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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #172238 : Waves 16k
2018-12-09 10:09
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Registered: Jul 2008
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Release id #172238 : Waves 16k

<Post edited by moderator on 11/12-2018 15:33>

                    ldx #0                  ;top = 0
                                            ;we use Xreg as top
loop_fractal_line   cpx #0
                    bpl @+                  ;if x<0 go to drawing
                    jmp exit_fractal_line
@                   lda sx2,x               ;dx = abs(sx2-sx1)
                    sbc sx1,x
                    bcs @+
                    eor #$FF
                    adc #1
@                   cmp #2                  ;if dx<2 skip to plot point
                    bcs subdiv_fractal_line
                    ldy sx1,x
                    lda sy1,x
                    sta heights,y
                    bne loop_fractal_line
                    beq loop_fractal_line
subdiv_fractal_line lsr                     ;ed = dx/4
                    sta edge_displacement
                    lda sx2,x               ;sx2 = int((sx1+sx2)/2)
                    sta sx2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                    adc sx1,x
                    sta sx2,x
                    sta sx1+1,x             ;copy to top+1 also
                    lda sy2,x               ;sy2 = int((sy1+sy2)/2)
                    sta sy2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                    adc sy1,x
                    sta sy2,x
                    lda st2,x               ;st2 = st1+st2
                    sta st2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                    adc st1,x
                    sta st2,x
                    sta st1+1,x             ;copy to top+1 also
                    bvs @+                  ;if v<>0 skip displacement
                    bmi n_equal_1
                    lda sy2,x               ;n == 0
                    clc                     ;sy2 += ed
                    adc edge_displacement
                    sta sy2,x
                    jmp @+
n_equal_1           lda sy2,x               ;n == 1
                    sec                     ;sy2 -= ed
                    sbc edge_displacement
                    sta sy2,x

@                                           ;Copy new Y to top+1
                    lda sy2,x
                    sta sy1+1,x
                    inx                     ;top += 1
                    jmp loop_fractal_line

2018-12-09 14:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
that would be so much better with a 'code' tag =D
2018-12-11 09:29

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
So much precious cycles waster with sec/clc and no illegal spotted :-(
2018-12-11 11:01
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102

yeah... ;)

we Atarians do not use illegals often due to 65816 boards :D.

no honestly. Axis teached me last week first time AXS e.g. so first time I used any illegal was LAX in Arsantica 3 and the Voxel... :D
2018-12-11 12:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
All the lsr could be replaced with an asr #$fe and thus carry will stay clear and clc can be dropped, and i see even more potential :-) (sta sy2,x being stored and loaded again just on the next step, a comparision would suffice on the abs function, and that would save a sec)
2018-12-11 15:05

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
2018-12-11 15:33
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3203
I edited the 1st post to reformat it with the code tags
2018-12-11 15:40
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102

ah thx. I guess I will revisit the fractal core. :D

btw. if you wonder what ST1 and ST2 is. It's what Carpenter calls "node tag values" and those represent the characteristics of the line (e.h. "mountain" or "cloud" etc).

so... say fractline(0,100,4 to 319,100,4) will be different to fractline(0,100,20 to 319,100,4). Even Tag1 4 and Tag2 5 should be different.

2018-12-11 15:52
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
Quote: All the lsr could be replaced with an asr #$fe and thus carry will stay clear and clc can be dropped, and i see even more potential :-) (sta sy2,x being stored and loaded again just on the next step, a comparision would suffice on the abs function, and that would save a sec)

another idea was exchange x reg with y reg as I moved the height array into ZP... just saw in c64debugger that STA height,y is $00xx....
2018-12-11 16:15

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
If things happen linearly one could also push bytes to stack instead of storing and read them back with lda $0100,y
Interrupts should not matter, as they add bytes at the bottom end. X gets interesting as index then again as tsx fethes the proper position in stack for indexed reads again.
2018-12-11 16:20

