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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3157 : Unofficial Tiny SID Compo 2022
2022-02-05 00:20

Registered: Apr 2015
Posts: 66
Event id #3157 : Unofficial Tiny SID Compo 2022

Welcome to the Unofficial Tiny SID Compo 2022.

Now, as you may be aware, recently in the scene there has been an uptick in people using so-called "tiny" SIDs, mostly thanks to Didi & Richard's series of Intro Creation Compos, where the intros are only allowed to use a certain block of RAM. The problem with this is that there is a severe lack of decent tiny SIDs out there- all it takes is a little bit of browsing through the comments of ICC2021 entries to see some discontentment over the same old GRG tunes being reused over and over again. Now unfortunately this compo comes a little too late to rectify that particular situation, but I believe that even outside of the ICC2021 context, coders will appreciate having a wider library of tiny SIDs to choose from for their killer RAM-eating effects.

This compo idea does have precedent- Stefano Tognon (Ice00) has previously hosted some Tiny SID Compos 15 or so years ago, which got a decent amount of entries. My rules are fairly different from his, though.

The goal of this compo is to produce a self-contained tune, where, with the exception of the zeropage and stack, the entire RAM area used by the tune is contained in one 512b/1kb/2kb (depending on the category) block.

The exact technical rules by which your tunes will be judged are as follows:
- All code, data, and non-zeropage variables that are required for your tune to play should fit in one continuous block of the size specified by the category. Your music code is not allowed to access any non-zeropage RAM outside of this range.
- Your music code should not rely on the initial state of any zeropage location.
- Stack area ($01xx) must only be accessed conventionally, as a stack. That is, only use JSR, RTS, PHA, PLA, PHP, and PLP. Most stack tricks hurt the self-contained-ness of your code.
- Your music code cannot access any I/O registers outside of $D400-$D41B.
- Your music code cannot access any of the ROMs (kernal, basic, chargen).
- Your music code cannot access $00-$01. A coder certainly won't like it if his SID interferes with the bank configuration.
- To give tunes some zeropage "breathing room", your music code cannot access $02-$07.
- Your music code cannot access $0200-$033B, $D000-$DFFF (the RAM under I/O), or $FFFA-$FFFF. Again, a coder won't like it if you mess with these.
- Your music code cannot change the I bit in the CPU status register. So, no SEI, no CLI, and any PLP should be accompanied by a corresponding PHP.
- If you find a use for the decimal mode, you must make sure you turn it off before your music code exits. You can safely assume decimal mode is off at the entry points of your music code.
- Your music routines should be accessible like a PSID file, with an init entry point that exits with an RTS, and a play entry point that executes once per frame, and exits with an RTS.

Be aware that none of the above rules apply to any code that presents your music. As per CSDb rules, you must provide an executable. A good way to think about it is: if we in HVSC had to rip your tune as a SID, which code and data would we have to include?

To make up for the extreme technical restrictions, I am giving you very little creative restrictions:
- Covers and tiny adaptations of other SID tunes ARE allowed.
- It IS allowed to use a player made by someone else, but your tune must be wholly new and not just a cheap edit of the original.
- One composer can enter a maximum of 2 tunes per category.
- Your tune must last for at least 10 seconds before it loops.
- Your tune's presentation must be fairly minimal. Some text, a logo, and an equalizer is okay, but you can't submit a whole demopart and call it a "music entry".

When adding your entries to CSDb, please use the "512b/1K/2K Game" compos. This looks odd but at the end of the day gives the best at-a-glance look at the categories.

The entry period lasts from right now until May 7th, 11:59 PM CSDb time (CET). Depending on the amount of entries, I will either use an external votesheet or you will vote right on CSDb. We'll see.

If you are a musician who is not a coder, you probably know someone who is and would be willing to help you. If you really don't, you can at least enter the 2k category with a tune in a slim player such as GoatTracker or NinjaTracker.
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2022-02-18 21:17

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 502
There you go: 1kTestAcle

Have fun!
2022-02-18 21:41

Registered: Apr 2015
Posts: 66
Quoting Jammer
Any chance for 256b category as well? ;)

Sure, just set the compo as "256b Intro".

In case anyone is wondering, I will not allow any other categories. 256b, 512b, 1k, and 2k are your options. If a category is lacking entries, I'll "merge them up" to the next highest size.
2022-02-20 10:52

Registered: Aug 2021
Posts: 126
quick question, does things like 1k mean 1k and under or does it mean 1k to 2k or does 512 mean under 512 or 512 - 1k?
2022-02-20 13:18

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 502
Size restrictions in compos usually mean the "upper" limit.
So 1k i.e. means size <= 1k.
2022-02-21 13:46

Registered: Apr 2015
Posts: 66
Quoting Karmic
If you are a musician who is not a coder, you probably know someone who is and would be willing to help you. If you really don't, you can at least enter the 2k category with a tune in a slim player such as GoatTracker or NinjaTracker.

Thanks to Hermit's new tracker (FlexSID 1.0), this is outdated. Now you non-coder musicians have no excuse not to participate :)
2022-02-21 15:41

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 849
I was going to stay quiet, but fuck it, I really don't care anymore...

Respect to Hermit for FlexSID and nothing personal against him... but after what Karmic has just said, it's practically rendered most of the rules in this compo worthless and it's ruined a real coder's competition. You (Karmic) may as well just remove the entire rule-list on the code limits now and make it a compo for musicians only. I don't know about other coders, but one feels he's wasted a valuable amount of hours/days for nothing.

2022-02-21 15:48
Hate Bush

Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 466
i'd have more faith in the demoscene audience - i'd bet that doing it in own player, coded from scratch, will be somehow appreciated more than JUST (flexsid being no magic wang either) composing and rendering :)
2022-02-21 15:48

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting Conrad
I don't know about other coders, but one feels he's wasted a valuable amount of hours/days for nothing.
I'm still quite sure that a carefully handcrafted player optimised for a specific tune (and vice versa) will give better results for the same size than any editor+player thing could.

This is the impression i got from having coded a few minitunes here and there, with compositions coming from real musicians. :)
2022-02-21 15:51

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 954
All I can say is that I had fun coding my tiny music routine. The music I converted to the tiny format was an old piece anyway.
2022-02-21 16:39

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 502
@Conrad: what are you talking about? Since when is "It IS allowed to use a player made by someone else" a "real coder's competition"?!?
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