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Registered: May 2012 Posts: 29 |
Goattracker sound woes
Hey guys.
Every time I make a tune in Goattracker when I export it as .sid and play it, it sounds vastly different.
I've been bothering a couple of friends with it but nobody could help me out, so here I am.
I made a little example to illustrate the problem. This particular sng is supposed to be played at x2.
Here is an example what I hear in GT and then in sidplay2
Here is the goattracker2.71 song file
And here is my config:
Quote:;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------
;GT2 config file. Rows starting with ; are comments. Hexadecimal parameters are
;to be preceded with $ and decimal parameters with nothing.
;reSID buffer length (in milliseconds)
;reSID mixing rate (in Hz)
;Hardsid device number (0 = off)
;reSID model (0 = 6581, 1 = 8580)
;Timing mode (0 = PAL, 1 = NTSC)
;Packer/relocator fileformat (0 = SID, 1 = PRG, 2 = BIN)
;Packer/relocator player address
;Packer/relocator zeropage baseaddress
;Packer/relocator player type (0 = standard ... 3 = minimal)
;Key entry mode (0 = Protracker, 1 = DMC)
;Pattern highlight step size
;Speed multiplier (0 = 25Hz, 1 = 1X, 2 = 2X etc.)
;Use CatWeasel SID (0 = off, 1 = on)
;Hardrestart ADSR parameter
;reSID interpolation (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = distortion, 3 = distortion & on)
;Hexadecimal pattern display (0 = off, 1 = on)
;SID baseaddress
;Finevibrato mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
;Pulseskipping (0 = off, 1 = on)
;Realtime effect skipping (0 = off, 1 = on)
;Random reSID write delay in cycles (0 = off)
;Custom SID clock cycles per second (0 = use PAL/NTSC default)
;HardSID interactive mode buffer size (in milliseconds, 0 = maximum/no flush)
;HardSID playback mode buffer size (in milliseconds, 0 = maximum/no flush)
;reSID-fp distortion rate
;reSID-fp distortion point
;reSID-fp distortion CF threshold
;reSID-fp type 3 base resistance
;reSID-fp type 3 base offset
;reSID-fp type 3 base steepness
;reSID-fp type 3 minimum FET resistance
;reSID-fp type 4 k
;reSID-fp type 4 b
;reSID-fp voice nonlinearity
;Window type (0 = window, 1 = fullscreen)
;Base pitch of A-4 in Hz (0 = use default frequencytable)
I've been trying with different buffer and resid settings, but to no avail.
Since all the players (including Vice) seem to sound alike, I assume I'm doing something wrong with Goattracker. Still waiting for my 1541u so can't test on real hardware sadly.
Halp pls!
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Registered: May 2012 Posts: 29 |
Did both things you suggested and psid playback is almost identical now.
Thank you very much! \o/
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FATFrost Account closed
Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 211 |
I had exactly the same problem.. Especially when I created an instrument and inserted the notes, but when I played them back it didn't sound the same... |
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FATFrost Account closed
Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 211 |
Hey!!! May 13th!!! We're bro's!!! Niiiice!!! ;) |
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Registered: May 2012 Posts: 29 |
Quote: Hey!!! May 13th!!! We're bro's!!! Niiiice!!! ;)
*highfives!* |
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FATFrost Account closed
Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 211 |
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Registered: Aug 2008 Posts: 200 |
I also had some problems today making a SID experiment (in speed 3) sound right outside of GT 2.74. I tested a packed version in Sidplay2/w v2.6, Wothke's WebSid, Hermit's jsSID, a SID plugin for XMPlay, and the VICE SID player.
Especially a snare drum in a bassline was completely different. It was almost as if the noise in GT was auto-testbit-locked and also somehow divergent. I tried adjusting a lot in the editor as well as packer attributes and command-line switches. After some tests I discovered that the noise inside GT started sounding "normal" (i.e. the same way the players agreed to) when using the -i02 switch to enable reSID distortion. I'm not sure how that makes any sense. Anyone able to clarify this?
For now, I'm just going to continue using that switch.
I also had disagreeing hard restart across the board, but this settled down when I used the value FF00 in the blue title bar instead of the default 0F00. According to the documentation, this "enables the use of an alternative play routine, where waveform is written before ADSR." This fixed side effects in WebSid and the VICE SID player.
Believe it or not, I actually miss having a real C64C (for 8580) to test SID stuff on. |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1160 |
If you're using the VICE3.2 release, note that it has a new ADSR related bug, which causes difference in HR's.
However multispeeds and GT2 have always been trouble, because the editor doesn't emulate a proper C64 environment, and if your ADSR settings are tight enough, even a few cycles can make the difference for the HR behaving differently. The alternate writeorder player is more lenient.
The -i switch controls also resampling / interpolation, and it's true that noise sounds bad with the most basic setting -i0. The reSID distortion modes have always at least interpolation on, which you observe with -i2. -i1 should be relatively OK too. |
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Registered: Aug 2008 Posts: 200 |
Yes, I'm using WinVICE 3.2. Interesting bug.
It's actually only a standard 1x thing I'm testing. I wonder how much I can rely on SidPlay/w v2.6, because the GT test now sounds exactly the same in it.
Thanks for the input. |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1160 |
SidPlay is OK in regard to proper CPU / SID write timing.
When testing with emulation, I've had most trouble with filters. But 8580 filters should be less troublesome, since they're always practically the same on each chip, and there shouldn't be a volume drop in the filtered channels like on 6581. |
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Registered: Aug 2008 Posts: 200 |
Excellent, I also target 8580 as everyone else these days.
On Facebook I've also been made aware of the SIDBlaster as a viable option. I'll see if I can obtain one of those. |
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