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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Stash vs. Secret Man - ooh the csdb drama!
2008-03-14 22:15

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
Stash vs. Secret Man - ooh the csdb drama!

Well, since no-one else is gonna complain about this, I'll volunteer, after all I have no shame...

First up, round one, secret man wanks his knob off with:
Hidden Cam

Then the dudes in SWA own him in round 2 with:
The 3 ho-men need privacy

followed by another fucktard release from secret chav:
Onslaught's Elite

(with possible ripped code from here: Piccolo Mouso)

Honestly, this is becoming indescribably pathetic. Yes, stash is wanting to further prove how corrupt and bent secret man & wanderer are (we all got the point from day fuckin' one), but this war has been constant for nearly 2-3 years now (or probably more as I don't know how long this shit has really been going for) and all it's doing is corroding this site to nothing but shite. A couple or more bad apples out of the whole load of generic scene releases CAN affect on one's sympathies you know... don't be afraid to admit it.

@Moderators, either you sort out this mess or be guaranteed that more better and well behaved sceners may leave this site for good.... but still, who gives a fuck anymore? The site is already destroyed... and has been for a while, too. Let the secret man play, it'll just build up his retarded portfolio in due course I guess.

Oh and btw, I don't enjoy witnessing a group that I am proudly a member of being piss-taken by a cunttard scener, just because that stash is also a member.

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2008-03-22 23:27

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
I don't understand why you, Fungus and Conrad are repeatedly pushing down other people.

Well excuse me, but when have I pushed anyone down in the past? When have I pushed YOU down in the past? Oh wait, maybe you're referring me to this? That stupid one-off when I reacted to your insults on vanja which btw you removed most of your comments minutes afterwards to prevent more reactions? Seems you didn't do it quick enough.

If you didn't know by now, as well as releasing music I've
actually been helping certain sceners with transferring and uploading a lot of missing UK cracks from the golden 1980's to csdb (and still am in due course), providing my part to amass scene history... and you are saying that I've pushed people down? Idiot.

Yes I admit that I started this thread, but was for a purpose and not to get attention, unlike you.

I cut here... off to watch the BP'08 c64 demo competition... much more interesting than this forum shit.
2008-03-23 00:36
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Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 66
Quoting Conrad
That stupid one-off when I reacted to your insults on vanja which btw you removed most of your comments minutes afterwards to prevent more reactions?

Okay, let's go over this one more time. Knoeki first accused me of trying to falsify the records and I responded to that explaining what I did and why. You chose to reject the truth to jump on my throat with this:

"Fman, that really is fucking sad! Not only you're trying to hide your stupidity, but you're also black affronting a well respected (and female) scener."

Instead of even giving me the benefit of the doubt, you flat out decided to believe something that was not true, because that gave you the possibility to lash out at me. To this day your understanding of what transpired that day is fundamentally incorrect. But I know there is nothing I can say to change this.

However, I want to ask why you got involved in that matter? How was it your business? Did you just see an opportunity to be mean and to bully me around? I also want to ask, why you made an explicit effort to mention the female thing? In your mind, is it more wrong to say something about a female?

This is what Vanja said before I was involved: "Making your own birthday demo is sad. Telling people to STFU when they point this out is retarded."

That's where it all started. Everything that I said was in response to this. What part of that do you not understand? Again my haters try to express it like I had made an unprovoked attack on Vanja, which is nonsense.

I was very much annoyed by the initial attack on others by Vanja, telling others that they are sad and retarded, but when I react to that nastiness, I am the one who gets bullied for being "disrespectful" to Vanja. Right, solid logic!

Quoting Conrad
I've actually <blah blah> and you are saying that I've pushed people down? Idiot.

