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Forums > C64 Coding > Give it a go
2014-08-31 16:24

Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 210
Give it a go

Hi all,

How do I compile and run code in relaunch64 ?
Some1 has a Script for me?
I use dasm and kickassembler code.

2014-09-01 08:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 621
I take it you want to compile your program using a cross assembler, and a cruncher.

Go to the menu


click on the tab Compile and Run Script

Type in the PATH and commands to where your compiler is:

For example... I place ACME in a specified folder and use:

c:\acme\acme.exe -v3 xforce.asm

then underneath add the path and execution command for the cruncher... for example:

c:\exomizer\win32\exomizer.exe sfx $0400(change sfx value to the jump address of your code) xforce.prg -o xforce.prg -q

then add the path to call VICE to run the prg

c:\winvice\x64.exe xforce.prg

Name the script, and whenever ready for testing at any time, when programming click on the compiler button.

It might probably help if you add some MSDOS commands to your script, to delete the old .prg file, assemble it ... If errors occur in the code, the .prg won't exist for the exomizer to crunch it down. So it might be wise to add something like this example (Which I did for X-Force).

@echo off
del xforce.prg
c:\c64v11\c64\acme.exe -v3 xforce.asm
if not exist xforce.prg goto error
c:\exomizer\exomizer.exe sfx $0400 xforce.prg -o xforce.prg -q
if not exist xforce.prg goto error
goto end
2014-09-01 14:27

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 279
to compile ASM files you need to run a command line
like this one:
java -jar kickass.jar source.asm -o myprog.prg

you of course need to take care for accuracy of paths.
i recommend you to open the KickAssembler manual for
nice examples to compile and run on winvice . you can also
edit the configuration file of winvice for more options
and control
2014-09-02 05:58

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 44
For an extra portion of coolness when using DASM/VICE, also dump your symbols using the DASM "-s" switch, so you can load them into the VICE monitor. Helps a little for debugging purposes etc...

My DASM commandline looks like:
dasm.exe "%p%n%e" -o"%p%n.prg" -p3 -v3 -t2 -s"%p%n.sym" -l"%p%n.lst"

Then I launch VICE like:
x64sc.exe -moncommands "%p%n.sym" "%p%n.prg"

(quotes are cos i use crazy paths :P and %p/%n/%e specify the path, name and extension of the current file in UltraEdit - change as appropriate)

When you start the monitor, you then get all your labels when disassembling etc... can be handy. I'm sure other assemblers must have this facility too...

(Should probably mention, I'm using the iAN CooG enhanced version of DASM - http://iancoog.altervista.org )
2014-09-02 10:31

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 640

Aumtron you piece of shite! =D
2014-09-04 06:11

Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 210
Thx for the replies guys, I'll test things out asap!
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