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Forums > CSDb Discussions > boobsploitation
2013-12-30 09:27

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501

So i never understood the fuzz about choosing boobs as a motif. Nude bodies have always been part of art. Also boobs are a thankful motif, as they keep one motivated to continue and finish a picture. Actually i adore and worship the female body. For me, nothing does feel wrong about that. But i somehow feel like there's a lot of mental masturbation going on. So feel free to bring your arguments against boobs forward. Maybe some nice drama will develop from that!
And yes, of course i'll continue drawing boobs, don't bother :-)
2013-12-30 10:05

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
I absolutely second that! For mediocre coders like myself some boobs are sometimes the only way of making it on side A of a competition results release ;)

I'd like a "boobs and dragons obligatory" gfx competition in 2014, maybe even + "bunnies" since those were considered the "new dragons" some years ago.
2013-12-30 10:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Well, sexual identity is part of the absurdity of truth. E.g. Baudrillard promotes the use of objectivism to analyse and challenge art. It could be said that the characteristic theme of the works of Joyce is the common ground between society and class.

The subject is contextualised into a Baudrillardist simulation that includes reality as a paradox. But Sartre promotes the use of objectivism to show sexual identity.

If one examines pretextual theory, one is faced with a choice: either reject the conceptualist paradigm of reality or conclude that sexuality has objective value, but only if consciousness is interchangeable with narrativity; otherwise, we can assume that sexuality is impossible.

It could be said that the example of constructive narrative intrinsic to Eco’s The Name of the Rose is also evident in The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas, although in a more self-sufficient sense. Humphrey states that we have to choose between textual postmodern theory and the semioticist paradigm of reality.
2013-12-30 11:20
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Registered: Mar 2013
Posts: 40
I guess the main argument against is that they will serve to shut out women and perhaps gay people from the scene. There was some earlier Algorithm demo with porn animations where people voiced their objections and said that they can't show this demo to their wife, and the boob pics can be seen as a part of this problem. Since we're not basement-dwelling geek teenagers any more, we should really be more open to different people that might be interested in demos and other scene productions.

@Jailbird Yeah, The Postmodern Generator is lots of fun, right? I've studied some humanities stuff and these people really write like this..
2013-12-30 11:51

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Does nudity shut out women or gay people from any other part of life? If something is tasteless or uninspired, I'd guess it shouts out everyone who has an ability to objectively judge a medium, regardless of gender or sex-orientation. If the nudity is graceful and aesthetically pleasing, what's the harm really?

Porn, well, that is another story, but I don't see too much obscene/pornographic scene productions nowadays anyway.
2013-12-30 12:40
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Registered: Mar 2013
Posts: 40
Both nudity and pornographic materials create a sexualized, objectifying, and hetero-normative atmosphere. The girl pics have heavy makeup and their tits out, because they're sexualized objects. Any pictures of the sceners that made the demo will typically show their faces only, because they're subjects.
2013-12-30 12:44

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Do not reply to this thread, it's a booby trap!
2013-12-30 14:11

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 13
The human body is the greatest work of art in the world!
And the female body is the greatest of the greatest!
2013-12-30 14:22

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
2013-12-30 14:44

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Both nudity and pornographic materials create a sexualized, objectifying, and hetero-normative atmosphere. The girl pics have heavy makeup and their tits out, because they're sexualized objects. Any pictures of the sceners that made the demo will typically show their faces only, because they're subjects.

Yep, but that is not a scene-only phenomenon, we are basically a small-scale projection of any general male-influenced faction from a modern society. If heavy makeup and tits out is an encouraged, approved and often utilized public appearance of a woman, no wonder we're mimicking it.

That said, in my experience the demoscene in general is quite accepting when it comes to female (or LGBT or any kind of non-male/non-heterosexual) sceners, so I don't think that the nudity in releases is an influencing reason of the low number of women on the scene, far from being an important ground of their discouragement. Sexual objectification has a less evident part in our scene than in a summer blockbuster PG movie.

P.S: the only reason I don't prefer C64 boobs is because the low resolution. Bring'em detailed, I say!
2013-12-30 14:52

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
I would add that its each to their own. Dont know what other people think, but i do things the way i want to without considering satisfying others. If that gets low votes because of this, then so be it. I dont care :-). I dont need to satisfy homosexuals by creating demos featuring man pics just the same as i dont need to satisfy straight perverted people with porn pics :-) i do this because i want to .
2013-12-30 14:59

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
I don’t think there’s automatically something wrong with nudity, but arguing that this kind of thing has always existed in art doesn’t really make it ok when throughout the same period of history, women have always been treated as second class citizens.

As for the claim that people pixel naked women because they adore the female form, why do most of the naked girls seen on the C64 look like they’ve had implants or suffered various unnatural forms of digital manipulation before being converted into pixels? Or why do they generally look poised for sex or ready to give a blow job? Very few C64 pictures depicting naked women come across as a celebration of female form, they more come across as a celebration of the content of misogynistic “lad mags”.

I would question anyone claiming that it doesn’t turn women away from the scene. if an awesome demo was full of digitally “enhanced” naked men, can we honestly say that no-one would down vote it, or at the very least, make some comment about how the penises made them “uncomfortable”? Bear in mind that to put things on a truly equal footing, it wouldn’t just be one demo, it would be a steady stream of demos over a long period of time with a few forums posts along the way asking what’s wrong with dicks in demos anyway?

Oh and one more point, does the C64 scene NEED anymore pixelled breasts? How much further can naked women be taken? Isn’t it nice to see a little variety? It’s not very creative to just find a picture of a woman that you find hot and create a pixelled version of it.

It’s 2013 (almost 2014!) and creativity with computers is no longer a field dominated by 13 year old boys. Excitement over (and arguments trying to justify) pictures converted from the pages of FHM just make us look like a sad, closed, mens' club.
2013-12-30 15:29

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting kerouac^tow
There was some earlier Algorithm demo with porn animations where people voiced their objections and said that they can't show this demo to their wife, ...

Well, no problem with my wife, i could show her any productions so far, as well as my pics, she's okay with it. Also it turned out that the in fact few girls in scene either draw boobs as well or at least find it a good motif.
So maybe we have to open up a bit and work on our communication with our wifes? :-)

Also if we reduce to the argument of shutting out people, then i'd shut out people who dislike vectors or optimized code. On the other hand i am not fond of how unnaturally girls are displayed in porn, but on the other hand porn does its job, while it pleases any just thinkable sexual preference (if you can think of it, there's porn about it).

In fact i favour having the freedom of art instead of giving me mental barriers due to possibly shutting out people. Art has been upsetting often enough and often enough arts has done more or less often hints about genitalia.
2013-12-30 15:54
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
Oh and one more point, does the C64 scene NEED anymore pixelled breasts?

Obviously... Yes. :/
2013-12-30 16:45

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Deev

It’s 2013 (almost 2014!) and creativity with computers is no longer a field dominated by 13 year old boys. Excitement over (and arguments trying to justify) pictures converted from the pages of FHM just make us look like a sad, closed, mens' club.

It is said that there's still graphicans that do their stuff from scratch and straight from heir mind without the need of originals. If you fancy variety, here you go :)
Fette Jahre
2013-12-30 16:47

Registered: May 2013
Posts: 16
Oh great, emerging sexism discussion!
Well, heres my 2 cents,

while I dont mind boobs in demos and are strictly against censoring them because of "political correctness" its a fact that boobs are often put into prods because of

- cheap crowdpleasing
- routine job that has been done a hundred times (probably also by the artist himself)

I can't blame any group of using naked women in their prods if it really increases the amount of PR and votes for it, I would rather put it on the audience instead which seems to be ok with its horny-nerds-drooling-at-breasts-image...
2013-12-30 16:53

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 13
8 bit boobs for everyone!
2013-12-30 19:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Deev
As for the claim that people pixel naked women because they adore the female form, why do most of the naked girls seen on the C64 look like they’ve had implants or suffered various unnatural forms of digital manipulation before being converted into pixels? Or why do they generally look poised for sex or ready to give a blow job? Very few C64 pictures depicting naked women come across as a celebration of female form, they more come across as a celebration of the content of misogynistic “lad mags”.

I would question anyone claiming that it doesn’t turn women away from the scene. if an awesome demo was full of digitally “enhanced” naked men, can we honestly say that no-one would down vote it, or at the very least, make some comment about how the penises made them “uncomfortable”? Bear in mind that to put things on a truly equal footing, it wouldn’t just be one demo, it would be a steady stream of demos over a long period of time with a few forums posts along the way asking what’s wrong with dicks in demos anyway?

There are quite a few indeed in old(er) products, but really, how often we see female nudity in "serious" releases nowadays? Even if one or two pops up here and there, I don't see a constant stream of releases with naked women. Or I am missing something.
2013-12-30 21:51

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
conclusion: revival of dragons and tits is near
2013-12-30 23:40
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Registered: Mar 2013
Posts: 40
But only fully clothed dragons, so the zoophiliacs that are into lizards don't get any ideas :)
2013-12-31 03:56

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Reading through some of latest posts, I would add that I don’t think it’s an argument of censorship or telling people that they shouldn’t do something, it’s more a question of WHY do you WANT do it?

With a few exceptions, the argument for any kind of artistic expression is pretty weak: Naked girls on C64 releases are *usually* copied images of sexualised photographs. If you release something like this, you’re just broadcasting that you support the kind of attitudes which cause half of the human population to be discriminated against…or that you’re a massive nerd who gets off on lo-res 16 colour porn.

Also, I don’t think most girls I know would be offended by this kind of picture, they’d be more likely to laugh that someone put in so much effort to create it. But a big group of middle aged guys who like looking at 8 bit porn is hardly going to be a pull for them to want to know more is it?!

Jailbird: yes, I agree that the number of demos featuring naked girls has dropped massively from where it once was, but sexist imaginary is still more tolerated and defended than I personally think it should be.
2013-12-31 04:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
it’s more a question of WHY do you WANT do it?

not sure about that. its pretty clear to me why i like boobies and everything connected to it (*g*) so i can imagine why someone likes to draw some.

a much more interesting question to me is: why don't female artists do the same with men and penises? i am not convinced they have less interest in mens anatomy or even sex :)
2013-12-31 05:00
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
They do, but it's not socially approved. Women who openly and actively show interest in heterosexual intercourse are judged pretty quick as either sluts or men-obeyers. Why? Albeit the falsely claimed "sexual revolution" most people have serious problems with sexuality and nudity, which arouses jealousy towards those who are either more open or, which is more often the case, are only believed by others to be more open in sexual relations.

ps: A common false interpretation is that the presentation of female nudity equals sexism. That is complete nonsense, brought up by a weird cooperation of sex-disgusted right-wing "proper family"-defenders and liberal-left wing wanna-be feminists.
2013-12-31 05:05

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
barbie vs he-man? =)
2013-12-31 11:54

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
Talking about Barbie, this release
even attacked the image of women Mattel, Vogue and whatsoever spreads. Just compare how skinny they originally drew her
So I think I can regard myself as a women's rights activist ;)

And btw: I have also no problems with showing this to women, e.g. my gf. With all that hardcore high def pr0n around, it's kinda silly to feel offended by some blocky boobs
2013-12-31 16:54

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Prudishness is the ultimate perversion. Sexuality is a natural expression of life, and should be celebrated. It is a sick faith that seeks to subvert natural urges.

If anyone is being victimized by pictures of naked women in those "misogynistic lad mags", it's not the model who was paid to be photographed, it's the man whose natural inclinations are being used to separate him from his money.

To suggest that anyone is victimized by artistic representations of female nudity is ridiculous.

Sex has a value dependent on its scarcity. Consider that the next time you hear someone objecting to sexual imagery or to "slutty women" - are they really just reacting to a perceived devaluation of their currency?
2014-01-01 18:01

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
And btw: I have also no problems with showing this to women, e.g. my gf

indeed. the only thing my gf would complain about is shitty graphics and horrible bleep "music" =)
2014-01-02 01:56

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
not sure about that. its pretty clear to me why i like boobies and everything connected to it (*g*) so i can imagine why someone likes to draw some.

So you’re saying it’s about having some kind of public wank? That’s what I thought and that’s why I questioned why, but maybe the reasons make perfect sense to some people…

Prudishness is the ultimate perversion. Sexuality is a natural expression of life, and should be celebrated. It is a sick faith that seeks to subvert natural urges.

To suggest that anyone is victimized by artistic representations of female nudity is ridiculous.

Sex has a value dependent on its scarcity. Consider that the next time you hear someone objecting to sexual imagery or to "slutty women" - are they really just reacting to a perceived devaluation of their currency?

I didn’t say anything against sex or nudity in art, but what artistic expression is there in copying a picture of a naked woman offering sex? Aside from the public wank I already mentioned. And why is this an admittedly dwindling, yet still noticeable, part of the C64 scene?

I find your argument that men are the victims of lad-mag culture to be pretty ridiculous, but that’s not the point of this thread, so I’m not getting dragged into that one.
2014-01-02 02:18

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Who is any one person to define what is and isn't artistic expression?
2014-01-02 02:47

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
That's why I keep asking the question.
2014-01-02 10:59

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Deev

I didn’t say anything against sex or nudity in art, but what artistic expression is there in copying a picture of a naked woman offering sex? Aside from the public wank I already mentioned. And why is this an admittedly dwindling, yet still noticeable, part of the C64 scene?

To me it doesn't look like it matters for the complainers if the boobs are a copy (poor from an artistic view, but i'd still watch them, as it's boobs) or selfmade. Even if selfmade i am confronted with comments that carry the message: "actually boobs are bad, but i make a exception with this one". For me that always leads to the conclusion that i have to do with unfucked morons that moved their wanking to the brain. So am i just right with my conclusion or is anyone willing to bring me that strange thinking a bit closer? Are there really deep thoughts behind it or is it a brainless copying of empty politcal correctness terms?
2014-01-02 11:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Boobs revisited...
2014-01-02 12:05

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
"i have to do with unfucked morons that moved their wanking to the brain"

we all wank, even the fucked ones.the difference is in the preference in seeing porn in scene prods. I dont like that.
2014-01-02 12:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
We talk about boobs, not porn.
2014-01-02 13:02

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 109
for me it's impossible to contribute to this topic ;)
but boobs are fine, if well done..

by definition a nude body isn't porn. E.g. Boris Vallejo kind of pics.. it doesn't have to be demurely
2014-01-02 15:59

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Even if it were "porn" (that term differs in definition from person to person, but let's assume I mean "explicit depictions of sexual acts") What's the big deal? Why should this bother anyone who is an adult?
2014-01-03 06:56

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Quote: Even if it were "porn" (that term differs in definition from person to person, but let's assume I mean "explicit depictions of sexual acts") What's the big deal? Why should this bother anyone who is an adult?

when I want to wank I wank, and when I want to see a scene prod I want to see a scene prod. these two acts doesnt mix for me. if its tasteful and artistic it's ok.
2014-01-03 11:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
What Oswald said, of course. But then, this topic was not about porn anyway.
2014-01-03 15:16

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
No, and that's the odd thing. We're only talking about nudity. Never seems to be any controversy over violence.
2014-01-03 16:00

Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 44
Fuck people who don't like boob-pics. fuck 'em in the ear.
2014-01-03 16:02

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Just don't draw pictures of ear-fucking, because that will alienate people who only like nostrils from the scene.
2014-01-03 22:03

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
All this boob talk forced me to try out one of the export features of CSAM-Super and use a 'boob' video ofcourse :-)

Multicolor interlaced mode.. Running at around 16 frames per second.

