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Registered: Sep 2006 Posts: 275 |
Vic Editor@C64Debugger
We released yesterday C64Debugger 0.60
It's not standalone yet but is powerful as hell.
To start Vic Editor just press CTRL+SHIFT+F6.
Description is in the >>Readme.txt<<.
Some features:
- Project One and Photoshop key shortcuts friendly
- Import Koala (multi), Art Studio (hires), PNG and native VCE format.
- free and easy painting on all borders (you need PRG with custom sprite procedure - We'll release some soon)
- You can start your favorite demo and live paint on effects
- PETSCII painting
- you can set your custom Super-Hires mode wherever on the screen
- also you can mix hires and multi sprites with bitmap.
- in CTRL+SHIFT+F5 set your desired mode: charset or bitmap, hires or multi
For the first time it might be a bit confusing, so ask if you need help.
It's my personal #1 gfx editor For now. |
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Registered: Mar 2005 Posts: 437 |
This is incredible! Will aim to test tonight. |
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Registered: Sep 2006 Posts: 275 |
Small tutorial how to paint on sprites with opened borders ;)
I uploaded my picture made for Rediscovered demo because you need your own multiplexer procedure (feel free to use ours).
>>Rediscovered Sprites overlay.PRG<<
1. Just drag'n'drop it to the C64debugger 0.60+. Switch view to CTRL+SHIFT+F6.
2. Make sure you have greened "Sprites" and "C64 Screen" only on Layers window.
3. Select "Sprites" on Layers window ("C64 screen" layer is for bitmap) - easy switch with "~" tilde button.
4. Select color from Sprite window for example $d025 and try to paint something on borders (CTRL+G to hide grid).
5. or... just import your own image 384x272 in .png format (you need to set sprite colors to your own then)
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FATFrost Account closed
Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 211 |
How to paint in the borders? |
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Registered: Sep 2006 Posts: 275 |
@Fatfrost, because in Vic Editor you actually paint on running (or paused) C64, you need to setup sprites by yourself (or someone else) - simply: you have to use prg that opens borders and sets sprites on it. For example PRG I posted earlier.
I know this method might be a bit confusing, but also gives almost unlimited possibilities to use bitmap+sprites - you can invent your own super-hires, or add some details on sprites to hires bitmap, or mix multi bitmap with hires sprites etc.
I hope next version will be more user friendly. |