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Forums > CSDb Discussions > VICE 2.1 has been released
2008-12-19 20:39

Registered: Sep 2007
Posts: 41
VICE 2.1 has been released

VICE 2.1 has been released.

VICE is the Versatile Commodore Emulator, it emulates the Commodore C64,
C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and the CBM-II, as well as the C64 DTV, and it
runs on Win32, Unix, DOS, RiscOS, OS/2, BeOS, QNX, SkyOS, AmigaOS and
GP2X systems.

VICE is *free* software released under the GNU General Public License,
and as such it comes with full source code.

Most important changes since the last version include:

* Changes in VICE 2.1

** General

- The VICEplus project has been joined with VICE. Thus, x64dtv is now
part of VICE.

- We can be contacted via IRC: #vice-dev on freenode

- Added a more accurate ReSID engine using floating point math (ReSID-FP).

- Added support for the USB HardSID.

- PAL emulation has been rewritten and optimized.

- Fixed the ACIA 6551 emulation. (x64/x128/xcbm2/xpet/xplus4)

- Monitor commands help text is now translated too
(in ports where translation is available at all)

- Monitor IO command now displays IO area even if it is currently
banked out.

- GCR file handling (.G64) issues an error message if the .G64 does not
have the expected structure. Before, VICE just silently ignored such

- IRQ handling fix

** C64/C128 changes

- Fixed the digimax sound generation.

- Added the RR clockport disable functionality at $DF00.0. Allows
to disable the RRnet.

- Improved REU compatibility and timing.

** C64 changes

- Added isepic cartridge emulation.

- Added Double Quick Brown Box cartridge emulation.

** VIC20 changes

- Improved the sound emulation.

- Fixed the lowest note bug.

- Improved VIC emulation (exact in-line color/reverse mode changes).

** C64DTV changes

- New emulator.

** Unix changes

- XRandR fullscreen implemented

- Command line option `-fullscreen' is supposed to do something

- Vsync code imported from win32 (based on openGL extension).
see also doc/openGLsync-howto.txt.

- Vidmode (fullscreen support) is broken and therefore marked as
deprecated. It will be removed in the next release if no-one takes
responsibility to fix the broken code and is willing to maintain the

- PAL Emulation (new implementation, improved speed) should be usable
again (it was broken on certain display depths).

- Log messages are always english.

- Only x11 keymaps will be installed when doing a 'make install'.

- MIDI cartridge emulation for x128, x64 and xvic.

** MS-Windows changes

- Watcom generated executables are more optimized.

- MIDI cartridge emulation for x128, x64 and xvic.

- When specifying the target for the RS232 communication
(Menu Settings/RS232 Settings), the target can be specified by
name now. Before, you had to use the IP address.

- Fixed some minor errors with the RS232 communication via TCP

- RS232 can use real devices now, too.
To use this feature, you have to specify the COM port used in
Settings/RS232 Settings like:
\\.\com1: baud=57600 parity=N data=8 stop=1

The characters after the colon can be used to specify additional
settings for the COM port. The string must have the same form as the
mode command's command-line arguments:

The above example specifies COM1 with a baud rate of 57600, no parity,
8 data bits and 1 stop bit.

Note that the leading \\.\ is used to distinguish between TCP/IP
targets and real devices, thus, you have to use it.

(Sorry, no fancy UI yet.)

- vsid GUI reworked:
* infoline appears only by pressing "I"
* raises process priority. Otherwise, when in background,
looses cpu power and music is not played at correct speed
* drag&drop support; window also gets focus back on drop
* correct display of emulated sid model (when using -keepenv)
* changed colors

- fixed copy function from the VICE monitor window.

** AmigaOS changes

** OS/2 changes

- Fixed 24/32bit display depth problem.

** GP2X changes

- Fixed black screen problem.

- Pause emulation while the menu is open.

- Added experimental support for USB keyboard and joystick.

- Removed vsid.

** Mac OS X changes

- x64a.app and x64dtv.app (Cocoa) are now feature complete
* added flip lists
* added netplay dialog
* added ROM resources
* added video settings dialog
* added record snapshot dialog

- Introduced new control window that replaces old peripherals drawer
* with tape control buttons
* attach/eject buttons for each drive
* drag & drop of disk/tape images

- Introduced Cocoa compile for Mac OS X 10.5 and greater with more features
(see extended Resource Inspector)

- Completely rewritten joystick driver that supports user-definable buttons
for fire and all directions.