2014-01-03 23:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
No bouncing, too much face, error.

But it's promising technology ;-)
2014-01-03 23:53

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
To me it doesn't look like it matters for the complainers if the boobs are a copy (poor from an artistic view, but i'd still watch them, as it's boobs) or selfmade. Even if selfmade i am confronted with comments that carry the message: "actually boobs are bad, but i make a exception with this one". For me that always leads to the conclusion that i have to do with unfucked morons that moved their wanking to the brain. So am i just right with my conclusion or is anyone willing to bring me that strange thinking a bit closer? Are there really deep thoughts behind it or is it a brainless copying of empty politcal correctness terms?

I don’t think whether something is a copy or not matters here, it’s more about what impression you give. Eg. there’s a big difference between this…


…and this…

Flickerless flickor

…and I’m not just talking technical quality.

As a standalone pic, I think Flickerless flickor is great. I really like the colouring of the background and the flower, the way the light is shinning and her expression as she looks towards it, the curves in her hair, and the way the body is pixelled (especially if it’s no copy). The nudity is irrelevant; it doesn’t just look like a girl longingly waiting to be fucked so she can gain the approval of a man (and if that’s all it was intended to be, you’ve failed :) ).

It is noticeable that there are breasts in everything you do though, which might make people wonder whether you can see anything beyond them.

Even if it were "porn" (that term differs in definition from person to person, but let's assume I mean "explicit depictions of sexual acts") What's the big deal? Why should this bother anyone who is an adult?

We’re back to the need to have a public wank again…

No, and that's the odd thing. We're only talking about nudity. Never seems to be any controversy over violence.

Has violence been a regular fixture in C64 demos? In particular, are there demos which reaffirm long standing violent attitudes towards a certain group of people, in the way sexist imagery reaffirms attitudes that have resulted in the oppression of women? I suppose one comparable example would be the use of swastikas in demos, which when they have appeared have been heavily criticised. Racism, whilst not exclusively violent, can come in the form of violence and has been used to oppress groups of people, but most competitions expressly forbid racist content in demos. Not sure what you’re referring to here?
2014-01-04 01:53

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
So you’re saying it’s about having some kind of public wank? That’s what I thought

yes, apparently that is what your dirty little mind is thinking. but keep me out of that, please. i admire the beauty of the female body, and that includes breasts and vulvas. no more no less. deal with it.
We’re back to the need to have a public wank again…

you seem to be a bit fixated on wanking in public, are ya?
2014-01-04 03:13

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Elegant response.
2014-01-04 05:45

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
There's always that one guy - the one who puts on to be the militant feminist - and all the other guys aren't supposed to realize that he's simply hoping some woman will notice and bang him for it.
2014-01-04 06:09

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Because women just can't stay away from the CSDb forums...
2014-01-04 11:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Deev
Has violence been a regular fixture in C64 demos? Not sure what you’re referring to here?

I assume he's referring to fighting, death scenes, cruelty, drugs, gore, blood, guns, knifes, etc, etc.

I could easily imagine some sensitive people finding them much more or just as inappropriate and upsetting as the female nude imagery - which is, contrary to the quite powerful representations of violence (with a lot of them being acclaimed and praised here), almost nonexistent on today's C64 scene. So I still don't get what's the big fuss about.

And a bit of anecdotal personal experience here: my girlfriend seemed upset/disgusted when she saw Electric's latest punching picture, but laughed out loud and honestly on Bitbreaker's titjob (she found the picture very naive and childish). But then again, maybe she's just sexist.
2014-01-04 12:37

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 474
And anyone objecting to racism is just hoping for an orgy with PoC.

Well written replies by Deev, ofcourse totally wasted on the other people in this thread, but if someone stumbles upon csdb they will see that there was atleast one person in c64 scene who evolved mentally after the age of 13.
2014-01-04 12:59

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Jailbird: very good examples. Checked with my own feelings towards the presented and I find your GF's reactions quite natural. I don't say I would be disgusted by Electric's pic or laugh at Bitrbreaker's one, but definitely there is difference between them. Both are more or less technically brilliant (I'm not speaking about composition and perspective), but they differ in "communication" they create.(I'm afraid to use word "discourse" because it's many years since I left the school ;-)

"Countes of Boob" (let's not count the name into the equation ;-) looks like an attempt to create a nice picture. The attempt to make everything looking nice (detailed background) and accurate (lighting) and finished is apparent from every pixel of the pic. It doesn't raise (nor attempts to) any questions. Either you like it or not. It tries to be decent (maybe even romantic) and yet it is vulgar at the same time. I'm sure about one thing, your girlfriend wouldn't laugh if this pic was just the frame of the original featuring just torso of the girl (no head visible, no bed just that left part of pic), or different background.. for example children's bed in the corner, or neglected old kitchen ;-)) The laughability factor is in it's obvious naive attempt for perfection.

"Exploding fist" depicts the dynamic action, the motion of hand landing on the face, and the consequences. It doesn't try to be (photo)realistic, and still it is capable of raising the negative emotional response and questions. Why the punch? What does it mean? Yes, you can try to question author's maurity, but still consider his intentions.
2014-01-04 13:17

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
I guess I'm one of the "complainers"? Let me begin by pointing out that I have no problem with pictures like Nightflight. I think Deev makes some excellent points.

Quoting Jailbird
in my experience the demoscene in general is quite accepting when it comes to female (or LGBT or any kind of non-male/non-heterosexual) sceners

In your experience, as a male heterosexual? I'm glad you haven't experienced the amount of hatred and ridicule I've been met with, the people telling me that the only reason people vote for me is because I have tits, the batshit insane people who send me anonymous emails with manipulated pictures and crazed ramblings. And the flip side of the coin, having creepy stalkers make websites about me. Not any better. I wouldn't assume that the scene in general is any better than society in general because in my experience it is just as bad if not worse.

Quoting algorithm
I would add that its each to their own. Dont know what other people think, but i do things the way i want to without considering satisfying others. If that gets low votes because of this, then so be it. I dont care :-)

Exactly. I have no illusions of being able to stop anyone from making what they want. I'll still voice my opinion on their release if I've watched it, but I tend to avoid releases from certain people when it becomes clear to me that I'm in no way part of their "target audience".

Quoting Six
There's always that one guy - the one who puts on to be the militant feminist - and all the other guys aren't supposed to realize that he's simply hoping some woman will notice and bang him for it.

See Hollowman's response above.
2014-01-04 13:19

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
<Post edited by CreaMD on 4/1-2014 14:41>

Hollowman: I find some comments stupid too, but being a sarcastic misanthrope for the whole period of time I know (about) you, doesn't make you (seem) any more evolved than others you despise in your comment." target=_blank>http://csdb.dk/release/?id=63823[/PETDel]
2014-01-04 13:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Ok, let's take it one step further to the utter outrageousness department with this NSFW artwork.


Some silly comments there but this one by Jailbird has exactly describing my feelings

"Aarh, damn it. Well pixelled and all but really disturbing! D="

It's disturbing. Weird, filling you feelings of irrational guilt (caused by being raised as christian?) when looking at it. I would definitely not try to present it as my favourite pic, but I remember that it sort of shocked me when I first saw it and I try to respect it since then. I find it a great piece of art while at the same time I consider it obscene, and inappropriate. It is not something I want to see in other works, but I still think it has it's place in the history of art on C64. Does anyone disagree?

p.s.: back to comfortable zone... Lilith
2014-01-04 14:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
@CreaMD: well, if I'd have to show these pictures to my child and illustrate their message, meaning or moral if she questions them, I'd probably have a much easier job with Bitbreaker's piece. Whilst I am not even sure if I'd like her to see Electric's work.

Ripeness disturbed me simply because the really weird, unnatural anatomy, I usually don't mind nude curves :)

Quoting Mermaid
In your experience, as a male heterosexual? I'm glad you haven't experienced the amount of hatred and ridicule I've been met with, the people telling me that the only reason people vote for me is because I have tits, the batshit insane people who send me anonymous emails with manipulated pictures and crazed ramblings. And the flip side of the coin, having creepy stalkers make websites about me. Not any better. I wouldn't assume that the scene in general is any better than society in general because in my experience it is just as bad if not worse.

That's really sad, and I'm wholeheartedly sorry.

Speaking of myself, IRL I've experienced years of severe mental/physical abuse based on assumed higher ground principles, prejudice or sole observational and speculative judgement, but I still don't determine a certain community's ethics or virtue as a whole by the deeds of immature, gullible individuals who didn't know better.

On a highly competitive platform as the scene is, even males experience really serious attacks/hostility. It is mostly based on grudge and/or envy/rivalry. Of course it's not an excuse for people attacking you, or act like idiots in any way, but shortsighted, destructive and sociopathic people exist everywhere, especially where they could easily hide behind a wall of anonymity.

Still, by knowing really a lot of sceners in person, I'd say that most of them I've met or built up friendships with are far from being chauvinistic, biased or narrow minded (at least publicly), all the more the opposite.
2014-01-04 14:38

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
Quoting Jailbird
I still don't determine a certain community's ethics or virtue as a whole by the deeds of immature, gullible individuals who didn't know better.

I try not to do that either. My point isn't that the scene as a whole is a terrible thing (it most certainly is not - most sceners are very friendly and nice) because of some individuals, it's that the scene is not really any better than the rest of (western) society.

Quoting Jailbird
even males experience really serious attacks/hostility. It is mostly based on grudge and/or envy/rivalry.

True, but I don't think anyone in the scene gets attacked/targeted for being male.

Quoting Jailbird
shortsighted, destructive and sociopathic people exist everywhere, especially if they could easily hide behind a wall of anonymity.

This is sadly true.
2014-01-04 14:49

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
Quoting Groepaz
a much more interesting question to me is: why don't female artists do the same with men and penises?

2014-01-04 15:32

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Quote: I guess I'm one of the "complainers"? Let me begin by pointing out that I have no problem with pictures like Nightflight. I think Deev makes some excellent points.

Quoting Jailbird
in my experience the demoscene in general is quite accepting when it comes to female (or LGBT or any kind of non-male/non-heterosexual) sceners

In your experience, as a male heterosexual? I'm glad you haven't experienced the amount of hatred and ridicule I've been met with, the people telling me that the only reason people vote for me is because I have tits, the batshit insane people who send me anonymous emails with manipulated pictures and crazed ramblings. And the flip side of the coin, having creepy stalkers make websites about me. Not any better. I wouldn't assume that the scene in general is any better than society in general because in my experience it is just as bad if not worse.

Quoting algorithm
I would add that its each to their own. Dont know what other people think, but i do things the way i want to without considering satisfying others. If that gets low votes because of this, then so be it. I dont care :-)

Exactly. I have no illusions of being able to stop anyone from making what they want. I'll still voice my opinion on their release if I've watched it, but I tend to avoid releases from certain people when it becomes clear to me that I'm in no way part of their "target audience".

Quoting Six
There's always that one guy - the one who puts on to be the militant feminist - and all the other guys aren't supposed to realize that he's simply hoping some woman will notice and bang him for it.

See Hollowman's response above.

Quoting mermaid
Exactly. I have no illusions of being able to stop anyone from making what they want. I'll still voice my opinion on their release if I've watched it, but I tend to avoid releases from certain people when it becomes clear to me that I'm in no way part of their "target audience".

This is the way it should be. Overall everyone is entitled to create what they want and on the other hand, everyone is entitled to see or vote what they want according to their taste and ethics!
2014-01-04 15:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Mermaid
I try not to do that either. My point isn't that the scene as a whole is a terrible thing (it most certainly is not - most sceners are very friendly and nice) because of some individuals, it's that the scene is not really any better than the rest of (western) society.

I think I mentioned something similar in one of my first comments. And that's one of the reasons I don't understand the controversy here.

The other is, if we'd have a similar number of women on the scene as there are men, I'm sure that roughly an equal amount of nudes would appear from them as well. In paralell, just take a look at the many works based on sexuality/nudity/shock value of any influential contemporary/modern female (including feminist) artists: Cindy Sherman, Marina Abramović, Frida Kahlo, Magdalena Abakanowicz, June Leaf, Judy Chicago, Tracey Emin... - just to name a few.

Nudity/sex is a central theme for many artists, regardless of their gender. The scene has more nude representation of females done by, and then celebrated by males simply because our community mainly consist of men - and thus, we're labeled sexists. Besides the many sweaty, ripped, half-naked dudes on various Vallejos and Bells, I've seen tasteful male erotic images released as well.

Where is the line where we decide if something is "boobsploitation" or an honest aesthetic creation?

I also wonder how many of you would call this "art" and hang it on your wall if a male C64 scener did it on a 320x200/16col screen.

2014-01-04 17:45

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
I have to be quick as I’m going out soon…

JB: I don’t think anyone is saying all nudity and sex in art is wrong, but *most* C64 nudity is simply about lusting after breasts and is a representation of the attitudes that see women treated as sex objects and unequal men. I'm not particularly a fan of Tracey Emin, though I do think the picture above is very different to a fantasy depiction of a woman who just can't wait to have sex with C64 sceners.

I doubt anyone saw Electric’s pic and it made them want to punch someone. If it made your girlfriend feel a little uneasy, it’s probably because violence makes most people feel uneasy, clearly the same can’t be said of sexism. To compare violence with sexism, I believe that you need to look at situations where some people justify violence against a group of people, which is why I brought up swastikas and racism.

There may be times where a woman has said something that sounds sexist or a woman was not offended by something, but you need to look at the big picture.

I do also think that *because* the C64 scene does have such a high percentage of males, it would be good if it seemed more welcoming to women, rather than some kind of men only club where people get excited over lowres nipples.

Algorithm: I agree with doing something that you want to, rather than because someone tells you to. I do think, however, that you need to respect the feelings of others when doing what you want. If I want to listen to loud music at 4am when my neighbour is sleeping, is that ok? If I decide the house across the road is ruining my view, is it ok to burn it down? Ok, extreme example, but just pointing out that there is a line that most people wouldn’t cross, though it seems the position of that line varies quite a bit.
2014-01-04 18:11

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Quote: I have to be quick as I’m going out soon…

JB: I don’t think anyone is saying all nudity and sex in art is wrong, but *most* C64 nudity is simply about lusting after breasts and is a representation of the attitudes that see women treated as sex objects and unequal men. I'm not particularly a fan of Tracey Emin, though I do think the picture above is very different to a fantasy depiction of a woman who just can't wait to have sex with C64 sceners.