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
the cpx #0 can also be omitted, as this point is eitehr reached after ldx, dex, inx that all set the minus-flag anyway, also

                    bne loop_fractal_line
                    beq loop_fractal_line

can be replaced by a jmp
2018-12-11 16:23

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
as far as I understand this is a recursive line routine except at each subdiv step it semi randomly decides if y should be displaced or not, + or -, while displacement value is /2-ed on each subdiv step.
2018-12-11 16:24
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
Quote: the cpx #0 can also be omitted, as this point is eitehr reached after ldx, dex, inx that all set the minus-flag anyway, also

                    bne loop_fractal_line
                    beq loop_fractal_line

can be replaced by a jmp

the atari version has JMP but I thought that BNE/BEQ combo is faster as 3 cycles vs 2 (assuming no page boundary crossing happened... dont tell me that I do cross :D)
2018-12-11 16:33

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
jmp takes 3 cycles, a taken branch as well, so your combo takes 3 or 5 cycles and one byte more than a jmp.
2018-12-11 16:34
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
Quote: jmp takes 3 cycles, a taken branch as well, so your combo takes 3 or 5 cycles and one byte more than a jmp.

haha... Jez... so I misoptimised it and me thought I am clever :D
2018-12-11 16:35

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
                ldx #0                  ;top = 0
                lda sx2,x               ;dx = abs(sx2-sx1)
                sbc sx1,x
                bcs @+
                eor #$FF
                adc #1
                cmp #2                  ;if dx<2 skip to plot point
                bcs subdiv_fractal_line
                ldy sx1,x
                lda sy1,x
                sta heights,y
                bmi exit_fractal_line
                lsr                     ;ed = dx/4
                asr #$fe
                sta edge_displacement

                lda sx2,x               ;sx2 = int((sx1+sx2)/2)
                sta sx2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                adc sx1,x
                asr #$fe
                sta sx2,x
                sta sx1+1,x             ;copy to top+1 also

                lda sy2,x               ;sy2 = int((sy1+sy2)/2)
                sta sy2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                adc sy1,x
                asr #$fe
                sta sy2,x

                lda st2,x               ;st2 = st1+st2
                sta st2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                adc st1,x
                sta st2,x
                sta st1+1,x             ;copy to top+1 also

                bvs @+                  ;if v<>0 skip displacement
                bmi n_equal_1
                lda sy2,x               ;n == 0
                ;maybe can be omitted if previous addition does never overrun?
                clc                     ;sy2 += ed
                adc edge_displacement
                sta sy2,x
                jmp cont1
                lda sy2,x               ;n == 1
                sec                     ;sy2 -= ed
                sbc edge_displacement
                sta sy2,x
                sta sy1+1,x
                inx                     ;top += 1
                bpl loop_fractal_line
                bmi exit_fractal_line
@                                           ;Copy new Y to top+1
                lda sy2,x
                sta sy1+1,x
                inx                     ;top += 1
                bpl loop_fractal_line

Have not tried it, might be completely broken now, but that are things i see at a first glance to try. I understand that unrolling is not an option in a 16k intro :-) The storing on stack/zp is still an option as it takes two/one cycle off the stores.
You might also want to do more code duplication instead of the jmp cont1
2018-12-11 16:46
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
thanks. will have a look later and upload a version with the new "core".

                    sbc sx1,x
                    bcs @+
                    eor #$FF
                    adc #1

I am wondering why I did not use that for ages :D
2018-12-11 18:21
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
actually it stucks in the fractal loop... need to check why.

maybe as my assembler has no ASR so I looked at Graham's opcode matrix and would say its $4b?
2018-12-11 19:03
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
Quote: thanks. will have a look later and upload a version with the new "core".

                    sbc sx1,x
                    bcs @+
                    eor #$FF
                    adc #1

