Quoting GoatThe Mayhem d64 contains two files names "SD4.*" with identical sizes and misses a "SD1.*" file somehow.
So it looks like a bad copy or transfer somehow...
SD1 is packed behind the intro. But the program is simply a bugfest, it can't work in it's current format. Eg, select ANYTHING from menu will result in file not found:
press return to continue?
?file not found error in 7982
7960 load"sd1",8
7961 load"sd2",8
7962 load"sd3",8
7963 load"sd4",8
7965 printchr$(147):goto7900
7970 printchr$(147):print:print" make.su
re.disc.is.in.drive.with.side.2 up!!"
7971 c$="":input"press return to continu
7972 if c$="0000"goto7900
7975 on val(s$)-5goto7980,7981,7982
7980 load"sd5",8
7981 load"sd6",8
7982 load"sd7",8
From Intro/SD1, you keep pressing RETURN; you will eventually get:
?syntax error in 9910
due to:
9900 rem--create custom characters
9910 for char=s <<<< TO F missing
9920 for byte=0 <<<< TO 7 missing
9930 read code
9940 poke34816+8*char+byte,code
9950 nextbyte:nextchar
9960 return