I doubt anyone saw Electric’s pic and it made them want to punch someone. If it made your girlfriend feel a little uneasy, it’s probably because violence makes most people feel uneasy, clearly the same can’t be said of sexism. To compare violence with sexism, I believe that you need to look at situations where some people justify violence against a group of people, which is why I brought up swastikas and racism.

There may be times where a woman has said something that sounds sexist or a woman was not offended by something, but you need to look at the big picture.

I do also think that *because* the C64 scene does have such a high percentage of males, it would be good if it seemed more welcoming to women, rather than some kind of men only club where people get excited over lowres nipples.

Algorithm: I agree with doing something that you want to, rather than because someone tells you to. I do think, however, that you need to respect the feelings of others when doing what you want. If I want to listen to loud music at 4am when my neighbour is sleeping, is that ok? If I decide the house across the road is ruining my view, is it ok to burn it down? Ok, extreme example, but just pointing out that there is a line that most people wouldn’t cross, though it seems the position of that line varies quite a bit.

The analogy of listening to loud music in comparison to a c64 demo is rather flawed however. People have an easy choice to avoid a c64 demo (if it contains anything that may offend them) - (which is what I had mentioned earlier) in comparison to having to withstand the noise from neighbours and/or call police for these noisy neighbours.

In regards to respecting the feeling of others, what if someone would be disgusted at demo's featuring cute animals or cartoons all the time, Would the coder/designer of this demo have to respect the feelings and stop doing demo's like this?
2014-01-04 18:25

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Deev
...*most* C64 nudity is simply about lusting after breasts

...*most* C64 nudity was simply about lusting after breasts

The scene has matured a lot since the mid 90s, and except for some occasional cases - what you bring up is not an actual problem any more.

If we're talking about particular examples, then sure, sexism still exists on some level, but it's hardly determinative globally.

Quoting Deev
I do also think that *because* the C64 scene does have such a high percentage of males, it would be good if it seemed more welcoming to women, rather than some kind of men only club where people get excited over 8 bit breasts.

Interesting. Most women I know check out and admittedly get excited when they see nice breasts or whatever body part they like on a photo/movie/piece of art, it's definitely not a male-only/scene-only phenomenon. People tend to react positively on things they appreciate. I strongly doubt that a few males painting and/or casually reacting excitedly to a seldom pair of 8bit boobs is an active/conscious act of sexism or the main reason why there are so few women on the (C64) scene.
2014-01-04 18:42

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
Draw boobs of monsters or DON'T draw boobs at all... They are highly overrated... It's just in our nature to like boobs, as boobs=food when we're babies...
We can't be babies forever... goodnight :)
2014-01-04 20:37

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
In regards to respecting the feeling of others, what if someone would be disgusted at demo's featuring cute animals or cartoons all the time, Would the coder/designer of this demo have to respect the feelings and stop doing demo's like this?

People who dislike cute animals aren’t generally discriminated against in society. It’s not WHAT the picture is of, but the attitude it’s reaffirming. I still haven’t had an answer from anyone as to why they WANT to produce things that make them look like a misoganist.

If we're talking about particular examples, then sure, sexism still exists on some level, but it's hardly determinative globally.

I would agree that it's much less of a problem, but if it exists at all, it still is a problem. Take a look as something like https://twitter.com/EverydaySexism (UK based, but similar attitudes exist elsewhere, I’m sure). Yes, they aren’t complaining about not having the vote or not being allowed to work, but there are still quite clearly things happening that simply don’t need to happen and I think that’s true in the scene as well.

Interesting. Most women I know check out and admittedly get excited when they see nice breasts or whatever body part they like on a photo/movie/piece of art, it's definitely not a male-only/scene-only phenomenon. People tend to react positively on things they appreciate. I strongly doubt that a few males painting and/or casually reacting excitedly to a seldom pair of 8bit boobs is an active/conscious act of sexism or the main reason why there are so few women on the (C64) scene.

Sure, I don’t think the tiny number of women in the scene is due to pixel porn, but the scene might appear a more welcoming place without it.
2014-01-04 20:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quoting Deev
it would be good if it seemed more welcoming to women, rather than some kind of men only club where people get excited over lowres nipples.

Scene is dominated by men because there is general lack of interest between women in this department of human creativity. There is not much women musicians in the scene (if any) and I don't think it is because there is too much sex in our music.

If there was more disk-mags I'm suppose, there might be some women editors. Also maybe you could find some girls that would be able and willing to review C64 art if asked, but I don't think there is much chances they would get hooked on creating C64 stuff.
2014-01-04 21:00

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Quoting Deev
People who dislike cute animals aren’t generally discriminated against in society. It’s not WHAT the picture is of, but the attitude it’s reaffirming. I still haven’t had an answer from anyone as to why they WANT to produce things that make them look like a misoganist.

I don't personally see anything wrong with this. (If that makes me sexist / chauvinistic etc etc.. then so be it :-) ) But as I said before, each to their own.

People have their own individual motivation when creating demo's, pixelling gfx etc. It is what drives the person regardless of what other people think.
2014-01-04 21:07

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Scene is dominated by men because there is general lack of interest between women in this department of human creativity. There is not much women musicians in the scene (if any) and I don't think it is because there is too much sex in our music.

If there was more disk-mags I'm suppose, there might be some women editors. Also maybe you could find some girls that would be able and willing to review C64 art if asked, but I don't think there is much chances they would get hooked on creating C64 stuff.

You don't need to find jobs for women to do!

Women producing 8 bit music (right off the top of my head, with no research):


and umm....obvious one :) Mermaid (I know Mermaid's mostly known as a graphician, but she has done quite a bit of music!)

It's interesting that when you go to these chip music events, whist there are still more men in the audience and on stage, the split is definitely less extreme than in the demo scene.

I don't think the minuscule number of female sceners is all down to sexism, but I don't think it helps.

I would also add that it's not just women it might put off. If I wasn't already involved, and I was judging the C64 scene based on this thread, I would stay well clear.

I could ask a friend of mine who works in a fairly well known art gallery to review some popular C64 graphics, but I don't think some people would like what she said! :) (and again, it's by no means all about sexism).
2014-01-04 21:47

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Was talking about SID musicians. Not about girls using some accessible PC (or something) based tools. And yes Mermaid composed some musics, I apologise for forgetting that.

Quoting Deev
If I wasn't already involved and was judging the C64 scene based on this thread, I would stay well clear.

Based on *this* thread?

The funniest think about this thread is, that actually (almost) everyone involved can differentiate between true work art (your example, mermaids example, JB's example) and kitsch (your example, JB's example) with sexist undertones (motivations)), but argument about political correctness and morality of the theme continues.

You won.
2014-01-04 23:03

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Quote: Quoting Groepaz
a much more interesting question to me is: why don't female artists do the same with men and penises?

Look at how Sixx is being exploited in this picture. For shame!

Suggesting that there's something wrong with depictions of women offering or desiring sex is to suggest that there's something wrong with women behaving as men do. Personally, I find that very sexist and offensive. It's to assume that a woman who is sexually agressive is somehow unclean. "Slut-shaming" is not feminism.

"Exploitation" suggests that someone is being portrayed in a negative manner, or being mistreated, or having some weakness of their own used to gain something from them.

Images that use male sexual urges to gain a response, whether they be of women, men, or sheep wearing lipstick, are exploitive of MEN, not the subjects of the imagery.
2014-01-05 05:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
The funniest think about this thread is, that actually (almost) everyone involved can differentiate between true work art (your example, mermaids example, JB's example) and kitsch (your example, JB's example) with sexist undertones (motivations)), but argument about political correctness and morality of the theme continues.

did you ever wonder why your local knitting club is dominated by women, or why the stamp collectors meeting has 99% males?

sexism helps?

i have this friend of mine who works at one of the most well known record shops in the country, want me to ask him to review some popular sid tunes? but you wont like what he'll say i tell ya :(

dangshaggajebus /o\
2014-01-05 06:02

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Deev
Sure, I don’t think the tiny number of women in the scene is due to pixel porn, but the scene might appear a more welcoming place without it.

The general isolationist mindset changed and then some of the important critical problems solved would help the scene to appear a more welcoming place in a loads greater value than fighting the rare and quite limited displays of sexism, which we won't be able to eradicate totally anyway, ever. People unfamiliar to the scene seeing pixelled boobs? They'd barely even scratch the surface of the shit laying around here.
2014-01-05 07:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Gpz, I'm not wondering at all. Last time I was wondering was in the women managed private group on FB called (translated) "Chubbies are sexy!". They are quite militant towards any example of culture of thin models and mentions of fatness, yet regularly it's members post dreamy pics of cute half naked male models. Thats wondering me... (not literaly) I tell ya.

And that second thing about sids... you talking to me? Don't understand why it is so important to you to make point of that.

JB, word.
2014-01-05 09:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting CreaMD
Last time I was wondering was in the women managed private group on FB called (translated) "Chubbies are sexy!". They are quite militant towards any example of culture of thin models and mentions of fatness, yet regularly it's members post dreamy pics of cute half naked male models. Thats wondering me... (not literaly) I tell ya.

Well, wonder no more, sexual objectification works on both genders :)

I see a lot of men working their assess off in gyms, laying in the tan bed or ruining their health with steroids just because they are uncomfortable in their natural bodies since popular culture, but even traditional art suggests that we should be aggressive, ripped and masculine - whilst a lot of women expect us to fit into that image. Interestingly, no one mentions all those pictures here which reaffirm stereotypical, unnatural male body shapes and cliched roles. By definition, they seem to me sexist as well.

Btw. is it only me who feels that comparing sexism (or sexual objectification in our case) to racism is a bit over the top? Whilst signs of racism are evident, direct and always ill willed, sexual objectifications are often incidental, based without second thoughts on genuine accepted normatives around us. Nevertheless, as a quite hard to grasp and young theory, there are constant debates about it even on academical level.

If this is really about making the scene a more welcoming and cozier place for women, if it would be up to me, first I'd ditch the violence.

Oh and by the way: as a practicing christian, I find Mermaid's likable, charming representation of the devil disrespectful and offensive!
2014-01-05 11:32

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
"just because they are uncomfortable in their natural bodies since popular culture"

its evolution. are fatty toneless under muscled bodies natural btw ?
2014-01-05 11:53

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Oswald
its evolution. are fatty toneless under muscled bodies natural btw ?

Definitely more natural than artificial muscle mass growth stimulated with anabolic steroids.

But I'm talking about an average healthy male body. Fat is fine, as long a person is not obese.
2014-01-05 14:34

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting Jailbird
If this is really about making the scene a more welcoming and cozier place for women, if it would be up to me, first I'd ditch the violence.
What violence are you referring to? I have never witnessed a knuckle fight at any demo party. There is more violence on a random night out, and yet there are about as many women roaming the streets as men.

But the word "cosy" probably is the key here. The scene is still highly competitive, which might be a factor.

I won't bore you with my own theories about why this scene is predominantly male, but i second the notion that perceived sexism/mysogyny does not play a major role there, and is more likely a result of the present gender ratio, rather than the cause.
2014-01-05 15:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Krill
What violence are you referring to?

I mean violent, or more or less inappropriate imagery (depending on a person's sensitivity/stance: drugs, guns/soldiers, gore, death, horrorristic images, fighting scenes, etc. etc.) in releases, not violence among sceners.

Some of the usual motifs in releases paint a much more unwelcoming, immature and uninteresting picture of us as a community than nudity.
2014-01-05 17:09

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
And that second thing about sids... you talking to me? Don't understand why it is so important to you to make point of that.

not referring to you, just slightly altered a similar useful quote from this thread.
If this is really about making the scene a more welcoming and cozier place for women, if it would be up to me, first I'd ditch the violence.

care to give some examples?
2014-01-05 17:29

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting Jailbird
I mean violent, or more or less inappropriate imagery (depending on a person's sensitivity/stance: drugs, guns/soldiers, gore, death, horrorristic images, fighting scenes, etc. etc.) in releases, not violence among sceners.

Some of the usual motifs in releases paint a much more unwelcoming, immature and uninteresting picture of us as a community than nudity.
Yes, please provide some examples. I may have been living under a rock the past few months, but i'm having a hard time remembering any recent imagery of these sorts.

But then again, i don't think any of these pictures contributed much to who is or isn't part of the scene.

And seeing how the demoscene PR division fails to attract even the main demographic, young males, these days, i further doubt that the scene will ever evolve to anything more mature than aging people working in the games industry, who are fooling around on their digital playground with antique computers and other arcane gadgetry.

Which is perfectly fine by me.
2014-01-05 18:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
2600+ graphics, demos and graphics collections were released in the last five years, I really don't have the time and will to go through them one by one and take out examples just to illustrate a point which doesn't even affects me personally in any way, whilst most of you'd dismiss them similarly to the sexist accusations, since we are not really concerned at all about hypothetical damages or offenses a certain scene release could cause. Brought it up just because I think that dealing with violent/inappropriate themes would be analogous to handling the sexist elements of the scene.

Just as I said before: I think that enforcing overblown political correctness on the scene is one of the last things which would help it's image.
2014-01-05 19:40

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940

I'm growing more and more annoyed by the fact that in this day and age, everybody seems to get offended by one thing or another, making a big fuss about it.
The worst being those people getting offended for other people, which in itself is at least patronizing, if not downright rude.
In the end, it's just that, getting offended. No actual damage done.
2014-01-05 20:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
that said, i like art being disturbing and sometimes even offending. its not about pretty pictures for me at all :)
2014-01-05 22:21

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Was talking about SID musicians. Not about girls using some accessible PC (or something) based tools.

Like Goat Tracker? :) Those artists I linked are not making tunes on PCs (aside from mastering perhaps). Having played around with Little Sound DJ myself, I didn’t find it especially accessible.

Just to add a general comment, I see we’re now on to “…but some women have double standards” and “…but some men feel pressure to live up to stereotypes as well”. Absolutely. And it would be better if those things didn’t exist, just as it would be better if sexism towards women didn’t exist. Which is why it's not about "political correctness", it's a question of why people want to support and defend those kind of attitudes. Especially since women suffer far, far worse than men*

*except one :)

Images that use male sexual urges to gain a response, whether they be of women, men, or sheep wearing lipstick, are exploitive of MEN, not the subjects of the imagery.
2014-01-05 23:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quoting deev
Like Goat Tracker? :)


Quoting deev
it's a question of why people want to support and defend those kind of attitudes

Question is that if I like artistic images having themes featuring woman body, do I support those kind of attitudes according to you, or not?

If not, then this debate is already solved. "stretched legs" pic, you have used as example... I don't like it. I don't want it. Nor I appreciate naive attempts like Bitbreaker's one. Which doesn't mean that I dislike him for that. I'm sure his intentions were quite different from the "stetched legs". Even when his reasoning and style in the starting post of this topic was also bit naive/tasteless.

I don't think just *some* women have double standards. Humanity, in general, has them.

