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Forums > C64 Pixeling > Best FLI Editor
2006-10-11 19:53
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
Best FLI Editor


whats the best FLI editor on the c64 (not IFLI or UFLI ect).

The only FLI eidtor i have used is 'FLI Graph Editor'
FLI-Designer V1.1
..it's ok, works and does the job and does not crash.

What are these like:

FLI Graph Editor V1.1 - Blackmail
FLI Graph Editor V1.1

FLI Editor - Faces
FLI Editor

2k FLI-Editor - VS
2k FLI-Editor

are there any known bugs with these editors? crashes?


2006-10-11 19:59
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
The one by Black Mail crashes,I am sure.
I think I have V1.2,but it still has bugs.
Nonetheless,I still use it..

Don´t know about the others..
2006-10-11 20:01
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
Quote: The one by Black Mail crashes,I am sure.
I think I have V1.2,but it still has bugs.
Nonetheless,I still use it..

Don´t know about the others..

Maybe i've been using the best one all a long:
'FLI Graph Editor' CPU
2006-10-11 20:08

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 435
I've been using Trimatic by JFK and Dolphins Fli Editor. Both have its issues. Trimatic works just like Zoomatic (and Flimatic) and have one fixed (full char) zoom. Dolphins Fli editor is the only one with halfchar-zoom, and that's why i've been using it. Save for the zoom-mode, it kind of sucks. I've experienced crashes during saves and so on.

The best FLI-editor is Timanthes.
2006-10-11 21:29

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 956
FLI Graph V2.2 is the last fli graph, which I used. I can't remember it crashed at all. The zoom per char is kinda sucky now that I think of it. Timanthes is the way to go these days. Fli is fully supported, including background colour per rasterline and extra colour per raster line in the fli bug area. (Just like FLI Graph V2.2)

Timanthes gets updated every now and then, supporting different formats.
2006-10-12 05:38

Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 11
In most cases i've used FLI Designer V2 by FBI Crew (seems to be the same WEC used, but under other name), mostly due to full resolution picture preview in zoom mode (half of the screen for zoom/half for preview), in some cases FLI Graph 2.2...usually to pixel up to 148/200 resolution as in FLI Designer you can pixel only 148/192.
2006-10-12 07:14

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5098
the question asked for a c64 editor, and besides I've never seen any (public) updates for timanthes. or is the dl link changed every now and then ?
2006-10-12 09:34

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 906
Quote: the question asked for a c64 editor, and besides I've never seen any (public) updates for timanthes. or is the dl link changed every now and then ?

The last version is date oct 5th.


but it seems to be compiled on sept 26th ;)
2006-10-14 09:05
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
thanks :)
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