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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2558 : 1st CSDb Dir Art Compo
2017-02-06 09:38

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Event id #2558 : 1st CSDb Dir Art Compo

OK folks, here's something to entertain you all again. :-)
Based on the nice idea which came up in the X2016 thread, when the discussion went about a new compo to be held in addition to the traditional ones, I decided to go ahead and put it into practice - I guess this is the first time such a compo is held; please correct me if I am wrong.
So it is all about creating a nice directory - an art which rarely gets the attention that it actually deserves.
Here are the rules:

- Directory needs to be loaded with LOAD"$",8 and then LISTed
- Previously unreleased
- It does not need to contain any binary
- However, it is allowed to enter a directory linked to a release which comes out during the competition period; this release might be a party release or a standalone release uploaded here to CSDb or elsewhere
- The entry shall be labelled as "C64 graphics (PETSCII)" here; if the mods prefer to label it "C64 misc.", it is also fine of course
- In case the directory is used in another release, a separate entry must be created for the compo; the download link may point to the original download of the release
- Any topic is allowed
- Any trick is allowed (so the coders get their brains steaming as well ;-)

Voting will be through PM to me; last time (in the SF graphics compo) I wanted people to vote for ALL entries for their vote to be counted, but that led to a very low number of votes cast, therefore I will go for top 5 voting this time, with the 1st receiving 8 points, 2nd 6 points, 3rd 4 points, 4th 2 points and 5th 1 point.
Voting period will be from April 1st until April 15th; votes cast before will not be counted.

Prices will be a special surprise for the first 3 places; in addition, 1st place gets to choose 3 original games from my double list, 2nd 2, and from 3rd on everybody gets to chose 1. Yes, all participants will get something! :-)

OK people, go for it!!!

2017-02-06 12:35

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
...and the first entry has arrived already! :-)
2017-02-06 13:04

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Oh, and one more thing: pls don't add a screenshot to your entry. People who want to check should download the thing anyway. :-)

Regarding max entries per participant, I'd go with the usual 2.
2017-02-06 13:57

Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 251
- Any trick is allowed

Well... this might be getting very interesting, pretty soon.


wouldn't it theoretically be possible to make a directory that long, that it wraps and writes into zeropage to autostart some code?
i tried already, but as i learned from the pirates basic source code, there is no way currently known to me to execute basic commands via screen codes. any thoughts here?
simple animations should be easy, though.
I'm really excited for some sweet findings :-)
2017-02-06 18:29

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
Reminds me of a trick me and Toaster devised for Rotated Shit – an infinite directory. You have to break the loading with STOP key, or it will never end. With AR cart you'd just see a never ending listing. Fun times.
2017-02-06 19:48

Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 251
Digger: **awesome!** On a normal c64 it does something of glitchy beautifulness! (Have to be patient, though, it takes 147 seconds in unwarped vice or real hw) plus it gives CBMxfer a very hard time, will check now what happens if one waits longer. [Update: after 10 minutes of constant loading i was a bit afraid about my 5.25 drive motor, so lets assume, there is potential for trouble.]
2017-02-06 20:23

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Cool compo idea! *thumbs up!*
2017-02-06 23:27

Registered: Jun 2010
Posts: 265
Yeah, great compo idea!
2017-02-07 07:35

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Credit were credit is due: I just checked http://csdb.dk/forums/?roomid=7&topicid=115092&showallposts=1 , and it was in fact Dr. Strange who brought it up there!
2017-02-07 14:19

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4732
Bugjam: "Oh, and one more thing: pls don't add a screenshot to your entry. People who want to check should download the thing anyway. :-)"

That rule fails, first of all because it tries to overrule CSDb rules (7.6), and secondly because everyone, especially graphicians, would get ideas with that rule. Why? Everyone wants their stuff downloaded, and not recieve votes and feedback just by looking at a screenshot. CSDb needs more and better screenshots, not fewer.

Said that: Great compo idea! Let the PETSCII flow!
2017-02-07 17:18

Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 251
I apologizie deeply, but i feel i must support the non-screenshot-rule this time. It will totally support the thrill of the yet unseen, if there are no screenshots until the votings are over. Yes, ofcourse we need the screenshots for all the releases, but in the spirit of a completely new attempt towards a competition, i fully support the call to not adding screenshots. The effect will be that there are no spoilers. Come on, it is okay! :-)
2017-02-07 17:25

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4732
Wertstahl: I hear you. Still: This only convince me CSDb might not be the best place for compos. I fully understand the desire to add a surprise effect etc, but it is not fully compatible with the idea CSDb stands for: a database for the C64 scene, with the goal to be as complete as possible, including and securing all information - screenshots included.
2017-02-07 19:18

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Well, I'll volunteer to add each and every screenshot myself - after the compo is over. But it is clear that screenshots of scrolling artwork are not able to represent the work adequately. So my offer goes only for static screenshots, not 50 fps animated GIFs.

EDIT: OK, just forget about that rule. It was just an idea.
2017-02-07 22:04

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
easy solution to make everyone happy: add the screenshot on csdb but upside down! so no csdb rule is broken and people after watching a couple of entries will automatically list that d64 dirs on emu/real-hw instead, to avoid neckache...
:P \o/
2017-02-08 01:52

Registered: Jul 2016
Posts: 21
Actually, I've often wished CSDB has a user pref for toggling off screenshots, which I would use temporarily after a compo to cut down on spoilers. Instead I usually cover that part of the browser with another window, heh...
2017-02-08 15:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
the screenshots should generally not get shown until after a) you downloaded the entry b) voted for it
2017-02-08 19:18

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
I expect lots of shitty dirs. So YES to screenshots. Sorry!
2017-02-09 21:36

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
Added my first entry, with a screenshot (sorry Bugjam).
2017-02-10 23:43

Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 251
This compo will again change alot. Can we try and collect some earlier spectacular directory art attempts? Because i think we have some real firsties here.
Also: has anyone managed yet, to get past $dcff?
2017-02-11 00:15

Registered: Jul 2012
Posts: 369
Never thought, that this would be kind of amazing compo! :D Looking forward for more nice ideas! :)
2017-02-11 09:38

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 513
I will be a minority here, but as much as I love the fact of finally having a DIR compo ;) it's a turn off for me that the trickery stuff is allowed. I'd really prefer hardcore/oldschool dirs which were always rather underappreciated in the scene, than what I am afraid will now become just another trickery compo for coders. In a similar vein a bit we had with logo compo...
Just my few cents, rant over, don't mind me ;)
2017-02-11 09:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Well Wacek, it's a Dir Art Compo, not a Dir Graphics Compo, but yeah, seems to me that it will be less about the graphics and more about the tricks. E. g. graphically I prefer the Big Lebowski stuff from all the releases so far, but the clever creativity from the tricky releases beat it hands down despite that the graphical side of them is kinda meh.
Can't really compare the two objectively.
2017-02-11 11:15

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
To make everyone happy (as if), perhaps Bugjam could split off the effects based entries with the meh graphics into a separate compo, have two competitions under the same event?

C64 Graphics compo = only for the traditional pieces, no trickery allowed.

C64 intro or Mixed Graphics or Wild or whatever = for the trickery entries.

Make it max two entries total per person for the event, then people can choose if they want to make two traditional entries, two trickery entries, or one of both?
2017-02-11 12:05

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Well, since it is not a graphics compo per se, I am happy about it the way it is and I am actually glad that more entertaining releases emerged besides monochrome, motionless PETSCII graphics. The rules are quite straightforward, I don't think there is a need for separation.
That said, I am pretty sure I am not the only one who initially thought this will be a plain directory graphics competition in its classic sense, so I hope that the tricky stuff (which will probably dominate the event) won't discourage those who want to participate with typical contributions as - by being a graphician - I was mainly wondering what could be achieved purely graphically in this area.
2017-02-11 13:22

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Now I'm curious if traditional dir is going to top those 'newskool' entries ;)
2017-02-11 19:20

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
I'd rather leave it open, as I think it is indeed in no way decided what kind of entry will be winning. That was originally also the whole idea.
What I'm wondering, though, is whether if all the trickery will impact how directories of other releases will look like in the future. :)
2017-02-11 22:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
"compo for coders" is silly anyways in this case - its just petscii, no coding required :) its just a bit more annoying to edit than without the control chars
2017-02-18 01:46
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Registered: May 2015
Posts: 3
Hi folks!
I added my entry, October's Centenary. Don't take it too seriously, I like controversial kind of humour, hehe. ;)
I hope you'll like it, at least a bit.
2017-04-02 09:25

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
OK, voting is open!
For ease, you can copy-paste this template:

Voting for the "1st CSDb Dir Art Compo":
1. (8 points):
2. (6 points):
3. (4 points):
4. (2 points):
5. (1 point):

Votes via PM or email ( bugam AT gmx DOT de )are possible.
2017-04-02 18:26
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Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 41
Thanks for the template! Hmmm...I believe there is a 'j' missing from your mail address ;-)
2017-04-02 21:35

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Uuh yes - well, I guess everyone can figure out where it belongs. :-) And thus it's even safer from those nasty bots!
2017-04-03 16:51
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Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 41
Agree! ;-)

Congratulations to all candidates! Great Compo indeed!

Voting is quite a task with so many fantastic entries!
E-mail just sent :-)
2017-04-04 08:27
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Registered: Apr 2017
Posts: 6
Hi to all Commodorians!

I have also added my entry a couple of weeks ago and wish you all having a good time!

(p.s I have just completed my registration and I am very happy to see/meet some of the old-good-days demo sceners & groups here!)
2017-04-04 11:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
Voted - thanks for a fun compo with some amazing entries!
2017-04-13 09:50

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Only 2 and a half days left for voting!
2017-04-14 21:08

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
A bit more than 24 hours left now - get your lazy asses up for voting! :-)
2017-04-15 17:46
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Registered: Apr 2017
Posts: 6
Just voted...Have a nice weekend.
2017-04-16 14:33

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
19 valid results received in total.
Congratulations to Goat for #1! Of course also for the followers Mermaid and Scott, and everybody else who competed - fantastic stuff from all of you!
All participants, please contact me for your prices!
2017-04-16 15:12

Registered: Mar 2011
Posts: 15
Congratulations to Goat for winning with the colorful "Full Horizontal Directory Logo" and to all other great participations!
Special thanks to bugjam for organzing this unique compo.
2017-04-16 17:46
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Registered: Apr 2017
Posts: 6
Congratulations to the Winner (Goat) and all participants...
I personally had great time 'plotting out' my entry!
2017-04-16 18:35

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
how come I did not win? cheaters!!
2017-04-17 02:18

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
A most excellent competition. Thanks to bugjam for organising, and props to all the participants!
2017-04-17 09:24

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
It's been my pleasure - please everyone contact me!
I got a hint that if there are 2 equal places, the following place is taken, meaning all after that shift one place up. Does not really matter, but I fixed it to have it follow the usual way.
2017-05-02 13:23

Registered: Oct 2007
Posts: 43
Thanks for the organization and the prizes, very nice!
2017-05-08 19:13
Salvo Bee
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Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 2
I'd like to thanks everyone involved in the compo for the great entries and bugjam for the nice prizes! (mine was just delivered ;)

I look forward to see more directory compos in the future.
2017-05-10 07:29

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
The winners' surprise has been posted as image on the event page - graphics courtesy of Mis.
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