I am wondering why I did not use that for ages :D

ok. me getting old... it's mine :D
2018-12-11 19:12
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
                    ldx #0                  ;top = 0
                                            ;we use Xreg as top
loop_fractal_line   cpx #0
                    bmi exit_fractal_line
@                   lda sx2,x               ;dx = abs(sx2-sx1)
                    sbc sx1,x
                    bcs @+
                    eor #$FF
                    adc #1
@                   cmp #2                  ;if dx<2 skip to plot point
                    bcs subdiv_fractal_line
                    ldy sx1,x
                    lda sy1,x
                    sta heights,y
                    jmp loop_fractal_line
subdiv_fractal_line lsr                     ;ed = dx/4
  		    alr #$fe ;c = 0 a div 2
                    sta edge_displacement
                    lda sx2,x               ;sx2 = int((sx1+sx2)/2)
                    sta sx2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                    adc sx1,x
                    alr #$fe
                    sta sx2,x
                    sta sx1+1,x             ;copy to top+1 also
                    lda sy2,x               ;sy2 = int((sy1+sy2)/2)
                    sta sy2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                    adc sy1,x
                    alr #$fe
                    sta sy2,x
                    lda st2,x               ;st2 = st1+st2
                    sta st2+1,x             ;use it to copy to top+1
                    adc st1,x
                    sta st2,x
                    sta st1+1,x             ;copy to top+1 also
                    bvs @+                  ;if v<>0 skip displacement
                    bmi n_equal_1
                    lda sy2,x               ;n == 0
                    clc                     ;sy2 += ed
                    adc edge_displacement
                    sta sy2,x
                    jmp @+
n_equal_1           lda sy2,x               ;n == 1
                    sec                     ;sy2 -= ed
                    sbc edge_displacement
                    sta sy2,x

@                                           ;Copy new Y to top+1
                    lda sy2,x
                    sta sy1+1,x
                    inx                     ;top += 1
                    jmp loop_fractal_line

slightly optimised with my new friend ALR #$fe
2018-12-11 19:17

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
you still should get rid of the cpx #0 decision :-) You can do that already on the branches from inx/dex ;-)
2018-12-11 19:25
Rastah Bar
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Registered: Oct 2012
Posts: 336
Quoting Heaven

btw. if you wonder what ST1 and ST2 is. It's what Carpenter calls "node tag values" and those represent the characteristics of the line (e.h. "mountain" or "cloud" etc).

so... say fractline(0,100,4 to 319,100,4) will be different to fractline(0,100,20 to 319,100,4). Even Tag1 4 and Tag2 5 should be different.


Thanks for the link! Btw, is this the same kind of algorithm that is behind the change disk part of Old Men in Used Cars ?
2018-12-11 19:29
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102


including the new core... don't see much difference... but haven't meassured the rendering time...
2018-12-11 19:33
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
Quote: Quoting Heaven

btw. if you wonder what ST1 and ST2 is. It's what Carpenter calls "node tag values" and those represent the characteristics of the line (e.h. "mountain" or "cloud" etc).

so... say fractline(0,100,4 to 319,100,4) will be different to fractline(0,100,20 to 319,100,4). Even Tag1 4 and Tag2 5 should be different.


Thanks for the link! Btw, is this the same kind of algorithm that is behind the change disk part of Old Men in Used Cars ?

i doubt as this looks like a "classic voxel" animation.

but Voxel maps can be generated by midline displacement... and me using a grid while voxel uses "screen collums" and RoF uses collum height drawing (front to back) same like later commanche... so yeah some tech is used later ;)
2018-12-11 19:33
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
Quote: you still should get rid of the cpx #0 decision :-) You can do that already on the branches from inx/dex ;-)

now as more as I look at it it's most annoying thing :D.
2018-12-11 20:05
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
And this doc describes the “flag based” displacement:


As we see Carpenter was already at Lucasfilm 1986
2018-12-11 22:06
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102

this is the Atari 800 version with my new "core" but it has 3d calc (camx,camy plus persptrans with fastmul)...


and here the c64 "core" without 3d and precalced nodepos on the A8...

2018-12-12 08:23

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
I expect a c64 demo in two years that shows the effect as fast :-)
2018-12-12 16:12
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Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 102
actually i am now precalculating those "x fract" tables as in a non camera moving scenario all line length are fix...

so code will only do y1 to y2 displacement in realtime.
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