, and Gimp palettes, and my own custom conversion tools. (I shiver at the thought of when v2 will be out.)
2016-12-13 13:43
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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 35
Thanks for the kind words! :)

It runs completely client-side btw. (even creating the png-files), so BitBreaker - if you want to check boob-compatibility, you could just put any pixels into images.js locally and drag the index.html into your browser-window...


Images are just base64 encoded streams of palette indices (4 bits per pixel for VIC and VIC II, 8 bits for TED) in either 160 or 320 pixels width and for 200 lines.
2016-12-13 13:44

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
On behalf of all the oldschool artists who have ever crossed swords with the "palette mafia" on here...


sometimes I think there may be a God afterall.
2016-12-13 16:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1081
2016-12-13 17:14
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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 35
Well, you could crank up brightness & contrast and turn off the scanlines and colodore would look a lot more like ste... :)
2016-12-13 17:22

Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 150
'Fire' by Joe, 'Still Waiting' by Carrion:
left PEPTO
right COLODORE (new vic with 50% saturation)

'Deadlock Loader' by Robin Levy:
top left PEPTO
down left STE'86
top right COLODORE (new vic with 50% saturation)
middle right COLODORE (new vic with 70% saturation)
down right COLODORE (old vic with 70% saturation)
2016-12-13 18:39

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 446
@Pepto: Superb work! It seems even more accurate than your previous one, especially with luminance order for the "PAL" color pairs. Also quite interesting how you came up with realtime re-calculation on each slider change.

I can now "rip" and update the palette for https://og2t.github.io/retro-palette-explorer/ (that uses your luma values for sorting)

I'd suggest opensourcing Colodore on http://github.com for ppl to contribute features (i.e. download the palette as .act or .json format, display the image 1:1 pixel size etc.)
2016-12-13 18:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
Also quite interesting how you came up with realtime re-calculation on each slider change.

that btw was possible in VICE since years.... except in the win32 port :)
2016-12-13 21:11
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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 35
I just added the ability to save palettes as .act files as well. This should help some Photoshop users that had problems handling palettes in png-format, who contacted me via pm.

You may have to refresh your browser-cache to see the new menu-funtion.
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