We shouldn't be tolerant towards any kind of stupidity and oppression, but we should avoid overacting and pretense at the same time. I mean, using of sentences like "Women suffer far worse than men." in topics about c64 graphics is totally out of place.
2014-01-06 00:11

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Quoting Deev
Which is why it's not about "political correctness", it's a question of why people want to support and defend those kind of attitudes. Especially since women suffer far, far worse than men*
*except one :)

How cute.

This comes, of course, from the guy who can't seem to understand that his position requires the assumption that there is something degrading or shameful about women behaving in a sexually aggressive manner - as the suggestion that they are being harmed by being portrayed that way requires.
2014-01-06 08:30

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
Was talking about SID musicians. Not about girls using some accessible PC (or something) based tools.

Don't believe it all you like, but my sister made a tune in Electrosound many years ago. I did help out here and there though. Plus she knew how to use a sprite editor and did some small graphics. This obviously doesn't contribute to this somewhat controversial debate, but it is some proof that females can be productive on any computer.
2014-01-06 08:48
Account closed

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 421
Just as guilty as most other gfx artists on here of sexualizing women in some of my pics. Mea culpa. But Deev is 100% correct, and I think it's immature to not take the discussion seriously. The gfx discussed is all in my opinion a good example of Male Gaze, a term first used in film theory.

"The Male Gaze is a term from Gaze theory that describes the tendency of works to assume a (straight) male viewpoint even when they do not have a specific narrative Point of View, and in particular the tendency of works to present female characters as subjects of implicitly male visual appreciation.

One of the most obvious results of Male Gaze is the way a (usually male) director/cameraman's interest in women informs his shots, leading to a focus on breasts, legs, asses and other jiggly bits even when the film isn't necessarily supposed to be a T&A-fest. For example, a sex scene between a man and a woman may show more of her body than it does of his, or focus more on her reactions than his. Alternatively, it could appear in shows that aren't overtly sexual - for example, scenes of bikini-clad female characters talking that emphasize their bodies rather than showing just their heads.

A subtle psychological effect of this is that, in visual media, audiences are primed to sympathise with, or at least respect, characters if the first prominent shot of them concentrates on their face. If it shows another body part the audience is more likely to see the character as a threat, or an object of desire. It isn't difficult to override this later, but the audience will usually experience it at least subconsciously as a twist.

The term also applies in other mediums, such as video games and comic books. During the Dark Age, comic books were often perfect examples of the male gaze, with scenes being framed to show off a female character's "assets" over everything else. The trend continues at a lower level today."
2014-01-06 09:37

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Yes, seems the media are using this all the time. I guess they need something to attract peoples attention (those that adore and love the female form :-)
2014-01-06 09:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quote: Just as guilty as most other gfx artists on here of sexualizing women in some of my pics. Mea culpa. But Deev is 100% correct, and I think it's immature to not take the discussion seriously. The gfx discussed is all in my opinion a good example of Male Gaze, a term first used in film theory.

"The Male Gaze is a term from Gaze theory that describes the tendency of works to assume a (straight) male viewpoint even when they do not have a specific narrative Point of View, and in particular the tendency of works to present female characters as subjects of implicitly male visual appreciation.

One of the most obvious results of Male Gaze is the way a (usually male) director/cameraman's interest in women informs his shots, leading to a focus on breasts, legs, asses and other jiggly bits even when the film isn't necessarily supposed to be a T&A-fest. For example, a sex scene between a man and a woman may show more of her body than it does of his, or focus more on her reactions than his. Alternatively, it could appear in shows that aren't overtly sexual - for example, scenes of bikini-clad female characters talking that emphasize their bodies rather than showing just their heads.

A subtle psychological effect of this is that, in visual media, audiences are primed to sympathise with, or at least respect, characters if the first prominent shot of them concentrates on their face. If it shows another body part the audience is more likely to see the character as a threat, or an object of desire. It isn't difficult to override this later, but the audience will usually experience it at least subconsciously as a twist.

The term also applies in other mediums, such as video games and comic books. During the Dark Age, comic books were often perfect examples of the male gaze, with scenes being framed to show off a female character's "assets" over everything else. The trend continues at a lower level today."

No Deev is not 100% correct. Nor Mermaid. You are the first one who brings solid arguments to the debate.
2014-01-06 19:28

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
I'm puzzled by the comparison of artwork depicting women and the assault/harassment of actual women. These are two completely different things. If we were talking about artwork depicting women being stalked, violated, or in any other way harmed, I could understand the problem with it.

Pretty surprised, too, to read about some of the things Mermaid has encountered in the scene. I would have figured of all people, that sceners wouldn't be putting up with that sort of behavior. I always saw the demo scene as a place where one was judged purely on their contribution, not their gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or anything else.

Deev - while I don't agree with your opinion on whether or not these artworks harm women, I can see that they are (contrary to my original impression) sincere, so with an apology, I respectfully retract my suggestion that you're putting on for attention.

Mostly, I take issue with the idea that sexuality is degrading or harmful in some way, regardless of the gender of the people being portrayed in works of that sort.

I would also have to dispute that women are being exploited by such works - by definition they are constructed to get a reaction from men. You might argue that these works motivate bad behavior towards women, but a work, and how any given person reacts to that work are two different things.

Does this content keep women away from the scene? From reading this thread, I'd have to say if anything keeps women away from the scene, it's the sort of harassment that Mermaid has experienced. If there's something we need to address and eliminate from our community, I think that behavior should be at the top of the list.
2014-01-06 19:39

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Just some additions after reading through 55 more posts, haha:
My pics are never copies, they are all handmade.

I have a busy family life that does not allow much time to use for scene productions at home. Thus i also have not much drive to find opinions on any possible controversy, for the sake of having one. There's no need for me to be mr. super correct and play that out in the next hipster bar, as I'm not in that bar anyway.

That and the fact that i use my nowadays skills to achieve what i couldn't as a teenager, might make me appear naive, i'm fine with that, i see it as a compliment.

Also i want to point out that i am pretty happy that ladies and men are so different, be it in their anatomy or their preferences. If you want to know what keeps most of the women away from scene: They say: Keep me away from that goddamn unfucked (it is not my words, but women's words) nerds. I asked quite some ladies aboout what they think about the scene, and they all went just went "oh noes /o\" Sexism? Prejudices? In fact i don't really care as there is more important stuff to care about anyway.

Still i haven't found the link on what drives male feminists. To me it keeps being a paradoxon, it feels like i should feel bad or ashamed of my deeds while could do no harm to any woman as they are just too adorable. So how can that happen? I mean, women shall vote, have same rights, same salary, no doubt, but how some 16 color boobs shall bring opression over women is a riddle to me. Even if i' proclaim hatred over all women, the circle of people i reach on this channel is so small, that i'd have no success anyway.
2014-01-06 20:41

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
The whole discussion is rather a theoretical one, since I guess this one percent females in scene takes more to be scared off than some blocky boobs or vagagas no matter in which c64 resolution or gfx mode anyway. In the end, some will always shout out "Quote durch Titte!" (German for "Votes for Boobies!") at live competetition. Some actually mean it, others only pretend or are ironic :)

I don't think that you or algo or me or others will care a lot about the feelings of so-called women's rights activist no matter of what sex. However, even I see a difference between those poorly converted slideshows from the mid/late 80s and true art on the one side but also high def pr0n of today on the other side.
2014-01-06 21:11

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Quoting Jailbird

I see a lot of men working their assess off in gyms, laying in the tan bed or ruining their health with steroids just because they are uncomfortable in their natural bodies since popular culture, but even traditional art suggests that we should be aggressive, ripped and masculine - whilst a lot of women expect us to fit into that image. Interestingly, no one mentions all those pictures here which reaffirm stereotypical, unnatural male body shapes and cliched roles. By definition, they seem to me sexist as well.

2014-01-06 21:11

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
<Post edited by CreaMD on 6/1-2014 22:21>

Quoting Six
it's the sort of harassment that Mermaid has experienced. If there's something we need to address and eliminate from our community, I think that behavior should be at the top of the list.

Six, absolutely agree with you. Actually I always said, the he person who is constantly voting 5 points (or less) to her pics should be banned from CSDB. Because it's obvious it's done because of some sort of grudge against her. Dunno if the same person was sending harrasing stuff to Mermaid or someone else, but such things can't be solved without her cooperation.

However, I don't think that such harrasment is happening just *because* someone os being weak, or woman. She is opionated and has strong views on some things. On internet all you need to get "response" is having opinion. I've got phonecalls, got subscribed to mailing lists, got subscribed to call me back forms of various insurance / bank etc. stupid institutions, was insulted, mocked up... it went to such extent that I wasn't sure if the thing that happened was coincidence or another "joke" (my site was reported to be sending spam, my host contacted me to fix the problem (they didn't say what it was) and when I was checking back with the institution which initiated the "investiation" there was no person that could tell me details about how I was reported and why). I'm not paranoiac, but mean things like this can probably be quite harmful, if you don't give a f... ;-). I don't comment or react when such things happen, not showing that you care is probably the best way to "turn the tables on".
2014-01-06 21:21

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
That and the fact that i use my nowadays skills to achieve what i couldn't as a teenager, might make me appear naive, i'm fine with that, i see it as a compliment.

THIS. (i demand <blink> tag)

and now look at this. dont you love how number 6 accurately resembles bitbreakers petscii? =)
2014-01-06 21:40

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
for what it's worth: I don't think any testosterone-loaded immature scener forced Lycan (yes, female ofcourse) to paint/pixel this picture of nekkid sex-ready chix lusting at the viewer:

(BBcode img resize feature no worky, gpz!)

My 2 cents: Boobs are great! I never mind seeing them, also in competitions. But bitbreaker's original question hasn't been adressed so far in this thread: IS there really "boobsploitation" going on? I've been in the scene for a very long time, and tbh i cannot recall a single competition from the top of my head that a boob pic has won against a technically superior non-boob-pic. So DO boobs really influence people's voting decisions? I think not. In the rather scarce cases where boob pics have won compos (hello, Dane! ;-) they were *always* also technically well done (hello again, Dane! ;-). I may be wrong since I cannot remember the results of every single gfx competition, feel free to quote some examples if you find them!...
Also: We have also seen our share of rather homoerotic sweat-glistening muscular male bodies in the Vallejo days, haven't we? <:-) And Bitbreaker is not known for dissing the male genitalia in his productions either! ;-D

That being said, i was rather shocked to hear what Mermaid had to endure. I would have never guessed that people like that exist within the scene, and I am truly sorry to hear that! I'm quite sure they only exist at the remote perimeter of the scene though, cause clearly anyone claiming that people only vote for Mermaid because she has tits is a fucking ridiculous idiot and has no idea what he's talking about!... He does still deserve a proper punch in the throat though (and that's from a straight pacifist!) for saying insanely stupid things and for trying to put down one of the most amazing artists the scene has ever seen...

If it's any comfort to you: The males among themselves aren't always bunch of cozy fellas either. Remember "ragwars"? As for me: I've had a guy (also posting in this thread btw) write a whole article slagging me down in some mag - and I had NEVER EVEN MET THE GUY! I truly have *no* idea whatsoever what drove him to do that, but hey, there's new assholes born every second, right? <:-) No need to waste your precious lifetime worrying more than 5 seconds about what drives them to act that way...
2014-01-06 22:07
Account closed

Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 28
Quoting DeeKay
That being said, i was rather shocked to hear what Mermaid had to endure. I would have never guessed that people like that exist within the scene, and I am truly sorry to hear that! I'm quite sure they only exist at the remote perimeter of the scene though, cause clearly anyone claiming that people only vote for Mermaid because she has tits is a fucking ridiculous idiot and has no idea what he's talking about!...

Talk to any woman about her experiences with men (regardless of scene or profession) and you'll hear stories like that. Or stories that are even worse.
2014-01-06 22:10

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting Bitbreaker
If you want to know what keeps most of the women away from scene: They say: Keep me away from that goddamn unfucked (it is not my words, but women's words) nerds. I asked quite some ladies aboout what they think about the scene, and they all went just went "oh noes /o\"
Wow, this is quite unlike my experiences. When was this, and how old were those women? Most females i showed demos to reacted rather positive and mildly interested in my explanations about demos, their creation, their makers and the parties. No negative stereotypes like those you mentioned popped up. Interesting.
2014-01-06 22:29

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
OT: Anyone who (no matter for which reason: grudge, sex, whatsoever) does not see that Mermaid is one of the most excellent versatiel multitalents in scene is a dork and should be ignored, no matter if he is a dork in public like that Yoko guy or anonymously like the majority of dorks. I'd state the same if I was talking about a guy.

BTT: Though what Mermaid reports about being reduced to her double x chromosome in order to downtalk votings results is really silly behaviour, I do not see what this has to do with female body in pixel art.
2014-01-06 22:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
As for me: I've had a guy (also posting in this thread btw) write a whole article slagging me down in some mag - and I had NEVER EVEN MET THE GUY!

pffff. they didnt even make a website showing your photo and some hilarious truth about yourself? not even a little fan video ? lame :)
Most females i showed demos to reacted rather positive and mildly interested in my explanations about demos, their creation, their makers and the parties.

that said, most people who i tell what i am doing in my spare time are trying to be polite and not burst out in laughter. the only thing noteable about women there is, they are better at it, or perhaps men just dont care enough.
2014-01-06 22:41

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
right, females are much better in at least pretending trying to understand any explanations about our obsession many while 8 bit indifferent males would just roll their eyes at you and tell you frankly to shut the f--- up and get a life, I have no problems with either reaction :)
2014-01-06 22:43

Registered: Sep 2002
Posts: 668

TITS \o/
2014-01-06 22:49

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
Another crime of mine
2014-01-06 22:58

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting TheRyk
right, females are much better in at least pretending trying to understand any explanations about our obsession
And this comes across a bit sexist. I still maintain that intelligent women exist who can follow my - granted, generalized - statements about this topic. And yes, i do not burst out with that topic right away and to any random person i meet, often there are other worthwhile topics to discuss.
2014-01-06 23:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
I still maintain that intelligent women exist who can follow my - granted, generalized - statements about this topic.

which doesnt invalidate what ryk said at all.

how is "women are better at XY than men" sexist? afaik there are even a bunch of studies that show women actually being better suited for this whole communication business - and that includes what ryk said ofcourse :)
2014-01-06 23:10

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
I meant the "trying to understand" part (which implies not understanding), not the better-at-pretending part, otherwise i'd have quoted you as well.
2014-01-06 23:11

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quote: Quote:
As for me: I've had a guy (also posting in this thread btw) write a whole article slagging me down in some mag - and I had NEVER EVEN MET THE GUY!

pffff. they didnt even make a website showing your photo and some hilarious truth about yourself? not even a little fan video ? lame :)
Most females i showed demos to reacted rather positive and mildly interested in my explanations about demos, their creation, their makers and the parties.

that said, most people who i tell what i am doing in my spare time are trying to be polite and not burst out in laughter. the only thing noteable about women there is, they are better at it, or perhaps men just dont care enough.

