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Forums > C64 Pixeling > First CSDb "Unintended cool picture pixelling challenge"
2015-10-15 14:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
First CSDb "Unintended cool picture pixelling challenge"

Hi guys. Carrion has this great idea about pimping up Compopic and having a compo about it. Anyone in?
2015-10-15 15:28

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
The pic is so funny that I'd definetely be in.

Apart from "executable on C64", no rules at all or at least as few restrictions as possible, all styles/formats allowed, only recommendation to include
- one human,
- one tiger,
- one temple,
- one starfield by night
I also suggest deadline 31st of Oct 23:59:59 CEST and either a clear-cut voting system or just the CSDb ratings.
2015-10-15 18:23

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5110
fun! :)

2015-10-15 22:51

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
Seems like Carrion is missing the fun he had with Rambo Revisited (Rambo Revisited - GFX Compo ) , I think the less restrictions there are, the better the outcome will be.

Go pixel... you have my blessing, although.. I think it would be much funnier if someone respected and wise picked the theme... yes, I'm talking about myself.

*grinning like a Cheschire cat*
2015-10-16 08:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Quoting CreamyDee
I think the less restrictions there are, the better the outcome will be.

Noooo I don't want hundreds of converted shite.
2015-10-16 13:13

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
Jailbird same here. I meant creative constraint rules like above Ryk had suggested... like what should exactly be on the pic.
2015-10-16 13:34

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5110
rambo compo showed truly great pictures even if convert was alloved. stop crying start drawing :)
2015-10-16 13:36

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
What Oswald sez.

Ain't afraid of no wire.

Maybe I got it wrong, as I thought this compo was for fun and open to low quality fun stuff and nothing anybody had to troll with soso quality or wired pictures. Actually some wiring will be involved in at least one of my pics. Hmh... If it is getting too serious, I'm maybe out but (more likely) I don't care but release it out of competition anyway or risk being disqualified.
2015-10-16 14:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Quote: rambo compo showed truly great pictures even if convert was alloved. stop crying start drawing :)

Fuck you Oswaldbogár I don't want to spend hundreds of my time just to be beaten by Rayden.
2015-10-16 17:02

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
On Rambo Revisiting I have learned this.

"Raw" wiring is a part of creative process, for many artists, but what makes the difference, is openness about one's creative process and honesty.

What should be strongly fought against, is plagiarism. An organiser should maintain the strong right and freedom to select the final competing graphics. He should be able to remove any entry, while giving competent reason why that happened.

I don't think every entry has right to enter, but I also don't believe that conversion is not part of the process of most for many of todays artists. Like... when you sketch by hand, and then convert the sketch to computer.. that's also wiring, but it certainly not plagiarism. But imagine you convert manually, and "forget" to give credit to oroginal author. That's bad. And if you give the credit, that still might not prevent your pic from being removed from the compo, but it brings value to the C64 scene on its own terms. Especially if it's beautiful conversion.

I wish I could say that simpler. It's a lot of words.

Let's try again:

Authority and experience of organizer, honesty of artists, artistic merit of pics, that should be parameters of solid c64 gfx competition. Or any competition.
2015-10-17 01:26

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
The more I read, the more I miss the fun aspect. Leading to reduced motivation to polish "crap" wiring. If I'm disqualified anyway, why wasting time on polishing. Guess I stop polishing and release as crappy version as possible soonish - no matter if there's a compo then or not =P
2015-10-17 09:32

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4749
Wire as much as you want, but not in compos, I'd say. It's not the same thing as pixel and create stuff yourself, thus is not supposed to compete with stuff people made themselves from scratch.
2015-10-17 11:04

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
Quote: The more I read, the more I miss the fun aspect. Leading to reduced motivation to polish "crap" wiring. If I'm disqualified anyway, why wasting time on polishing. Guess I stop polishing and release as crappy version as possible soonish - no matter if there's a compo then or not =P

C64 scene has matured into an art movement on it's own. If your goal is having fun with C64 then why do you bother others by ranting in the forum. Have fun. If you are aiming for something more. Do something more, and you get something more in return. So simple.

If you want to make crap and get praise, why not releasing it outside the scene. Easy. Make a c64 convert pic, post it to your social network profile. Collect likes. Pixels are cute, nobody will blame you for wiring, many of them will actually think you are kinda cool.
2015-10-18 16:04

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
C64 scene has matured into an art movement on it's own.

only the hipster department did, the rest is still having fun like in 1986 :)
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