How is doing all those other things supposed to cancel out your bashing? Just read the very message that you started this thread with. Sure, you never do that and even if you did, your helping others somehow makes it not happen - more solid logic. That last word dots the I. You prove my point perfectly and renew exactly how nasty you are.
2008-03-23 00:54

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 639
I'd like to join the nasty club and hereby second Conrad!
2008-03-23 07:01
The Overkiller
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Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 342
Quote: I'd like to join the nasty club and hereby second Conrad!

You're not allowed to join any club, none loves you Linus. (wow, I'm so fuckin' evil buhuhahahahaha) ;-) Btw: Happy Easter mate :)
2008-03-23 11:45

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 434
at the end, this thread is good, it leads to multiple directions! it began with stash vs. secret man.
now its heading to each and everyone vs. the others, to keep it simple :D

i hereby open the "confusers club" and second conrad aswell as fman.
2008-03-23 12:29

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
FMan: mate, I couldn't care less what you think about me as this is just nothing but text that not everyone is gonna read. Sticks and stones.
What has bullying got to do with this? I'd prefer a fight in the back yard if I ever wanted to bully someone. Sad-act!
2008-03-23 15:50

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2562
Quote: Quoting hollowman
You mean like the positivity you showed when you headed over to the retrohackers forum and started bashing different projects?

No, that's not what I meant or actually did. Don't be a jazzcat and carry your crap from forum to forum. First, there was a question mark at the end of my sentence and at that time I really did not have an understanding what the use was, but now I do.

Second, I did not just head over there. I have been a member of the Retrohackers forum since last June. But why is this any of your business? Why are you acting as another forum cop? I don't think we need any more of those.

Quoting hollowman
<blah blah> compared to the magnificient stuff you pull off with only unlimited spare time at hand.

Okay... Saying this was supposed to improve the world in what way? You are making my case for me, demonstrating the exact nastiness I was talking about. I don't understand why you, Fungus and Conrad are repeatedly pushing down other people.

Am I right that since you think I have done wrong, I must be punished by being targeted with saying those hurtful things? Apropos, despite what you, Trazan and Deadbeat say, I still insist that there are problems with Windows and some of its software.

Quoting homoman
fewer people will have to endure your whining about your life

This is something I still don't get. Why did my haters choose to "endure" rather than simply use the built-in ignore feature? Nobody "has" to endure my whining unless they explicitly choose to do so. Are you so much in love with hating that you want to gather as much material as you can to grow your hatred? And to what end? To please your evil nature? To strike back like an immature bully?

Quoting hollowman
to be able to say something about fmans whining I have to whine myself

What exactly is the difference between your whining and my whining? Except that you somehow think that yours is justified and mine is among the biggest crime against humanity. Why must you "say something" to begin with?

Quoting bugjam
The only thing worrying me is the blatant and dumb homophobia shown in these releases.

Ehh... Some kids are calling each other homos at a kindergarten and you actually think it qualifies as "homophobia". Are you kidding me? Also, being disgusted by something does not equal being afraid of it! Dumb is the immediate judgment passed when someone dares say anything about the jews.

Quoting cadaver
if one's not allowed any kind of judging others' "scene weight"

Tell me why many people often jump to the absolute extreme? It discredits your message IMHO, coz there is a lot of room between "any kind of judging" and the massive bashing that certain self-proclaimed elites keep doing. Forget my wish for a more positive scene then and WAR!

"Ehh... Some kids are calling each other homos at a kindergarten and you actually think it qualifies as "homophobia". Are you kidding me? Also, being disgusted by something does not equal being afraid of it! "

Being "disgusted" by other people´s sexual orientation (or race, skin color or whatever) is even worse that being afraid of it. And it is part of the term "homophobia" anyway.

"Dumb is the immediate judgment passed when someone dares say anything about the jews."

Now that´s an interesting one - only completely off topic. I was talking about "Jew" used as an insult, which is as disgusting as "homo" as an insult.

EDIT: Sorry for quoting the whole post, but I couldn´t figure out how to edit the quote. Now that´s a bit dumb, for sure. ;-)
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