Nobody did fan video for me :-( but I had few attempts on impersonation. ;-)
2014-01-06 23:13

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
I meant the "trying to understand" part (which implies not understanding)

when it comes to using C64 in 2014, the "not understanding" part is NOT limited to women. really. :=)
2014-01-06 23:16

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Of course not. But phrased as it was, it sounded to me like a gross generalization that no woman would understand. But let's just say it was a misunderstanding.
2014-01-06 23:35

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Anyhow, what do those people, regardless of their gender, not understand? That a bunch of people would pursue some special interest?

I thought that the internet, which everybody and their dog use these days, has shown that most people are nerds in one field or another. And that is not limited to car engines, food supplements or the random teenage girl watching a vampire-themed film in a cinema complaining that "this was not in the book".

Try not to burst out in laughter? About what, exactly?
2014-01-06 23:38

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
You are right in saying, any general statement about women or men _can_ already be the beginning of sexism, even if positive discrimination. I see pretending trying to understand as a skill, which I experienced(!) to find more often in women. I try to develop that skill, too, but sometimes lack patience. For sure, there are women who really understand as well as guys who do not even care trying. And for sure there are women who could give me or other males a lesson in coding or whatsover allegedly male domain.

About not understanding:
If people talk about facebook etc. I do not even try very hard to understand but just frown at them, so I have no problems with people immune to my 8bit enthusiasm :)
2014-01-06 23:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Try not to burst out in laughter? About what, exactly?

i seriously envy anyone who is unable to answer that question for himself and i will not do that for you because you'll prefer finding it out yourself - in a far distant future.
2014-01-06 23:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Krill
Wow, this is quite unlike my experiences. When was this, and how old were those women? Most females i showed demos to reacted rather positive and mildly interested in my explanations about demos, their creation, their makers and the parties. No negative stereotypes like those you mentioned popped up. Interesting.

Quoting Groepaz
that said, most people who i tell what i am doing in my spare time are trying to be polite and not burst out in laughter. the only thing noteable about women there is, they are better at it, or perhaps men just dont care enough.

Same here as Krill, not all, but most of my female acquaintances found it interesting and unique that my hobby is to paint with a use of a computer which was introduced over 30 years ago, and are (or seem) genuinely interested in the scene. Emphasizing that it is a kind of digital artist community helps a lot too (especially if they into art or music, ofcourse). A couple of them even wanted to visit a party, and non of them are geekish. Six years ago a popular local daily newspaper made an interview with me (they contacted me as for some reason they've found interesting that a local guy won the C64 graphics compo at Breakpoint 2006) where I've explained on terms of a retard what the scene is, and how am I personally involved (f.e. I've compared pixelling to making digital gobelin tapestries). Showing that interview to someone highly improves their view about my/our hobby. And I've realized that the physical limits of the computer doesn't mean too much to them, and absorb conceptual demos more easily. I only mention, but usually neglect technical demos until they particularly ask for them.

So, I'm sure I've introduced the scene and shown demos and graphics to at least 15-20 women if not more (including a mormon, a right-wing conservative, two lesbians and a feminist), and none of them mentioned the sexual aspect of the scene, or that they feel insulted or uncomfortable. On the other hand, maybe I just choose the right releases.

Men who don't know about the scene but are at least a bit interested in computers act about the same way, except those who are into programming ask more often about the technical sides of a particular platform. I only avoid to show demos to my drinking bros who I go to football matches with as their reaction is usually the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyQca1cwe54

Regardless of gender: a humble, slow and informative introduction means a lot and takes a long way.

For the interested who know Hungarian, here's the online version of the interview: http://archiv.magyarszo.com/arhiva/2008/04/12/main.php?l=b18.htm (12th or 13th article).
2014-01-06 23:58

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting TheRyk
You are right in saying, any general statement about women or men _can_ already be the beginning of sexism, even if positive discrimination.
This is not how i meant it, but yes, it can. But just as with a statement about men being taller than women, we're usually talking about the peaks of overlapping Gaussian bell curves, meaning that of course, there are women who are taller than the average man.

Quoting TheRyk
I see pretending trying to understand as a skill, which I experienced(!) to find more often in women.
Here i don't quite follow you. Genuinely trying to understand is noble while just feigning interest is polite at best but basically nothing more than a petty lie.

Quoting TheRyk
I have no problems with people immune to my 8bit enthusiasm :)
Sounds healthy :)
2014-01-07 00:05

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Genuinely trying to understand is noble while just feigning interest is polite at best but basically nothing more than a petty lie.

and that lie is commonly referred to as being a "good listener" - correct.
2014-01-07 00:16

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting Jailbird
f.e. I've compared pixelling to making digital gobelin tapestries
I like this example. Just as you described, i'm trying to explain these things to outsiders with similar tactics. As for the "terms of a retard", there was one incident where i apparently came across condescendingly - guess i've chosen too simple terms or went for a too slow introduction :)
2014-01-07 00:26

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quote: Quote:
Genuinely trying to understand is noble while just feigning interest is polite at best but basically nothing more than a petty lie.

and that lie is commonly referred to as being a "good listener" - correct.

Wrong. Part of being a good listener is asking thoughtful and open-ended questions about the topic. Without a genuine interest, you'd have a hard time coming up with those, as you wouldn't really be listening. And if you still manage to do fine under such circumstances, you're probably more interested than you thought - if not in the topic, then in the person you're talking to.
2014-01-07 00:29

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
that brings us back to the question why so few men are involved into the knitting scene ... =)
2014-01-07 00:32

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
you're probably more interested than you thought - if not in the topic, then in the person you're talking to.

exactly. pretending interest in the topic being talked about in order to gain access to the other peoples boobies.
2014-01-07 00:35

Registered: May 2013
Posts: 16
Quote: that brings us back to the question why so few men are involved into the knitting scene ... =)

You should ask Nosfe about this, hes a knitting professional.
2014-01-07 00:46

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
I liked knitting. I also liked to sew small self-designed gadgets with mom's sewing-machine. I think I don't continue this hobby because of the mess it creates. When you do a lot of sewing of clothes and stuff, there is a lot of spare material, threads all around the place and stuff, and I don't think it's the factor that keeps me from doing it. I like to have my mess on desktop and direcotories and disks. It's not so visible. Still I would love to do anything. If I wasn't computer maniac, I would be probably writing, or knitting, sewing my own wear, painting. Nowadays all my creativity is sucked up by my work, but it's fun, because I do a lot of different things.
2014-01-07 00:51

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
I could listen to even the most tiresome, tedious story, smile and look interested out of respect for the other's feelings, even if I'm not keen in continuing a closer contact with the person.

I fake my interest almost every morning when my SO starts retelling her dream from last night, and even ask for it if she forgets just because she seems so happy about it. And I don't mind it at all, actually makes me happy too. She will never know, no harm done, all the more.

Isn't that rather called positive socialization/consideration of one's emotions/friendship? Why to fuck up someone's day just because they made me feel bored for a few minutes with something they themselves find interesting enough to share with me?
2014-01-07 00:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
yep, spot on.

these kind of "lies" are btw what makes us social beings. and people who try to not get involved with them are social outcasts.
2014-01-07 01:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: I liked knitting. I also liked to sew small self-designed gadgets with mom's sewing-machine. I think I don't continue this hobby because of the mess it creates. When you do a lot of sewing of clothes and stuff, there is a lot of spare material, threads all around the place and stuff, and I don't think it's the factor that keeps me from doing it. I like to have my mess on desktop and direcotories and disks. It's not so visible. Still I would love to do anything. If I wasn't computer maniac, I would be probably writing, or knitting, sewing my own wear, painting. Nowadays all my creativity is sucked up by my work, but it's fun, because I do a lot of different things.

In grade school, we had a knitting course in the home economic class and simply loved it. Sewing too. I don't remember why I stopped with them, they're really rewarding and creative activities.

Anyhow, I've noticed that knitting is a hipstery thing to do nowadays so even men started to do it more often. :)
2014-01-07 01:59

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Knitting is awesome. And manly! Even Rambo does it!... See: Demolition Man....
2014-01-07 02:06

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting Groepaz
yep, spot on.

these kind of "lies" are btw what makes us social beings. and people who try to not get involved with them are social outcasts.
Not sure why you added the latter sentence, but i believe "social outcast" is the wrong term in a setting like this, as it does not imply a conscious choice not to partake by the person being cast out of some society.

Anyhow, i was thinking of something else than what Jailbird said about his every morning when calling feigned interest a petty lie. And again, your mileage may vary in such a setting, many a squabble has erupted once one of the partners has found out "the truth". Misunderstandings make us social beings, too. And properly dealing with them. And and and.

But enough OT.
2014-01-07 02:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
i believe "social outcast" is the wrong term in a setting like this, as it does not imply a conscious choice not to partake by the person being cast out of some society.

well, imho being social outcast can very well be a concious choice.

but i challenge anyone to do the experiment once, just for one day - be honest and tell the truth, always, to anyone. (and you cant cheat by not talking) you will be surprised how much your daily routine relies on outright lying. you will also find out that you have lost one or two so called friends. and eventually found one person who will be with you forever, no matter what.
2014-01-07 08:50

Registered: Sep 2002
Posts: 668
All you men are being cunts.

Boobies are for babies, not for you.

Besides I thought all you homo's were more into moobs.

brb, fapping to some small asian tits...
2014-01-07 09:09

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Krill
Wow, this is quite unlike my experiences. When was this, and how old were those women? Most females i showed demos to reacted rather positive and mildly interested in my explanations about demos, their creation, their makers and the parties. No negative stereotypes like those you mentioned popped up. Interesting.

Well i showed those females like my wife or our secretaries photos on slengpung :-) Okay, our secretaries (btw. a typical women's domain!11!) are however a bit biased working here at the computer science faculty, where the nerd factor is pretty high and where they gain experience on direct contact with such nerds :-P It is about the people, not what those women think about the releases. Here pretty much women like things like pixelled stuff. Also i have witnessed quite some dramas when girlfriends/wifes accompanied their guys to some scene event. There might be exceptions though, no doubt. Now find the links to what groepaz said later on :-)
2014-01-07 09:21

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
Knitting? Beat Jane ;)
2014-01-07 09:51

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
<Post edited by CreaMD on 7/1-2014 13:20>

Quoting bitbreaker
dramas when girlfriends/wifes accompanied their guys to some scene event.

I took my future wife on some North Party in Warszaw (thanx to Smalltown Boy (a.k.a. Randall) for borrowing me his place for that weekend). I was really emabarassed when they played some fat girl/porn or what was it pics on big screen and laughed on them (point probably was that it was making fun of someone's girlfriend, dunno). Also once she visited me on Forever parties I'm co-organising, and made me a scene when I didn't want time for her. There are two learning lessons from such expereinces. First general one. Don't take your girlfriends and wifes to the parties, unless they are sceners like you (which means, *don't*). Second ...
2014-01-07 10:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Groepaz
but i challenge anyone to do the experiment once, just for one day - be honest and tell the truth, always, to anyone. (and you cant cheat by not talking) you will be surprised how much your daily routine relies on outright lying. you will also find out that you have lost one or two so called friends. and eventually found one person who will be with you forever, no matter what.

Would I have to speak up every random bit that's normally on my mind during the day or all the tasteless/irrelevant/absurd thoughts I think of but hold back when I speak with someone (by definition, that isn't lying, right?), or just to answer honestly when someone asks me something? The latter one would be quite easy to do even for a lifetime without alienating myself from the society. Except for a few white lies, I basically live like that whilst having a lot of close friends. People rarely have questions which could result in replies that might hurt or be inappropriate. When they ask something vital which might be critical to themselves, the reason they do it is because they confide in me, actually expect genuine answers, they value my words, and don't go awry or never speak to me if I am sincere.
2014-01-07 11:31

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Full ack to Jailbird, couldn't have said it better.
Actually i try to live like that every day, too: keep inappropriate utterings and half-baked train-of-thought to myself, but give honest answers when asked directly.
These may come out reluctantly, with some diplomatic sugar on top or otherwise toned down, but i'm rather confident that nobody could classify them as lies.
2014-01-07 11:37

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting CreaMD
I was really emabarassed when they played some fat girl/porn or what was it pics on big screen and laughed on them (point probably was that it was someone's girlfriend, dunno). Also once she visited me on Forever parties I'm co-organising, and made me a scene when I didn't want time for her.

Well, did you ask her if she would feel fine among a bunch of drunk/drugged up immature male nerds? Or, if it's cool with her that when you're very busy with organizing stuff around the place then you won't have time for her at all? Did you forced her to go to parties or she visited the places on her own will? Communication is the key :)
2014-01-07 11:39

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
Quoting CreaMD
Don't take your girlfriends and wifes to the parties, unless they are sceners like you (which means, *don't*).
May i ask which demo party you attended last, and when that was?
2014-01-07 12:04

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
I was gonna keep this personal thing quiet, but I couldn't give a shit anymore...

If you want to know what keeps most of the women away from scene: They say: Keep me away from that goddamn unfucked (it is not my words, but women's words) nerds. I asked quite some ladies aboout what they think about the scene, and they all went just went "oh noes /o\"

Although she never admitted this to me, I fully believe this also caused the break-up between me and my last ex-girlfriend about 2-3 years ago. Once I told her about my interest in oldschool computers and the demoscene, that was it... never heard from her again... ignored texts and what not. Perhaps I'm just attracted to the wrong kind of women? :(

... or maybe it was because she liked KISS and I liked AC/DC better. :P
2014-01-07 12:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quote: Quoting CreaMD
Don't take your girlfriends and wifes to the parties, unless they are sceners like you (which means, *don't*).
May i ask which demo party you attended last, and when that was?

Currently I only visit Forever Party which is compulsory for me, coz I to co-organize it. ( www.forever-party.net ). Currently we occupy place that is inside the hotel that has capacity for about 1/3 (1/2?) of visitors. The rest sleep on the place (actually I do too, on inflatable bed.. it's kinda in spirit of the partying, although in 38 I feel a bit old for spending 2 nights awake and sleepping for only few hours)

If you want to say that it get's better I must say that I don't believe it is. The parties are mainly happening thanx to people and their interaction, and people in the scene didn't change that much, did they? We still booze and smoke, and have uncoordinated fun. Yes, maybe you don't hav to sleep at party place anymore and have comfortable accomodation (with double bed rooms) nearby which is a part of infrastructure of the partyplace (I don't believe it's standard though ;-) And let's not forget the fact, that it's still scene culture and computer centered. I didn't see latest pics from slengpung so I don't get the general feeling of nowadays partying (never had urge to watch site with party pics from parties I didn't visit).

