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Forums > C64 Coding > Break Vice at certain opcode
2024-03-11 10:23

Registered: May 2022
Posts: 89
Break Vice at certain opcode

is there any possibility to create condition for breaking Vice monitor at certain opcode?
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2024-03-22 09:00

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 518
Quoting ChristopherJam
Wacek, configure all of your VICE instances the same way, then the churn will stop.

But I do not use differently configured instances, I use different versions for different things, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one ;)
2024-03-22 15:26

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
I never said this LOL :)

You really want to reread the discussion.

These are different machines with different keyboards (I mean PC, Amiga and Mac) and I am pretty sure there are maybe 2-3 people in the world that are switching between these systems, definitely not the majority of the users, right?

No idea what you are on there. PC and Mac keyboards are similar enough. Amiga is irrelevant as there has been no VICE port for Amiga for many years. Also the shortcuts *were the same* for all platforms, always. *except* for Windows.

How would that really influence the development efforts to keep the historical setup?

As said above: "You can always use the provided legacy mapping file if you prefer the old windows shortcuts."
Other than that it just makes life a lot easier when all ports work exactly the same.
2024-03-22 15:55

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1411
Quoting wacek
I use different versions for different things, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one ;)

Oh I'm aware of that - I'm just saying you can configure the newer ones to have the old keybindings (or vice(sic) versa), then all your vicen will have the same bindings as each other. Problem solved :D
2024-03-23 04:35
Martin Piper

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 726
In Vice: break 0 ffff if rl == $32

Will break if the raster line (RL) is equal to $32 and if the PC is between 0 and ffff.

It's not hard to see that using a smaller PC range is useful for finding specific code that executes at certain raster lines.
2024-03-23 05:18

Registered: Sep 2002
Posts: 697
Seems easy enough to use to me, but I do wish you could have multiple conditions on a break point so you can check ranges.
2024-03-23 06:07

Registered: Oct 2014
Posts: 498
the conditions do support || and && so you can do
`break 1000 if a <= 20 || a >=128` for example
2024-03-23 12:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
Yes, reread the docs on releases :) Some of those things were added relatively recently.
2024-03-24 13:32

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 518
Quoting chatGPZ
You really want to reread the discussion.

You really want to provide a quote for me saying "no sane person is using vice monitor". You are paraphrasing what you understood via your subjective lens, not what I actually said.

No idea what you are on there.

Again, though it was pretty clearly stated - there was (IMHO obviously) no need to "sync" keyboard shortcuts if virtually no one is switching between platforms. That was my point, not if the keyboards are different. For me that was a pure OCD move really.
I know you don't care about the end users too much ;) but to give you a very practical example, when you're doing mass submissions to csdb and need to produce screenshots quickly, the switch from alt+C to shift+alt+R (not to mention the workflow afterwards) is pretty infuriating and slows you down significantly.
OK, so the shortcuts were the same "except" for Windows, but which platform version is the biggest user group? You adapted majority to minority, or am I incorrect here?
Think about this: how much time passed from the early versions of WinVice till the first one with changed shortcuts, multiplied by number of users that are on windows. That's the probable impact of that change.

And don't get me wrong - you do what you need to do, it's just my thoughts on the subject.
2024-03-24 13:34

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 518
Quoting ChristopherJam
I'm just saying you can configure the newer ones

But keyboard shortcuts are not the only reason I use different versions of vice :) there are other more important reasons, that are not solved by instances with different configs.
2024-03-24 16:29

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1411
Quote: Quoting ChristopherJam
I'm just saying you can configure the newer ones

But keyboard shortcuts are not the only reason I use different versions of vice :) there are other more important reasons, that are not solved by instances with different configs.

I get that - which is why I'm suggesting keep your different versions of vice, and configure the keyboard shortcuts of each one of them to the same thing (either oldschool windows vice, or the ones that everyone else has used since forever).

The only config I'm suggesting changing are the keyboard shortcuts.
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