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Forums > C64 Pixeling > Improved J.Fox Editor.
2007-02-25 11:12

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 435
Improved J.Fox Editor.

I've just been befriending the Graphic Editor (J.Fox) for the very first time while accidently finding it on the Mega Twins workdisk. It's a really nice tool, which fits my purposes quite well. I'm now looking for an improved version of this which I know is in existance. Harlekin/FLT used it to make the levelgraphics for "Linking Leroy". Do any of you old Fairlighters (or other folks) have this - or any other improved version of it?
2007-02-25 11:33

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 956
What improvements would that be? A hires/multicolour char option is the only thing this programm lacks. (And more memory for maps). So if someone has this improved release, at least 2 people will be happy.
Hollowman pointed out to Level System Pro V1.4 some threads ago, which seems less user friendly than JFox editor, but afaik the only non-block level editor with the hires/multicolour char option. (Allthough so many games used this, so there has to be more editors out there)
2007-02-25 13:01

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 435
As far as I recall it might have used xmem for more flexibility. But you are right - there got to be loads of unreleased in-house tools out there. I'll try to get hold of Bacchus or Harlekin.
2007-02-25 13:53

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 145
Wasn't there a real nice char editor with the option to do hires and multi-color released by Color 7? Since I didn't find it on the net I have to look at some of my old disks...
2007-02-27 13:58

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 435
Done any improvements on the Color 7 editor yet, Quasar? I did however find an interesting editor for Giana-like graphics yesterday. It was included with the preview of Cydonia. It allows you to edit chars and maps in 3X2, including mixing of hires and multicolor in the same metatile. Animated tiles is also supported. I guess this would be a nice editor for the Little Sara Sisters 2 developers to work with.
2007-02-27 15:38

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 145
Twoflower: Sadly, the discs I was searching for seems to be at my parents home... :(
But there came another leveleditor into my mind which was released on the german paper magazine 64'er in 1995 (it should be this one: http://www.amiga-magazin.de/64er/64erarchiv/95xx/9510a.txt) Unfortunatly the disc is not at my place, too.
A little bit off-topic, but has somebody a copy of the paint proggy called "Out of color" by Kerk (released on 64'er, too, and pictures of this program were used in this demo: Hallucinations)? Seems that CSDB has more missing releases that I thought of...
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