I remember in the begining of this century I visited a party in western civilisation, called Symposium & Mekka and I had problem to close the toilet coz the lock was broken. Dunno which C64 scener.. told me that I should close behind myself.. like if I was idiot from east-europe who don't know that you should close the toilet when you use it to prevent people to accidentally get in the occupied one. ;-))) But that's offtopic actually.
2014-01-07 12:10

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Quoting CreaMD
Dunno which C64 scener.. told me that I should close behind myself.. like if I was idiot from east-europe who don't know that you should close the toilet

2014-01-07 12:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quote: I was gonna keep this personal thing quiet, but I couldn't give a shit anymore...

If you want to know what keeps most of the women away from scene: They say: Keep me away from that goddamn unfucked (it is not my words, but women's words) nerds. I asked quite some ladies aboout what they think about the scene, and they all went just went "oh noes /o\"

Although she never admitted this to me, I fully believe this also caused the break-up between me and my last ex-girlfriend about 2-3 years ago. Once I told her about my interest in oldschool computers and the demoscene, that was it... never heard from her again... ignored texts and what not. Perhaps I'm just attracted to the wrong kind of women? :(

... or maybe it was because she liked KISS and I liked AC/DC better. :P

It's really personal. If I can judge from all the stereotypes around. I don't think this was the only cause of her "disappearing". I think women generally like creative and confident personalities. And you are good. The problem might be in other attributes like if you had steady job, lived with your parents/or not, possible perspective for future life and kids and such things. Of course it's just a huge generalisation but from my experience I know, the most important thing to be able to survive with the opposite sex is to be perfecly reconciled with who you are and how you live your life. If you think that she might have left you because of you interest in oldschool computers, then you need to work on your self-esteem, or organize your life better so you don't have think about things like.. whether the problem is in you... yes we computer guys are shy... but in the end we aren't totally worthless and don't differ much from the ones that polish their old car(s) in their (preferably secret place) garage every second day and on whole saturdays.
2014-01-07 12:19

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Quote: Quoting CreaMD
I was really emabarassed when they played some fat girl/porn or what was it pics on big screen and laughed on them (point probably was that it was someone's girlfriend, dunno). Also once she visited me on Forever parties I'm co-organising, and made me a scene when I didn't want time for her.

Well, did you ask her if she would feel fine among a bunch of drunk/drugged up immature male nerds? Or, if it's cool with her that when you're very busy with organizing stuff around the place then you won't have time for her at all? Did you forced her to go to parties or she visited the places on her own will? Communication is the key :)

Don't remember how it was. She probably wanted to visit, but left disappointed. I didn't have time for her, coz I was selfish self-centered idiot. (and I still am)
2014-01-07 12:46

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
I think its time for cats.

2014-01-07 16:23

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 474
Quoting Groepaz
that brings us back to the question why so few men are involved into the knitting scene ... =)

In the circle of people who are into hand craft that I hang out with there are about as many men as women who are knitting.

I´ve been to other meetings for people who do knitting, crochet, embroidery etc. where the majority have been women, and I never met anyone who did pictures of male genitals or had to use motives with naked men to motivate themselves to finish their work.
But I did compensate for that myself and tried to balance the lack of objectification of men by doing this cross stitching with an image from the game Cho Aniki

larger image
2014-01-07 18:48

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Would I have to speak up every random bit that's normally on my mind during the day or all the tasteless/irrelevant/absurd thoughts I think of but hold back when I speak with someone (by definition, that isn't lying, right?), or just to answer honestly when someone asks me something?

it means giving a honest answer on every occasion, no exceptions, no denial. you cant wish someone a good day if you dont honestly think so, for example (and not saying anything isnt an option) (those things that most people do automatically without thinking are the hardest occasions, and those who will give you most trouble.)

and if you really seriously think it is easy, you are not being honest to yourself to be begin with. just try it :)

But I did compensate for that myself and tried to balance the lack of objectification of men

why do those "men" have boobies? :)
2014-01-07 19:43

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting hollowman

I´ve been to other meetings for people who do knitting, crochet, embroidery etc. where the majority have been women, and I never met anyone who did pictures of male genitals or had to use motives with naked men to motivate themselves to finish their work.

I am happy that you act so much more mature than i by that. So what are the advantages you have due to that compared to me or the others that act like at the age of 13? :-)

That is exactly what i mean with mental masturbation, believing that ones attitude is so much more educated, better or mature than other's :-) To me it appears more like using an attitude or opinion as a fashion item to add to the intellectual look. But one could also think that you just discriminate people with other attitudes by that.
Some famous genitalia! :-)
2014-01-07 20:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Bitbreaker: Touché!! There are three possibilities (which can be combined in order to get more accuracy. 1. poser, 2. (closeted) gay, or 3. virgin.
2014-01-07 20:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 474
Quoting CreaMD
Bitbreaker: Touché!! There are three possibilities (which can be combined in order to get more accuracy. 1. poser, 2. (closeted) gay, or 3. virgin.

How mature of you :-) :-) :-) :-)
2014-01-07 21:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
I didn't pull "maturity" card in this thread ;-).
2014-01-08 00:15

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1069
really nice amount of bs in this thread.

"Many painters have suffered persecution and prosecution for painting nudes. Goya was the first who dared to paint a nude that was not a goddess. His famous “Nude Maja” cost him an Inquisition."

for some nudes painted by women check http://www.redbubble.com/groups/women-painters/forums/14471/top..
2014-01-08 00:44
Account closed

Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 6
I have to agree with Burglar. I don't even understand the point of this thread. I have painted nude women on canvas, a few pencil sketches on paper and have an unfinished pixeled pic of a nude woman from behind.. oh the horror!!!! I have also been the only female in a number of classes and I have worked in a man's world. I have been to strip clubs for 'business meetings' and 'client entertainment'. I am not offended, nor should I be.. People need to relax and stop taking offence. Boobs are awesome!
2014-01-08 10:48

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: really nice amount of bs in this thread.

"Many painters have suffered persecution and prosecution for painting nudes. Goya was the first who dared to paint a nude that was not a goddess. His famous “Nude Maja” cost him an Inquisition."

for some nudes painted by women check http://www.redbubble.com/groups/women-painters/forums/14471/top..

Why is this thread repeating itself?
2014-01-08 11:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
Would I have to speak up every random bit that's normally on my mind during the day or all the tasteless/irrelevant/absurd thoughts I think of but hold back when I speak with someone (by definition, that isn't lying, right?), or just to answer honestly when someone asks me something?

it means giving a honest answer on every occasion, no exceptions, no denial. you cant wish someone a good day if you dont honestly think so, for example (and not saying anything isnt an option) (those things that most people do automatically without thinking are the hardest occasions, and those who will give you most trouble.)

and if you really seriously think it is easy, you are not being honest to yourself to be begin with. just try it :)

But I did compensate for that myself and tried to balance the lack of objectification of men

why do those "men" have boobies? :)

But I DO honestly hope that another person will have a good day when I say it.

From now on, I'll definitely pay more attention to this, but really don't know of cases when I'd be dishonest with others (except the occasional "Hey, you look great today", but that's rare anyway).
2014-01-08 11:50

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
hollowman's cross stitching pic is the coolest thing since open borders, priceless. :)
2014-01-08 12:19

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: hollowman's cross stitching pic is the coolest thing since open borders, priceless. :)

Yeah, fuck me, it even has anti-aliasing :D :D
2014-01-08 12:38

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
This thread contains some points here and there made by various different people, but those points aside it's generally making the mistake of first asking a structural question and then answering it without using even the most basic semblances of structuralist analysis, instead reducing everything down to individual example mixed with ad hominem.

Now, if you're genuinely interested in why someone would consider sexualization of the female body to be particularly problematic I can suggest reading a bit at for example http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/the-faqs/faq-roundup/. If you're not and/or think you already have it figured out I can suggest that you don't; that's fine too.
2014-01-08 13:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3039
Tried to check the site. As the link contained an abbreviation "faq", I expected brief and clean info. After opening about 10 links in new tab and checking (and closing) every one of them because of TL;DR, I have recalled one sexist joke http://imgur.com/AgkYv

And no I'm not telling this to stir argument. I'm just fed up with this (new) feature of internet. Where result of debate doesn't depend on truth and facts (whatever they are) but on the endurance of the participants. Therefore I have decided to not to read this thread until it's closed.

2014-01-08 23:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
But I DO honestly hope that another person will have a good day when I say it.

are you sure? on every single occasion? i somehow doubt it :) even you dont like some people down to the point that you dont feel like wishing them anything. and i am sure there also exist some people that you DO like down to the point that you would rather not tell them certain things. life is complicated, you know =)
From now on, I'll definitely pay more attention to this, but really don't know of cases when I'd be dishonest with others (except the occasional "Hey, you look great today", but that's rare anyway).

see, you are already coming up with exceptions - those occasions are exactly what its all about. (another commonly overlooked thing is when someone asks you "how are you?" - you can't resort to a meaningless "fine!" - because thats almost never the (entire) truth)
there are some interesting studies on this topic around, worth reading (unfortunately i cant recommend anything, as those i did read were all german)
2014-01-09 00:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Groepaz
are you sure? on every single occasion? i somehow doubt it :)

Yep, why not? I simply don't say it if I don't mean it. On a daily basis, I say that to four or five persons (my SO, my roommates, the clerk in the store who is an older woman and we speak a lot anyway if she isn't busy, and to the clerks in the bakery who I also know a bit better, as we usually have small chitchats while I wait in the line). I smile a lot and genuinely wish they'll have a good day, it's not even a habitual greeting.

About answering to "how are you?"s, I only say fine if I'm fine. If I'm not, my answer is "not too good, but don't mind me, I'll sort it out". If a person seems honestly interested, or is close to me, I might tell more or ask for help in case I need it.

Quoting Groepaz
see, you are already coming up with exceptions - those occasions are exactly what its all about.

Sure, but it's not that I lie all the time, or that I can't live even a day without lying. And I tend to say "you look great today" to people who radiate out energy and seem alive and happy. Is that even a lie?

I'm trying to come up with situations where I'd have to straight out lie to someone but I can't. I don't go out too much as I work from home, my colleagues are great, my boss for 12 years is simply amazing (I wouldn't even call him a boss as he's so on level with me), I don't have to communicate with our clients (otherwise I'd probably have to lie or just be silent a lot, indeed - actually my boss stopped taking me to meetings with clients because I often blabbed about things I didn't supposed to), my roommates are bright, tidy and great friends (one of them is also my brother, and if something is bothering me at home I could tell them), with my close friends we're even too honest with each other sometimes, I don't meet my crazy relatives often, I don't flirt with women, and my SO notices even the tiniest lie anyway (she's very good at that shit). I live a kind of life where I simply don't really have to lie.

That said, if I'd have to speak up every thought of mine which occurs to me, I probably wouldn't have a single person beside me :)
2014-01-09 01:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Sure, but it's not that I lie all the time, or that I can't live even a day without lying. And I tend to say "you look great today" to people who radiate out energy and seem alive and happy. Is that even a lie?

when it comes to this experiment - yes. think autistic, only facts exist, not feelings.
I live a kind of life where I simply don't really have to lie.

well, maybe not conciously :) according to some related studies, everyone "lies" a couple of times every day.

that said, it sounds like you secured yourself from a lot of these situations in a similar way i did - i work at home and dont have any customer contact for a good reason too, when i worked at "conrad" years ago i got into plenty trouble because of telling customers the truth =P
2014-01-09 07:44

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Okay, so the link brought up by radiantx makes it obvious to me that the "objectification" issue is stuck somewhere between thesis and theory, or better to say it is just hot air. Means that in future i give even less fuck on those objections when i draw whatsoever i like. Thanks to radiantx for making things clear for me :-)
2014-01-09 09:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Okay, so the link brought up by radiantx makes it obvious to me that the "objectification" issue is stuck somewhere between thesis and theory, or better to say it is just hot air. Means that in future i give even less fuck on those objections when i draw whatsoever i like. Thanks to radiantx for making things clear for me :-)

Objectification theory suggests both direct and indirect consequences of objectification to women. Indirect consequences include self consciousness in terms that a woman is consistently checking or rearranging her clothes or appearance to ensure that she is presentable. This self-consciousness may also result in a lack of motivation because it distracts from what would be the motivating focus. More direct consequences are related to sexual victimization. Rape and sexual harassment are examples of this. Doob (2012) states that sexual harassment is one of the challenges faced by women in workplace. This may constitute sexual jokes or comments, most of which are degrading. Research indicates that objectification theory is valuable to understanding how repeated visual images in the media are socialized and translated into mental health problems, including psychological consequences on the individual and societal level. These include increased self-consciousness, increased body anxiety, heightened mental health threats (depression, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and sexual dysfunction), and increased body shame. Therefore, the theory has been used to explore an array of dependent variables including disordered eating, mental health, depression, motor performance, body image, idealized body type, stereotype formation, sexual perception and sexual typing. Body shame is a byproduct of the concept of an idealized body type adopted by most Western cultures that depicts a thin, model-type figure. Thus, women will engage in actions meant to change their body such as dieting, exercise, eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, etc. Effects of objectification theory are identified on both the individual and societal levels.

^ Does this look hot air to you? Is it just theory that one of my best friends who also happens to be a female and works as a secretary in a workplace where the majority of the employees are male, often complains about disgusting sexist remarks directed to females in the office, which they have to accept very lightly, otherwise they'd jeopardize their jobs (or, men tell them that they're prude). What about the outlandish female body images that are steadily projected towards us as examples to follow/like? My SO, who I think of as an intelligent, down to earth woman - is obsessed about having a breast augmentation, even when I reassure her that she's perfectly fine to me and I honestly like her body the way it is. She's still constantly self-conscious about her look, she compares herself to popular women I don't even find attractive or interesting. She's on an unhealthy diet right now, whilst I don't think she needs it or does her any good. Once again: she's far from being stupid or naive, but I simply can't explain to her that as long as she's well-groomed and healthy, that's all what I need from her considering her look. It's hard to ensure someone about the exact opposite what's all around her, what she learned and willingly welcomed since early childhood. And I see/experience the same with my female friends, without a single exception - all of them are bitter and sad about their bodies. I will have to be a very attentive and agile parent to raise our daughter in a way that she becomes a woman who will accept even her alleged negative physical traits and be comfortable in her body. These are all direct consequences of the sexual objectification that's around us. I still don't think that it's a problem on the C64 scene itself, but let's just don't pretend that the current situation of women in our culture is so fucking good.
2014-01-09 10:07

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
What? I force your wife into breast surgery by my pics? The idealized body image hits both. Now go observe the animals, how they act to draw attention on the opposite gender. Everyone wants to be attractive. However all this gets very unimportant when you found the right partner and have children. Lack of time and social contacts due to that helps :-P
2014-01-09 10:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: What? I force your wife into breast surgery by my pics? The idealized body image hits both. Now go observe the animals, how they act to draw attention on the opposite gender. Everyone wants to be attractive. However all this gets very unimportant when you found the right partner and have children. Lack of time and social contacts due to that helps :-P

Not you personally of course, but you're definitely an active part of a group that objectifies and encourages objectification of women.

And we're not animals. Lo' and behold: we have conscience, we feel love, strong empathy, we have free will, but also the painful emotion of shame. And our purpose in life isn't just reproduction, you know.

