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Forums > C64 Coding > Howto flickerfree and moving rasterbar ?
2009-10-19 23:18
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
Howto flickerfree and moving rasterbar ?

<Post edited by moderator on 20/10-2009 01:24>

Making a perfect stable, flickerfree and moving rasterbar is harder than I thought.
Why and which changes are needed to the code below to fulfill my dream about the flickerfree rasterbar?
The code is based on http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/vic/stableraster.txt.
Acme code ready to compile:

!to "doubleirqrasterbar1.prg",cbm  

*= $0800
!byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$33,$32,$37,$36,$38,$00,$00,$00,$00	
raspos    = $00
maxpos    = $7c

         *= $8000    ;Assemble to $8000       
         cld         ;Clear Decimal Mode
         sei         ;Disable IRQ's
         lda #$1f    ;Disable CIA IRQ's
         sta $dc0d
         sta $dd0d
;        lda #<nmi   ;Install NMI into
;        ldx #>nmi   ;Hardware NMI and
;        sta $fffa   ;RESET Vectors
;        sta $fffc
;        stx $fffb
;        stx $fffd
         lda #<irq1  ;Install RASTER IRQ
         ldx #>irq1  ;into Hardware
         sta $0314   ;Interrupt Vector
         stx $0315
;        lda #$35    ;Set MMU to RAM at
;        ldx #$ff    ;$a000-$bfff and
;        sta $01     ;$e000-$ffff
;        txs         ;Clear the STACK
         lda #$01    ;Enable RASTER IRQ
         ldx #$1b    ;High bit of RASTER
         ldy #$34    ;compare register
         sta $d01a   ;and RASTER IRQ to
         stx $d011   ;line $34
         sty $d012
                     ;NOTE double IRQ
                     ;cannot be on or
                     ;around a BAD LINE!
                     ;(Fast Line)
         lda #$0e    ;Set Background
         ldx #$06    ;and Border colors
         ldy #$00    ;to default and
         sta $d020   ;turn off sprites
         stx $d021
         sty $d015
         jsr clrscreen
         jsr clrcolor
;        jsr printtext
         asl $d019   ;Ack any previous
         lda $dc0d   ;IRQ's
         lda $dd0d
         cli         ;Renable IRQ's
         jmp *       ;Endless Loop
         sta reseta1 ;Preserve A,X and Y
         stx resetx1 ;Registers
         sty resety1 ;VIA self modifying
                     ;(Faster than the
                     ;STACK is!)
         lda #<irq2  ;Set IRQ Vector
         ldx #>irq2  ;to point to the
         ldy #$35    ;next part of the
         sta $0314   ;Stable IRQ
         stx $0315   ;ON NEXT LINE!
         sty $d012
         asl $d019   ;Ack RASTER IRQ
         tsx         ;We want the IRQ
         cli         ;To return to our
         nop         ;endless loop
         nop         ;NOT THE END OF
         nop         ;THIS IRQ!
         nop         ;Execute nop's
         nop         ;until next RASTER
         nop         ;IRQ Triggers
         nop         ;2 cycles per
         nop         ;instruction so
         nop         ;we will be within
         nop         ;1 cycle of RASTER
         nop         ;Register change
;        nop  ;<--- remove 1 NOP for PAL

         txs         ;Restore STACK
         ldx #$08    ;Wait exactly 1
         dex         ;lines worth of
         bne *-1     ;cycles for compare
         bit $ea     ;Minus compare
         nop         ;cycles
;        nop  ;<--- remove 1 NOP for PAL
         lda #$35    ;RASTER change yet?
         cmp $d012
         beq start   ;If no waste 1 more

         ldx raspos
         cpx #maxpos   
         beq setrastup
         stx raspos
         cpx #maxpos   
         bne rasterbarctrl

         ldx #$00
         stx raspos        ;Reset raster positon to 
                           ;zero if maximum has been reached.     

         ldx raspos
         ldy rastmov,x    ;Wait for rasterline $3D-$96 at $D012 
wait     cpy $d012 
         bne wait 
         ldx #$00 
copy11   ldy rastime,x       
         bne *-1 
         lda coloursr,x       
         sta $d020 
         sta $d021 
         cpx #$10
         bne copy11

