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Forums > CSDb Discussions > deleted Mommy They're back
2010-08-21 19:20

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
deleted Mommy They're back

for the simple reason i am sick to fucking death of having my stuff turned into a flame war. and having the same flames fanned by Groepaz who as a fucking mod should be preventing this NOT trolling it.

Groepaz u love to quote rules at people so why wasnt the one pertaining to "release comments only, anything else will be deleted" acted upon?

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2010-08-21 22:58

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
cool? me? never happened.

and this? this is a minor squabble which is insignificant when placed against the ones on partyline which could last for months. you really should read JCBs scrollers properly in future. the "war" with the paras and Zig and Zag lasted AGES.
we're in it for the long haul.

2010-08-21 23:26

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Is this all a joke on how it was earlier in the scene... remember some wars that came from nowhere back then... he he... but... all in all it is really really odd to see people so jumpy all the time... are all on medication in here... hope not. Let us be friends and do something cool with the hobby we do care so much for. Cool logo as mentioned before STE'86, create some more cool art. Hey... all of you, create something for a party or release soon too...
2010-08-21 23:47

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 226
This certainly reminds me of something back in 2007... About mods and CSDb and "If you see any of those baggy pants it was huge chuck the hills".

I'd say, keep up the work. Let someone else have the joy of releasing it here.
The scene is not this database and you'd probably enjoy being a voyeur participating when you feel like it.
My experience is that it's lovely to vote and comment, but the real work is done back home,
far from the net and contacts other than the persons I've chosen to be my friends or whom I choose to show my work to.
I've had some great moments here, but the most promising outcomes have been outside this (cough) "museum".
2010-08-22 00:39

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1044
Hmm.. off to write in a disk magazine.

Re-direction of energies required, who knows what might happen... maybe I can get the mag out and then focus on something new.
2010-08-22 01:10

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Looking forward to the next issue, it will be full of love I presume...
2010-08-22 02:03

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1044
PAL: well, full of passion - but also some aggressiveness here and there. Oh, and a really cool interview with someone too. :D
2010-08-22 06:24
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646

I see where you are coming from. Some time ago, I uploaded a release here on CSDb. Someone took upon themselves to post 2 inappropriate comments, both in the ‘User Comments’ and ‘Production Notes’. I deleted the entry, as I was its maintainer. The entry re appeared complete with original comments, with Groepaz set as maintainer. I emailed the mod(s) / Groepaz and received no reply.
2010-08-22 08:09

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5078
thats the worst part of moderation here. you can email the mods, but you will get no fucking reply. nil.
2010-08-22 08:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11302
if you go the proper route you will. always. (email is the wrong route. i dont remember getting any from you oswald though). ofcourse repeating the same thing and whining constantly will get you ignored. that should go without saying =)

and as for the comments in an entry - they are hardly ever a reason to delete an entry. and the truth is never inappropriate, not even in an antry like Dark Dream.

YOU wec, got a reply. twice. ofcourse you ignored it and tried again and again and again and thats why the entry got locked. and it wasn't me deciding it, it was decided by all mods (and you generally can assume we discuss shit like this internally). and it was finally locked by me, because - scroll back and read what i already said - the other moderators choosed to not give a fuck about that kind of quarrels, and since i was declared the evil nazi moderator pig by some of you already anyway, i can just aswell do the dirty work and have the other mods work peacefully and not waste their precious time with that bullshit. i can live with that :)

and now, really, go make a demo about it. all of you.
2010-08-22 09:19
Wile Coyote
Account closed

Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
It would be a good idea if, anyone who uploads a release that they are involved with should have the rights to moderate the comments should they wish to do so. Not edit comments, simply delete. It would save having to contact the mods, who ‘seriously cant be arsed ‘ as Groepaz puts it.
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