The problem with physical attractiveness today: it would have to be about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own body rather than basically forcing yourself to look like clichés from popular culture whilst destroying yourself mentally and physically (as otherwise you might feel degraded and less recognized).
2014-01-09 10:31

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
X'2014, Man-titty invasion edition!
(yeah, when's a website coming up?? ;))
2014-01-09 11:18

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Jailbird
Not you personally of course, but you're definitely an active part of a group that objectifies and encourages objectification of women.

And we're not animals. Lo' and behold: we have conscience, we feel love, strong empathy, we have free will, but also the painful emotion of shame. And our purpose in life isn't just reproduction, you know.

The problem with physical attractiveness today: it would have to be about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own body rather than basically forcing yourself to look like clichés from popular culture whilst destroying yourself mentally and physically (as otherwise you might feel degraded and less recognized).

Well what your previous example shows, is, that a very high percentage of idiots are on this planet, but it lacks the whole path of correlation to the said theory. I could simply proof the opposite. We have one secretary and else men only, but she is pretty fine here, noone molests her in any way. Maybe, because here it is a pretty good reason to get fired in case.

Also, how is the victim you describe being objectified? Her colleagues know her, know her name about her personality. I think that the problems arise from other reasons, the guys might be sexually or otherwise frustrated, they might even have to handle that nowadays also women do their job as well. For me it is no problem, and i am happy when women enjoy the same rights, like for e.g. same salary for same work, where still differences are made. But there's no need to go beyond that. You only can treat things equally if they are equal or can be made equal. But you can't make crap taste like vanilla iceream, by just stating that they have to taste equal.

An no, if you boil it down, the only reason to be here is reproduction, this also applies to humans. The rest is nice sugar on top, but not necessary. Those "extraskills" might even help us to destroy humankind faster then intended.
2014-01-09 11:21

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
imho there's no purpose of life, unless you make one for yourself, and we're animals, and its not wrong liking and drawing nice boobies. people are always having various problems, low self esteem, not liking your body ? blame it on men who are naturally obsessed with nice women. how wrong they are! they shouldnt! women shouldnt work on their low self esteem, or do something about their fat body, its all caused by evil men... I think this story has 2 sides.

now how about all women liking big penises? someone should make a manimist movement, and protest so women will like small penises!

c'mon :)
2014-01-09 11:26

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
A big penis hurts most women, i know what i'm talking about.
2014-01-09 12:01

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Bitbreaker
Well what your previous example shows, is, that a very high percentage of idiots are on this planet, but it lacks the whole path of correlation to the said theory. I could simply proof the opposite. We have one secretary and else men only, but she is pretty fine here, noone molests her in any way. Maybe, because here it is a pretty good reason to get fired in case.

Yep, just like that: when sexually harassing someone has actual negative consequences, people don't tend to do it. Regulations of lousy behavior leads to positive change of general attitude.

Quoting Bitbreaker
Also, how is the victim you describe being objectified?

Huh? Objectified as a sexual object, of course. Examples: one guy casually, out of the blue asked her and her co-worker to have sex with him after work, or, men loudly describing what would they do to the women sexually. And no, it's not all about frustration. These guys are married, have families, girlfriends, relationships... It can't be that most of them are frustrated. They see examples and they follow the lead of the popular/influential males, especially if they see that they can do whatever they want without consequences. Once again: what do we see around us in popular culture, anyone? The same exact thing. Act as a masculine idiot and you'll have all the stupid chicks who'll spread their leg and show their huge tits to you mindlessly (so you could spread your seeds and reproduce, right?).

Quoting Bitbreaker
You only can treat things equally if they are equal or can be made equal. But you can't make crap taste like vanilla iceream, by just stating that they have to taste equal.

The keyword is respect, rather than equality. I don't treat women as shit because I respect them as human beings, not primarily because I want them to feel equal to me. But with respect comes equality.

Quoting Bitbreaker
An no, if you boil it down, the only reason to be here is reproduction, this also applies to humans. The rest is nice sugar on top, but not necessary. Those "extraskills" might even help us to destroy humankind faster then intended.

Well, tell that to thousands of people who wittingly chose not to reproduce. It's a simple mindful choice, and might be based on numerous reasons. We don't live solely by instinct.

Quoting Oswald
imho there's no purpose of life, unless you make one for yourself. and we're animals

You just described why we are not animals: because we make conscious choices about our purpose in life.

Quoting Oswald
, and its not wrong liking and drawing nice boobies. people are always having various problems, low self esteem, not liking your body ? blame it on men who are naturally obsessed with nice women. how wrong they are! they shouldnt! women shouldnt work on their low self esteem, or do something about their fat body, its all caused by evil men... I think this story has 2 sides.

Sure, women should work on their low self esteem, but it's hard to have positive results on that matter when they born into and grow up in the current situation where everything around them suggests exactly the opposite what an average women should be today: you have to have the photoshopped-to-bones body of Scarlett Johansson, have big and tight breasts, round ass, be thin, and present yourself and fuck like a pornstar in order for men to appreciate and love you.
2014-01-09 12:15

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1069
you know what's really sexist? men talking about how women (should) feel, without any female input on the whole matter.
2014-01-09 12:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: you know what's really sexist? men talking about how women (should) feel, without any female input on the whole matter.

Indirect female input doesn't counts? By any chance, don't you experience enough negative patterns around your daily life to have an opinion and draw some conclusions? Like we're just guessing about how women might feel when they're sexually harassed, objectified or prejudiced.
2014-01-09 12:25

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1069
Quoting Jailbird
Indirect female input doesn't counts?

no, cause that would be another male interpretation.
2014-01-09 12:46

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quoting Jailbird
Indirect female input doesn't counts?

no, cause that would be another male interpretation.

So, my judgement and assumption based by numerous obvious, evidently negative incidents experienced and retold by women are just subjective and questionable views just because not too much women participate in this discussion? Well okay, that's interesting.
2014-01-09 13:29

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Jailbird
So, my judgement and assumption based by numerous obvious, evidently negative incidents experienced and retold by women are just subjective and questionable views just because not too much women participate in this discussion? Well okay, that's interesting.

At least no woman so far felt offended by what i am doing, right? Does anyone know it better then women and by that oppress the female opinions?
2014-01-09 14:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quoting Jailbird
So, my judgement and assumption based by numerous obvious, evidently negative incidents experienced and retold by women are just subjective and questionable views just because not too much women participate in this discussion? Well okay, that's interesting.

At least no woman so far felt offended by what i am doing, right? Does anyone know it better then women and by that oppress the female opinions?

How do you know, keep detailed logs on female visits to your works and ask them personally if they become upset after seeing them? Your latest ones are much more subtle and technically on a high level, but even I find some of your older releases just... disgusting and sad, especially considering their subjects (scribbles of dicks, tits and other explicit sexual topics - all that on a level of a naive, immature child). I'm not sure how much all that offends women (as I mentioned, my girlfriend just laughed at them and seemed unaffected), but if for some reason your works are among the first things they run into when they try to get interested in the scene, the atmosphere you present might discourage some them from digging further in it. And God save them from running into this topic.
2014-01-09 14:26

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Some scenegirls even saw me when doing those disgusting works and gave me advice. It is the guys that get upset, be it by finding it inappropriate, immature or whatever. Not my problem, but maybe a problem of others taking things way more serious than i do? I mean, i did already make a step towards the whiners and chose a more appropriate setting the last few times. Shall i really bend myself more to please some of you guys that complain under the disguise of feminism? :-)
2014-01-09 15:11

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
List of things I've learned, here and elsewhere, that feminism is after posting in this thread:

* An ideology adopted by gays, prudes, lunatics, fanatics, hairy women, whiners, asexuals and guys who just want to get laid
* Hot air
* Of interest to women only
* A disguise
2014-01-09 15:15

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
Quoting radiantx
This thread contains some points here and there made by various different people, but those points aside it's generally making the mistake of first asking a structural question and then answering it without using even the most basic semblances of structuralist analysis, instead reducing everything down to individual example mixed with ad hominem.

Don't forget the all straw men and people first admitting that they don't even understand the subject, but keep debating. Yay internet.


Nice one, thanks.
2014-01-09 15:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
you know what's really sexist? men talking about how women (should) feel, without any female input on the whole matter.

spot on

what i love about feminism? feminism is dead
2014-01-09 15:50

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Quoting radiantx
List of things I've learned, here and elsewhere, that feminism is after posting in this thread:

* An ideology adopted by gays, prudes, lunatics, fanatics, hairy women, whiners, asexuals and guys who just want to get laid
* Hot air
* Of interest to women only
* A disguise

The above are all spot on! And the part about 'guys who just want to get laid' Well, It seems that woman probably end up falling and being attracted to them who are more chauvanistic rather than being the 'nice guy' who supports woman rights. Even if they say they 'wont'
2014-01-09 18:35

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Things that i learnt from this thread:
People can't show scene productions as they failed to communicate to their darling what is going on in the scene: Drugs, alcohol, porn, boobs and a bit of nerdy stuff like demos. People like me are made guilty for that.

People can't introduce the demoscene to their fellow female friends as they are not able to be open enough to tell them the truth. People like me are made guilty for that.

People feel like throwing up as they failed to be open enough to just look over stuff that is out of their focus. People like me are said to be immature for that. Who's being more tolerant here? :-)

So lets change the whole scene that it is finally suitable (as we guys think it is appropriate) for girls. Maybe we should also drag in sponsors to have more reasons to get rid of those sexist bastards. But then also don't forget to get rid of all those people craving for female flesh and scaring away women by doing so.

Have a nice evening.
2014-01-09 19:39

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
Reading through this thread reminds me of the old joke:

A man is walking down the street, and sees a woman in her window naked. Therefore the man is a vouyer and a pervert.
Later, that same woman is walking down the street, and sees that same man in his window naked. Therefore the man is an exhibitionist and a pervert.

If you are offended by any depiction of any activity by consenting adults of any gender - the problem is with you, not the artist, the image, or the subject.
2014-01-09 19:52

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
2014-01-09 19:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
oma schmidt geht spazieren. an der ecke steht karlchen und holt sich einen runter. sagt oma "DAS IST JA OBSZÖN!". sagt karlchen "UND OB DAS SCHÖN IST!"
2014-01-09 19:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
2014-01-10 07:32

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
There's no bacon in them, so both burgers suck.
2014-01-10 11:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
While we're at it, some of you should prove your love for boobs and fund the Free The Nipple movement :)
2014-01-10 11:42

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Sorry, i spend all my money on high gloss porn magazines.
2014-01-10 13:38

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 543
Quote: Quoting radiantx
List of things I've learned, here and elsewhere, that feminism is after posting in this thread:

* An ideology adopted by gays, prudes, lunatics, fanatics, hairy women, whiners, asexuals and guys who just want to get laid
* Hot air
* Of interest to women only
* A disguise

The above are all spot on! And the part about 'guys who just want to get laid' Well, It seems that woman probably end up falling and being attracted to them who are more chauvanistic rather than being the 'nice guy' who supports woman rights. Even if they say they 'wont'


Women like one type of man to "build a family" (i.e. find a moron/wallet to push the baby-carriage and do most of the housework/earn the $$$) but they'd like another type of man to "carry on the genepool".

I'll give you guys who has your balls hanging on a knob in the toolshed a piece of free advice:

A woman don't want to hear: "Yes my love, kisskisskiss whateveryousay is what I do for you blablabla".

She wan't to her: "Shut up woman!"

The reason is simple. They are under horomonal influence of progesteron and esterogene which messes their heads up and makes priorities difuse. It's part of the "care for babies and build a nest" gift they received from nature. The flipside is that they get totally irratic and they need a strong minded man to put them back on earth when this shit starts to go bananas. However when they reach metapause and starts growing a beard, their focus changes to more logical and sensible behaviour (This is essentially why we get along with older women"). If you're foolish enough to fuel this madness by not having the stones to put her right, you'll deservingly suffer untill she hit's meta / kids move out. But then she probably gonna buy a little rat of a dog so you'll still be in last place.

Now regarding the sex-thing...

I'll quote a couple of lines from a talk show by Andrew Dice Clay:

When the woman is lying on her back and your balls are bouncing on her ass... She don't wanna hear: "I love you"... No she wan't to hear: "FUCK YOU PIG!!!"

And that's the essence of it. It's a father-syndrome thing.
2014-01-10 14:29

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Well said :-)
2014-01-10 20:33

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
When the woman is lying on her back and your balls are bouncing on her ass

...then at least one of you is quite good at gymnastics =)
2014-01-10 20:43

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
2014-01-12 01:48
Account closed

Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 6
Who wants to bet that TWW doesn't get out much..

TWW, do yourself a favor and get out of the basement.. :D
2014-01-12 08:11

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4702
TWW: Whoa.. That's a fine phat example of mother complex right there. :D
2014-01-12 10:10

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
Quote: Quote:
When the woman is lying on her back and your balls are bouncing on her ass

...then at least one of you is quite good at gymnastics =)

It's getting easier, thx to gravity the ball's hang deeper and deeper each year :) (In German you call that: "Schlepphoden" :D) If you don't believe me, go to a nudist beach around Easter in some holiday beach ressort in Atlantic or mediterraneum and watch the old farts playing Boccia... *yuck* :D
2014-01-12 10:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: TWW: Whoa.. That's a fine phat example of mother complex right there. :D

Isn't he just sarcastic?

... *blank stare* ...

Please tell me he's just sarcastic.
2014-01-12 10:34

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4702
Quote: Isn't he just sarcastic?

... *blank stare* ...

Please tell me he's just sarcastic.

Let's hope so. o.O
2014-01-12 15:28

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 543

You are ofcourse 100% correct. I don't get out at all (ofcourse by get out I mean don't get laid at all and I'm only alive coz my mom brings me food and wash my clothes in the basement where I live). Thanks for making it personal.


The reply to jessika above is an example of sarcasm. I really live in a penthouse in Rio de Jaeiro and I get out as much as I freaking want.
2014-01-12 16:59

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
I think TWW is right in general, not so brutally as he put it, but thats how it works.
2014-01-13 01:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
except it should have been "megapause" instead. obviously.
2014-01-13 11:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: I think TWW is right in general, not so brutally as he put it, but thats how it works.

Well then, replace that post with a similar vague, dubious, disgusting generalization of any prejudiced group of people.

Would you say the same?

"Jews steal our money and manipulate the media, blacks and gipsies are uncivilized criminals and muslims are terrorists"

Well yeah, I think Jailbird is right in general, not so brutally as he put it, but that is how it works.
2014-01-13 13:17
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
"People steal our money and manipulate the media, People are uncivilized criminals and People are terrorists"
2014-01-13 13:31

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
JB, dont pull the nazi / racist card please.