- Copy & Paste support for emulator and monitor/log window

- Added x2, x3, x4 view scaling like in Quicktime Player

- Store visibility and size of all windows in user's preferences

- Added Keyset Joystick toggle to quickly disable keyboard joysticks

- Added MIDI support

The VICE 2.1 source archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 WIN32 binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 DOS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Mac OS X 10.3/10.4 native Cocoa binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Mac OS X 10.5 native Cocoa binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Mac OS X X11 Gtk+ binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Mac OS X X11 Athena Widgets binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 M68K Amiga OS 3.x binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 PPC Amiga OS 4.x binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 PPC MorphOS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Intel AROS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 PPC AROS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 AROS64 binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 SkyOS binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 GP2X binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 RiscOS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Intel BeOS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 PPC BeOS binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 QNX 4.x binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 QNX 6.x binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 OS/2 binary archive is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Minix 3.x binary package is available at:

The VICE 2.1 Atari Mint binary package is available at:

The Solaris ports can be found at:

The SCO openserver and unixware ports can be found at:

For more information check out the VICE home page at:


At the time this was written the VICE home page was not updated yet,
rest assured that it will be updated soon.
In the meantime, please use


The VICE team wishes you all a Merry Christmas!

Signed, Marco van den Heuvel.
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2008-12-24 08:21

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5077
I second that. I usually define joys over the cursor keys and its a pain in the ass to turn it on off.
2008-12-24 08:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
The Mac version allows you to toggle joystick emulation with CMD-K (Allow Keyset Joystick).
2008-12-24 12:09

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 173
Heck Now I can finally see the pal colors. But I am not totally sure you got it right. now how was that 9696969 or 69696969 that made the brownish-grey and the other one gave the bluepurple grey?

Anyone remember?

Anyway Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for the great christmas gift!
2008-12-24 14:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
Sorry, I should have been clearer, I was asking what the difference was between the old 'pal emulation' and 'new pal emulation'

in the "new pal emulation" (which is now the only one) the phase shift of the color carrier in odd and even lines is correctly emulated.

Heck Now I can finally see the pal colors. But I am not totally sure you got it right. now how was that 9696969 or 69696969 that made the brownish-grey and the other one gave the bluepurple grey?

Anyone remember?

this is my test picture: http://hitmen.c02.at/temp/paltest.prg ... run on the real thing and compare with vice :)

2008-12-24 15:12
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3178
Winvice: just edit win_shortcuts.vsc, I have set these
ALT             'J'         IDM_SWAP_JOYSTICK                 J
ALT|SHIFT       'J'         IDM_JOYKEYS_TOGGLE                J

2008-12-25 11:14

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 173
Thanks Groepaz!

I am very happy about the new updates. Maybe a feature like SWAP lines/colors can come in handy? Just an idea...

Do you have any default settings you prefer when it comes to pal emulation besides the one set as default? I tried some different but due the lack of gliders on the windows version it is sure a little boring to enter numbers all the time...

2008-12-25 16:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
Maybe a feature like SWAP lines/colors can come in handy?

not sure what you mean... you can "invert" the odd/even related effect already by entering the right numbers :)
2008-12-25 19:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Great with a new major version of my favorite emu. Can't really tell the difference on the PAL emulation, but it's nice with some customizability. Also great with the big borders, although they don't seem to like PAL emulation + double size.

Too bad they didn't fix some of the issues that has bothered me for a long time, so I'll just repeat them here.

- PAL emulation + double size is too dark. I think the dark lines should be compensated by making the bright lines brighter, and bleeding some more lightness over to the dark ones. White should be 100% white. Also I think PAL+2x should be the default mode.

- Emulate the correct aspect ratio, i.e. make the screen about 10% narrower.

- True drive should be on by default, and not get turned off every time I load a PRG file. It should remember my preference and turn it back on when loading a D64. This confuses a lot of n00b's resulting in comments like "doesn't work in Vice" on Pouet.
2008-12-25 19:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
if the dark lines are too dark for your taste, simply adjust the scanline shading to whatever suits you best =)

and i agree to the rest :)
2008-12-25 21:15

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1334
Quote: Great with a new major version of my favorite emu. Can't really tell the difference on the PAL emulation, but it's nice with some customizability. Also great with the big borders, although they don't seem to like PAL emulation + double size.

Too bad they didn't fix some of the issues that has bothered me for a long time, so I'll just repeat them here.

- PAL emulation + double size is too dark. I think the dark lines should be compensated by making the bright lines brighter, and bleeding some more lightness over to the dark ones. White should be 100% white. Also I think PAL+2x should be the default mode.

- Emulate the correct aspect ratio, i.e. make the screen about 10% narrower.

- True drive should be on by default, and not get turned off every time I load a PRG file. It should remember my preference and turn it back on when loading a D64. This confuses a lot of n00b's resulting in comments like "doesn't work in Vice" on Pouet.

exactly, it should behave like when choosing file from the list - when prg is loaded, true emulation disappears, then after running the program, it should turn on again.
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