         lda #<irq3  ;Set IRQ to point
         ldx #>irq3  ;to subsequent IRQ
         ldy #$b8    ;at line $68
         sta $0314
         stx $0315
         sty $d012
         asl $d019   ;Ack RASTER IRQ
         lda #$00    ;Reload A,X,and Y
reseta1  = *-1       ;registers
         ldx #$00
resetx1  = *-1
         ldy #$00
resety1  = *-1
;        rti         ;Return from IRQ
         jmp $ea31
         sta reseta2 ;Preserve A,X,and Y
         stx resetx2 ;Registers
         sty resety2
         ldx #$0a    ;Waste some more
         dex         ;time so effect
         bne *-1     ;can be seen
;        lda #$0e    ;More colors
;        ldx #$06
;	 nop:nop 
;        sta $d021   ;Cool! subsequent
;        stx $d021   ;IRQ's are also
                     ;stable :-)
                     ;Unless you are
                     ;running realtime
                     ;code :-)
         ldy #$18    ;Waste time so this
         dey         ;IRQ does not try
         bne *-1     ;to reoccur on the
                     ;same line!
         lda #<irq1  ;Reset Vectors to
         ldx #>irq1  ;first IRQ again
         ldy #$34    ;at line $34
         sta $0314
         stx $0315
         sty $d012
         asl $d019   ;Ack RASTER IRQ
         lda #$00    ;Reload A,X,and Y
reseta2  = *-1       ;registers
         ldx #$00
resetx2  = *-1
         ldy #$00
resety2  = *-1
;        rti         ;Return from IRQ
         jmp $ea81 
                     ;Pound RESTORE to
                     ;get back to Turbo
         asl $d019   ;Ack all IRQ's
         lda $dc0d
         lda $dd0d
         lda #$81    ;reset CIA 1 IRQ
         ldx #$00    ;remove raster IRQ
         ldy #$37    ;reset MMU to roms
         sta $dc0d
         stx $d01a
         sty $01
         ldx #$ff    ;clear the stack
         cli         ;reenable IRQ's
         jmp $9000   ;back to Turbo
         lda #$20    ;Clear the screen
         ldx #$00
clrscr   sta $0400,x
         sta $0500,x
         sta $0600,x
         sta $0700,x
         bne clrscr
         lda #$03    ;Clear color memory
         ldx #$00
clrcol   sta $d800,x
         sta $d900,x
         sta $da00,x
         sta $db00,x
         bne clrcol
         lda #$16    ;C-set = lower case
         sta $d018
         ldx #$00
moretext lda text1,x
         bpl lower   ;upper case ?
         eor #$80    ;yes
         bne lower+2
lower    and #$3f    ;lower case
         sta $0450,x
         cpx #$78
         bne moretext
exit     rts
         !scr "Stable Raster IRQ sourc"
         !scr "e (PAL/NTSC)     "
         !scr "All Code by Fungus 1996"
         !scr "                 "
         !scr "Feel free to use and mo"
         !scr "dify this code :)"

;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
;raster data
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

             !byte $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$01
             !byte $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$01

             !byte $0b,$0b,$0c,$0c,$0f,$0f,$0d,$0d
             !byte $0d,$0f,$0f,$0c,$0c,$0b,$0b,$00

             !byte $3D,$3D,$3E,$3E,$3F,$3F,$40,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48
             !byte $49,$4A,$4C,$4E,$50,$52,$54,$56,$58,$5A,$5C,$5E,$60,$62,$64,$66
             !byte $68,$6A,$6C,$6E,$70,$72,$74,$76,$78,$7A,$7C,$7E,$80,$82,$84,$86
             !byte $88,$8A,$8C,$8E,$8F,$90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$94,$95,$95,$96,$96,$95
             !byte $95,$94,$94,$93,$93,$92,$91,$90,$8F,$8E,$8D,$8D,$8B,$89,$87,$85
             !byte $83,$81,$7F,$7D,$7B,$79,$77,$75,$73,$71,$6F,$6D,$6B,$69,$67,$65
             !byte $63,$61,$5F,$5D,$5B,$59,$57,$55,$53,$51,$4F,$4D,$4B,$49,$48,$47
             !byte $46,$45,$44,$43,$42,$41,$40,$40,$3F,$3F,$3E,$3E

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2009-10-22 14:55

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 124
spoiler alert!! jackasser is revealing top secret stuff of the demoscene. BAN HIM!
2009-10-22 15:00
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
Thanks Jackasser, Im trying to open up the matrix of the holy C64 coding. Hope to be able to show my finished flickerfree routine here soon. But I need more of your important code to finish. Please give some more code Jackasser. For the sake of fast progress. Its 2009.
The Matrix is closing in.
2009-10-22 15:02
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Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 224
hehe... "Agent Smith, where are you?? we have here a..." :D

but I guess the next question is to convert it to ACME and how to use it/where are the "missing things/secrets"... ^^

*edit: well, a bit to late but not that wrong with my assumption *g*

2009-10-22 15:41
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238

if you do:

lda color,x
lda color,x

what is x now ?

then your table has 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,color,0,0,0,0,0,0

so when you change x, it loads from different places.

as i showed, you can use a sinus curve for the x value, or you can just increase/decrease it.

before you do more, now take a piece of paper and make some pseudocode that is tested and works, then try to make 6510 AFTERWARDS.
2009-10-22 15:53

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Quote: Thanks Jackasser, Im trying to open up the matrix of the holy C64 coding. Hope to be able to show my finished flickerfree routine here soon. But I need more of your important code to finish. Please give some more code Jackasser. For the sake of fast progress. Its 2009.
The Matrix is closing in.

I don't want another rasterbars part. If you do, then you do it. If you have a learning problem then tough luck, you need to practice more. Actually practice is key to C64 coding... but since I actually think you're ignorant I suggest you buzz off and stalk some other forum.
2009-10-22 16:07
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
I'm not ignorant. I want to publish a flicker free rasterbar routine for other beginers like me.
There is no ascii published one out there.
I'm trying to learn. Can you please explain about your ypos-pointer. How and when do you update it.
I'm going to try out your code piece later tonight.
2009-10-22 16:32

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 902
OMG! it's 2009! that means that it's already more than 25 years ago people made moving rasterbars! There's already so much information on the internet that you'll have to find out for yourself.
2009-10-22 16:38
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Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 224
Y-Pos must be increased/decreased once per irq, so logical... ^^

oh come on... when g00gle can't find a source-code to a flickerfree rasterbar, then it's impossible to do... didn't you know?? (c;

2009-10-22 17:10
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
I have one experimental flickerfree moving raster bar running now !
Thanks Jackasser and Jan !
I will try to combine it with the fungus stable raster code soon. Then I will publish the first flicker free moving rasterbar on the Internet.
The code will be ready to compile in ACME.

All of you who thinks this code is out there please provide
a link. Make sure it´s flickerfree first.
2009-10-22 17:27

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2980
Actually there's all info on the net to code such a trivial thing. Probably no ready-made source code which does exactly what you want, but all the parts are there.

I also suggest to try some other forums. Forum-64.de comes to mind, but it's primarily in German.
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