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Forums > CSDb Discussions > A dream come true, or a hoax ?
2010-12-20 22:29
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
A dream come true, or a hoax ?

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2010-12-21 09:44

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
No coffee machine?
Will not buy.
2010-12-21 10:14

Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 185
Hm. As if there wasn't enough junk drifting around in outer space already...
2010-12-21 12:10

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2916
These certainly aren't renders -> http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64Prototype.aspx

Getting one or two prototypes made up like that isn't any real expense. I'd love to have one of those cases, fit a proper small motherboard in there, etc.

Like all recent incarnations of "Commodore" I don't expect anything besides off the shelf parts clones and lots of promises that fall short when they can't get funding to go beyond a few CNC'ed prototypes.
2010-12-21 12:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
and i thought people realised by now that all that commodoreusa ever did and will do is releasing press releases ...
2010-12-21 21:52
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Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 24
´Hmm, as what i've seen on the website, the hardware itself doesnt look very nice nor it shows that the statements made are true.

Even a dual core Atom is nort very fast. There are similar cpu's from Via, twice as fast. Why still use that dreaded Intel Atom?

Ok, there is a brreadbin case, but its plastic looks semi-transparent like one of those creepy realdolls. Coincidence??? You decide!

Also, they state, the keyboard is better than the original. From the pics, i see simple switches. If there is one thing as rugged and dependable on a C64, then it was its keyboard. Its something you cant impove. Also, wtf 5 F-keys!

For those who know how C64's and Amiga's look like, the connectors are all on the wrong sides...

So, what's going to run on it. Windows 7? With Ion graphics? Come on...
2010-12-22 02:47
The Phantom

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 360
It's not right! It's not right I tell you!

@Exin64: I thought I was the only one who thought those realdolls were creepy.
2010-12-22 06:09
The Shadow

Registered: Oct 2007
Posts: 304
This "Commodore USA" company is making a mockery, of themselves. Woowee, any dumbhead can shove a PC into an empty breadbin case. If they truly have acquired the Commodore licensing then someone needs to tell them to make real C=64 computers. Real chips, real ports and an accurate keyboard (four function keys). People all over the world would buy authentic Commodore 64s.
2010-12-22 07:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3041
The Shadow: Word!
2010-12-22 07:59

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
those photos of the albino c64 are just the shit. who wants to buy a lousy system in a even worse case :D

CEO "hey let's buy the name, do the shit and hope we get rich overnight...."

Developer "(ehm, but our "invention" is the shit?)"

CEO "no worries, I know how to do proper marketing, none will see that it is a cheapass chinamade .5 cent albino housinf that even looks the shit"

Developer "ok, but then we try to fix in some enhancements.... let's say I got 4 fingers and a thumb, let's have 5 function-keys then, and it has to look like the shit, too, so that none can see that we never ever saw a real machine before..."

COE "Well, that Atari-64 erm something we will reinvent, will be a real success, trust me, it looks like the original one I saw last year when I got out of the lunatic asylum again..."

Developer "yeah, that sounds nice, at least you saw one ones"

CEO "Next stop, a video recorder that look like an amiga, or better, the other way around....."

Developer "Gee, CEO, what do you want to do tonight?"

CEO "The same thing we do every night, Developer - try to take over the world!"

and all "the developer and the brain, brain brain brain....."

2010-12-22 14:55

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
If they do produce a machine I for sure will buy one, with four or five fkeys... Are we here talking about the 200 people using csdb that will buy the machine from around the world? Guess they will not be rich from that, must be something more... And to be honest, the real machine, I would love to buy one that were build today, but man, there are not many people like us, we are a very strange and abnormal gathering of silly nostalgic fools loving this strange shit to the max... I love it...

I would go for something that is updated, even it means another fkey...

About the creepy realdol look of the prototype... that is what a prototype do look like... the cheapest way to test the shape is to send of a 3d model and get it back, just like that... and then it sure looks like that... that is what prototyping is, a cheap version that do not cost a fortune to build, the first real one they build are the most expencive you see... thats why the prototyping first.
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