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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #224204 : Spooky Preview +2
2022-10-07 00:19

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4747
Release id #224204 : Spooky Preview +2

User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 7 October 2022
Soso, so i failed to realize that you supposedly agreed with me, hm? When i specifically wrote the sentence "so you also seem to think ..." and "i see it similarly..." in my last entry? Don't know, if you use Deepl or Google for translating, but better change your program or cancel your subscription there. :)
To the matter itself. You added that name in this way back then, i am pretty sure, because once this was released back then, i immediately downloaded it. I can remember well, because i wanted to play Bomberland on my SD2IEC too, for a long time and when i saw this, i grabbed it at once. But that's not the main point.
The unanswered main-question here remains - alot older releases in the CSDB had the addition [sd2iec] in their name and this never was a problem, these releases still have these names and because of this, they are easier to find for SD2IEC-users, if they search for a certain game by name and have all crack-versions listed. Now, all of a sudden, it is supposed to be a problem, to name a file with that addition? Not really understandable.

User Comment
Submitted by Groepaz [PM] on 6 October 2022
You managed to not realize i was actually agreeing with you =) (i don't remember if i actually added that tag to that release myself. i am guessing no, as i rarely use them)
The point is that most "sd2iec" releases do NOT use special sd2iec things at all. If we only tagged those that do, very few releases deserved that tag.

User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 6 October 2022
@Groepaz possible, but not tested, because the adjustments are specifically made to make it workable on SD2IEC. Funny in this context also is - look at the entry "Bomberland [SD2IEC]" from 15.11.2018 and who made this entry. Created by Groepaz. *lol* So, you also seem to think, that it makes sense, if you can read that directly in the name. I see it similarly, that way, users can find it faster, among all the other crack versions, some games have. In any case, it's not acceptable, that some users can call a release that way and others can't. Either rules apply to everyone, or to none.

User Comment
Submitted by Groepaz [PM] on 6 October 2022
Doesnt pretty much almost anything with that tag work without a sd2iec too? lol

User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 6 October 2022
@Hedning - little bit strange. Alot other releases are inside the CSDB, that have [SD2IEC] directly in the name and there it's not a problem. Here it is now, all of a sudden a problem. Also these Spooky and Toki versions were only tested on SD2IEC, for which they were adapted. They are not tested on IDE64 hardware for example. In my opinion, it's an advantage, when people search for the name of a game and they can then directly see, which cracks are for SD2IEC, in the listed crack versions. That doesn't work here now anymore, here people must specifically search for SD2IEC now. Therefore i had done it vice versa with the names. Also not okay, that i am not the maintainer now anymore, of these two releases, only because you want to have other names here.

User Comment
Submitted by hedning [PM] on 6 October 2022
As the release works fine even without a sd2iec it's not a specific release for that hw only, thus the tag is moved to the aka field. It still shows up if you search for sd2iec.
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2022-10-07 02:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
=D More, please. You didnt get your point across yet.
2022-10-07 03:02

Registered: Jan 2020
Posts: 24
I don't want to humiliate anyone, who already had it hard enough and is on the floor. I think you should be a little more grateful for that.
The point of view here, was clear from the beginning - a file was given a name, that was previously allowed without any problems and then suddenly wasn't anymore. Who wouldn't even ask, what that's supposed to mean?
But why other people have to involve here, as a non-participant of the whole thing, is a completely different question. Craving for recognition, or whatever your problem is, since years?
2022-10-07 03:09

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
I think you should be a little more grateful for that.

Oh yeah. That's it =D

But why other people have to involve here, as a non-participant of the whole thing, is a completely different question.

Are you sure you are getting the idea of a collaborative database?
2022-10-07 03:22

Registered: Jan 2020
Posts: 24
A collaborative database is the one thing, constantly interfering in things that don't really concern you and that other people can best discuss without interference, is another. If i ask a question to Hedning, i don't need your answer to it.

I also don't need your alleged support either and especially on your typical arrogant comments along the lines of "you don't seem to understand... bla bla bla" bullshit, i can well do without. Don't know what's so hard to understand about it?
2022-10-07 03:24

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Thats cool and totally justifies writing a wall of deepl nonsense. Point taken!

(And if you dont want anyone to comment on your comments and want to ask Hedning a question only he shall answer - this is what PM is for. Protip)
2022-10-07 03:34

Registered: Jan 2020
Posts: 24
No no, don't distract. The thing with Deepl has it's justification, because obviously your comprehension, when reading english text, is deficient somehow. But english is needed everywhere in life today :-) and I wanted to give you the impetus to improve that. Because, if you keep using translation tools, how shall your english improve in the future?

If your english would be good, you would not have written me five times, that I supposedly do not understand, that you want to totally support me here. But I had fully recognized your unbelievable big support, already in my first post after yours. It was such a big support, that i believe, it was the biggest support, someone has given to someone else, in northern Europe, for at least the last 17 years.
2022-10-07 03:38

Registered: Jan 2020
Posts: 24
Quote: Thats cool and totally justifies writing a wall of deepl nonsense. Point taken!

(And if you dont want anyone to comment on your comments and want to ask Hedning a question only he shall answer - this is what PM is for. Protip)

It's sad, when someone can't recognize by himself, that a question is not addressed to him and doesn't concern him in any way, but instead demands now, that you write a PM instead of using the typical "@(name of person, i want to address)" sign.

Is it the same with you in real life, when two people are talking, that you then come from the side and just talk in? That must have gotten you into quite a few difficult situations, right?
2022-10-07 03:53

Registered: Jan 2020
Posts: 24
I can literally see it in front of me, when i close my eyes, how you are typing the next text in the Deepl translate-field and mistyping ten times because of nervousness, due to the discussion here. That's why you always need a long time to write and have so little text then.

And then, Deepl of course, translates these typed errors into meaningless text. Probably also one of your problems, why some things don't fit together in your texts :-(

That's also, why I'm trying to help you, by getting you to type in an english text here directly, in the CSDB, without first going through one of your translation tools. Okay, if then half of it is not understandable, everyone will be surprised here in the forum. But you'll get through this, I'm sure :-)
2022-10-07 04:14

Registered: Jan 2020
Posts: 24
This is so funny here, i already have a stomach ache from laughing, in the background. Can we go on a little more? :)
2022-10-07 09:21
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1945
To avoid further KAL wordslides triggered by grp CONFIRMING (wtf!) oneliners - closing. Use PM (and deepl!).
*fp* ... my desk is not thick enough for this.
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