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silpheed Account closed
Registered: May 2005 Posts: 3 |
JCH -> .sid Newbie guide?
Does anybody know where I might find a simple guide to moving packed JCH music to the .sid format that is suitable for MC virgins?
Are there utils out there to do this?
Any help greatly appreciated.
I am running an emulator which means that hardware considerations are minimal.
Thanks in advance. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 469 |
MC like Master of Ceremonies?
I thought packed JCH tunes had the player added. What is it you want? |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Step one is to pack the tune using JCH's packer (and pray that it will work, since it's a bit unreliable). Step two is to add a playsid-header to the file. This can be done in two ways. The "hardcore" way would be to add $7c bytes to the start of the file with a hexeditor or so and set that data as appropriate. Alternative number two would be to write a small textfile and give it the extension .dat. (It has to be formatted in a certain way to work. Don't remember exactly, sorry. It contains information like author and song title.) Then you enter the menu (file->conversion) in sidplay2 and merge the sid tune with the .dat-file and you'll have a true playsid file.
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 317 |
to convert a .prg to SID you can use SIDedit. http://www.transbyte.org/SID/SIDedit_download.html |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 1510 |
SIDedit is pretty selfexplaining. Load the .prg file of the packed JCH tune into it, set init to $1000, play to $1003, and edit the header fields. Hit the save button and you're done. |
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silpheed Account closed
Registered: May 2005 Posts: 3 |
Thanks all.
It looks like SIDedit is the tool for me.
The documentation is very straightforward and from the screenshots it looks like a pretty intuitive interface.
Thanks iopop and steppe for setting me on the right track.
I'm running a pre OSX mac so I may have to load up virtual PC to run SIDedit.
Wouldn't that be a recursive situation:
c64 registers - emulated by SIDedit - running on a virtual PC instance - in emulation under macOS.
Maybe I should simply fire up a 64!
Thanks again.