Just ask your SO, if she likes more to be led by a confident man SO, or if she prefers to be the leader in a relationship. Or if she prefers having her brains fucked out, or a pussy smearing his dick around. ;)

All the stupid primitive relationship stereotypes are true indeed at their core, thats one thing that being soon 40 thaught me from experience. Of course they are not to be applied blindingly, that would be horrible :)
2014-01-13 14:44
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Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 6

I don't care where you live. Your view is out of touch and old fashioned. People with a reasonable social intelligence know that every individual is different. Sure, some women are over-sensitive (or hormonal as you would say); however, I could lump a few men into that generalization too. I'm still not sure if you actually believe what you said or you are just trying to score some "man points" when you don't think a female is watching.

I should watch what I say.. you might try to have me locked up for being hysterical!!! :D
2014-01-13 14:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: JB, dont pull the nazi / racist card please.

Just ask your SO, if she likes more to be led by a confident man SO, or if she prefers to be the leader in a relationship. Or if she prefers having her brains fucked out, or a pussy smearing his dick around. ;)

All the stupid primitive relationship stereotypes are true indeed at their core, thats one thing that being soon 40 thaught me from experience. Of course they are not to be applied blindingly, that would be horrible :)

Well, that's quite far from my experience. All my girlfriends had different needs. Yes, some of them seemed to wish a rough relationship, yet, some preferred a shy, sensitive and emotional presence, or just playful and lighthearted approach. Their desires were always layered and sophisticated, but generally most of them preferred to be treated equally either on physical or emotional counts. A lot of people feel uncomfortable or miserable when being controlled, women too. This "women like it rough and we men must lead them otherwise they'll get lost and feel unhappy in a relationship" way of thinking is just another male chauvinistic crap that was planted into our minds during years and years of oppression of women.

Certain type of men might attract (and might get attracted to) certain types of women (and vice versa), so that could explain the two dimensional view on women/relationships some of you show here.
2014-01-13 15:09

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
I dont mean you have to threat them like shit, but you'll fuckin have to wear the pants, be confident, and all this shit.

Someone is always stronger in a relationship, and it's usually better for both if its the guy. Thats what TWW said as rude as he did. Same thing for in bed action.

It can be really awkward for a girl to wear the pants, if the guy is not man enouugh.

Not applicable for all situations, just a rule of thumb.

You are probably very right with your last sentence. Tho, I'm not only speaking from my experience, but also stuff I heard from others.
2014-01-13 15:26

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: I dont mean you have to threat them like shit, but you'll fuckin have to wear the pants, be confident, and all this shit.

Someone is always stronger in a relationship, and it's usually better for both if its the guy. Thats what TWW said as rude as he did. Same thing for in bed action.

It can be really awkward for a girl to wear the pants, if the guy is not man enouugh.

Not applicable for all situations, just a rule of thumb.

You are probably very right with your last sentence. Tho, I'm not only speaking from my experience, but also stuff I heard from others.

What does "wearing the pants" or "being the man" means anyway (except perhaps the rough sex for those who love it that way) in a relationship?

Should I hit my SO occasionally? Or don't agree to reasonable things and argue with her over shit just for the sake of me being the man? Go drink with my buddies every other night whilst neglecting her needs to spend more time with me? Open all the doors for her? Feeling bad if she has a better job than me with a higher salary? Require dinner every day, no exceptions even if she's fucking tired (or when I feel like cooking because I love to)? Attack random people on the street whilst I flex my muscles just to show how strong and masculine I am? Decide about important parts of our life without consulting her?

I don't really get it.

Being confident, sure and positive is an attractive treat even when it comes to women.
2014-01-13 16:20

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
just be confident. :)
2014-01-13 16:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: just be confident. :)

People generally don't enjoy the company of insecure, indecisive, hesitant persons, except if one is aiming for an abusive or unilateral relationship. Looking for a confident and precise partner is not gender-exclusive.
2014-01-13 17:22

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
Quoting jESSiKA
I should watch what I say.. you might try to have me locked up for being hysterical!!! :D

Forum police, there's a woman messing around with 8 bit, arrest her, immediately!

And don't forget to lock away those few hundred male lunatics too while your at it.
2014-01-13 19:55

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
Too much adjectives make your posts hard to read.
2014-01-13 20:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: @Jailbird
Too much adjectives make your posts hard to read.

Just read them in David Attenborough's voice, that should help.
2014-01-13 20:49

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 485
Stereotypes are boring. Yes it is more challenging to see people as individuals and not as stereotypes, but your life is less grey if you choose to do so.

Most sceners I met personally were quite special individuals - so I'm irritated to read so much stereotype thinking here.

I've been in several relationships for ~20 years now, 9 of those with my current GF, and I've been a nice guy, - at least tried most of the time - and yes: still got my balls, no kids, no rat-dog, just us and a cat =)

Oh, and she has nothing against C64 boob-pics ;-)
2014-01-13 21:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
anyone who feels that someone must lead their relationship is an idiot and deserves to get dumped.

and wtf is SO? considering this is csdb, i guess it means "social outcast"?
2014-01-13 21:49

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
I thought it meant Sex Object, but hey ho... :)
2014-01-13 22:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Groepaz
anyone who feels that someone must lead their relationship is an idiot and deserves to get dumped.

To each his own: some like to lead, some like to be led.

I still don't understand what "leading the other" in a relationship means exactly. Well, except the "be confident, don't be a pussy, dude!" part.

Quoting Groepaz
and wtf is SO? considering this is csdb, i guess it means "social outcast"?

SO = Significant Other. When marital or relationship status is undisclosed or not apparent. People use this term and the SO abbreviation quite extensively since decades.
2014-01-13 22:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
To each his own: some like to lead, some like to be led.

as far as idiots go, perhaps. we have been partners in our relationship for that matter.

but those who feel the need to be led, they deserve a leader.

People use this term and the SO abbreviation quite extensively since decades.

i have never seen it in 40 years until now in this thread.

and thats good in my book :)
2014-01-13 22:23

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Groepaz
as far as idiots go, perhaps. we have been partners in our relationship for that matter.

but those who feel the need to be led, they deserve a leader.


Quoting Gropaz
i have never seen it in 40 years until now in this thread.

Are you aware that there are other sites on the internet except CSDb? ;)
2014-01-13 22:27

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Are you aware that there are other sites on the internet except CSDb

yes. idiots are everywhere. writing "SO" instead of "significant other" is about as retarded as writing "BH" for "bessere hälfte" (which is pretty much the german equivalent).

no wonder communication goes to shit.
2014-01-13 22:48

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
Are you aware that there are other sites on the internet except CSDb

yes. idiots are everywhere. writing "SO" instead of "significant other" is about as retarded as writing "BH" for "bessere hälfte" (which is pretty much the german equivalent).

no wonder communication goes to shit.

I don't see it's negative context at all. "Significant other" describes an intimate relationship with an important person in my life. It isn't elevating my partner above me as "better half" does.

"SO" is just as fine or retarded as using the word "partner" for a person you're in love with and share a deep emotive connection.
2014-01-13 22:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
I don't see it's negative context at all. "Significant other" describes an intimate relationship with an important person in my life. It isn't elevating my partner above me as "better half" does.

you totally didnt get the point. the retarded bit is using silly acronyms for whatever nonsense that comes across, and then expect everyone to know them (and if he doesnt, he must have been living under a rock).
2014-01-13 23:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
I don't see it's negative context at all. "Significant other" describes an intimate relationship with an important person in my life. It isn't elevating my partner above me as "better half" does.

you totally didnt get the point. the retarded bit is using silly acronyms for whatever nonsense that comes across, and then expect everyone to know them (and if he doesnt, he must have been living under a rock).

Right, I misunderstood you.

Well I honestly thought it's an evident abbreviation, I constantly run into it on forums, social networking and entertainment sites... Even Oswald knew what it means. But obviously, it's not as popular as I assumed.

Well I guess that makes me a retard.
2014-01-13 23:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Even Oswald knew what it means.

obviously i am the retard then =)
2014-01-13 23:48

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2161
Quoting Groepaz
...writing "SO" instead of "significant other" is about as retarded as writing "BH" for "bessere hälfte" (which is pretty much the german equivalent). ...

Isn't that "LAG" (Lebensabschnittsgefährte?) (En sth like period-of-life-partner)

2014-01-14 03:45

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 543
Quoting Jailbird
Well I honestly thought it's an evident abbreviation, I constantly run into it on forums, social networking and entertainment sites...

Just out of curiosity, which forums, social networks and entertainments sites would you be referring to?

Now watch this:


Now remeber the wise words of Obi Wan when he told Luke that it all comes down to your Point Of View (POV).

From my POV regarding the video above and in the light of this discussion: I loled. Hope you did too.
2014-01-14 07:10

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
actually I've looked up SO, and dont like it either, but didnt think it was worth hitting JB (uh oh, now I'm a retard whats JB?) with it :)
2014-01-14 07:24

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Groepaz
Are you aware that there are other sites on the internet except CSDb

yes. idiots are everywhere. writing "SO" instead of "significant other" is about as retarded as writing "BH" for "bessere hälfte" (which is pretty much the german equivalent).

no wonder communication goes to shit.

But BH stands for Busenhalter!
2014-01-14 08:28

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting TWW
Just out of curiosity, which forums, social networks and entertainments sites would you be referring to?

Dunno, I don't want to list all the sites I visit on the internet. Off the top of my head: Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, IMDb, Gawker, Something Awful, Buzzfeed, Cracked, The Oatmeal, even 4chan. Both the full term and the abbreviation are used quite often.

And before some of you start to judge my interneting habits: a part of my job requires me to be highly frequent on a lot of sites, be involved in communities I don't even care for, and be aware of buzzwords and whatnot.

No, CSDb isn't among those sites. It may look like, but unfortunately no one pays me for this shit.
2014-01-14 08:35

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 675
BH is black hole.
POV ist persistence of vision.
SO is for stack overflow (website).

At least in my environment ;-)
2014-01-14 08:36
Account closed

Registered: Mar 2013
Posts: 40
.. and that's why I _always_ brush my teeth with Mega Ultra Total!

Astroturf Boy
2014-01-14 09:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
While we're at funny links, here are two which are actually related to the discussion. Carlin speaking about the male disase and women.
2014-01-14 14:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, IMDb, Gawker, Something Awful, Buzzfeed, Cracked, The Oatmeal, even 4chan

a true reference of sanity you have there =)
2014-01-14 19:08

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, IMDb, Gawker, Something Awful, Buzzfeed, Cracked, The Oatmeal, even 4chan

a true reference of sanity you have there =)

Oh please, Groepaz. You constantly try to ridicule and downgrade everything you're not a part of or hate for some dubious reason, even if you obviously know shit about them. A lot of these sites (even 4chan, if you ignore the random thread, though) have much more intelligent communities and thoughtful conversations than CSDb...
And your "witty" onliners are nothing but immature, and yet, everyone else around you is the idiot. But go on.
2014-01-14 19:13

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
its not me who ridicules these sites here really, but by all means GO FUCKING ON =)
2014-01-14 20:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: its not me who ridicules these sites here really, but by all means GO FUCKING ON =)

Care to come up with some explicit examples for once, except that they're retarded or idiotic by your own perceptions and standards of intelligence?

My point with that list of popular sites was, that the term and the abbreviation is a commonplace, it's frequently used on the intrahweb. I could list almost the whole internet for that matter.

But blowing bubbles out of your ass does adds a lot to the conversation. So indeed, let's go on.
2014-01-14 20:48

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Care to come up with some explicit examples for once, except that they're retarded or idiotic by your own perceptions and standards of intelligence?

no. its more than good enough for me that they are retarded and/or idiotic by my own standards. your retarded standard of intelligence is irrelevant to me.

i like though that you somehow draw the conclusion from me not liking what you like, that i obviously know shit about it. how very mature, and not idiotic from you :)
2014-01-14 21:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
Care to come up with some explicit examples for once, except that they're retarded or idiotic by your own perceptions and standards of intelligence?

no. its more than good enough for me that they are retarded and/or idiotic by my own standards. your retarded standard of intelligence is irrelevant to me.

i like though that you somehow draw the conclusion from me not liking what you like, that i obviously know shit about it. how very mature, and not idiotic from you :)

First of all, I've never said I like those sites, or that I think of them as standards of intelligence. Where did you got that from? As I mentioned already, the only reason I am active on those sites because my job requires me to. Out of all those, for personal use and out of sheer interest, I only use Facebook for keeping in touch with friends and family, Reddit for programming/webdev/technology/science/book/movie related news/links, and Duolingo for learning French. That's about it.

Considering the popular sites, I'd be the first to say that there is indeed a lot of idiotic content, but there is also a great amount of intelligent and useful substance on them. You just have to filter well, it ain't that hard. And you may do know about them, but in that case, you keep ignoring their positive sides for some reasons unbeknownst to me.

Anyhow, the high value of those sites on your retardness-meter has nothing to do with a term's popularity per se.
2014-01-14 21:38

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
i also like your persistance on trying to get anything half meaningful into this thread, even when obviously noone else does =) those sites surely taught you not to give up early =)
2014-01-14 21:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: i also like your persistance on trying to get anything half meaningful into this thread, even when obviously noone else does =) those sites surely taught you not to give up early =)

And I really adore your snarky comments used for distractions whenever you don't have anything valuable to add to the conversation ;) Ah, mutual affection and passion! That's how all good relationships start, right? <3
2014-01-14 22:00

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1069
get a room
2014-01-14 22:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: get a room

No way! I'm more into confident men who wear the pants in a relationship.
2014-01-14 22:28

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
And I really adore your snarky comments used for distractions whenever you don't have anything valuable to add to the conversation ;)

snarky comments? in a valueable thread like this? COME ON
2014-01-14 22:38

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
And I really adore your snarky comments used for distractions whenever you don't have anything valuable to add to the conversation ;)

snarky comments? in a valueable thread like this? COME ON

Bitbreaker wanted drama, we provided. Entertainment is a valuable form of activity!
2014-01-14 22:47

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
i am actually waiting for didi to exomize the thread and link an intro to it
2014-01-14 22:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: i am actually waiting for didi to exomize the thread and link an intro to it

It will be great art.
2014-01-14 22:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
the most feminist release ever!
2014-01-15 07:31

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Quoting Jailbird
Bitbreaker wanted drama, we provided. Entertainment is a valuable form of activity!

No ragequit, no drama, sorry.
2014-01-15 08:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quoting Jailbird
Bitbreaker wanted drama, we provided. Entertainment is a valuable form of activity!

No ragequit, no drama, sorry.

Aw, but we tried so hard :(
2014-01-16 08:38

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1403
Groepaz, the term "significant other" has been around since the 1950s, though it first became popular in the US in the 70s and 80s. I first came across it on newsgroups about relationships in the late 80s - before the world wide web even existed never mind social media sites like facebook etc.

It's gender neutral, and avoids having to define the extent to which the relationship's been formalised (gf? fiancé? wife? bff?)
2014-01-16 08:41

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1403
Jailbird wrote:

Considering the popular sites, I'd be the first to say that there is indeed a lot of idiotic content, but there is also a great amount of intelligent and useful substance on them. You just have to filter well, it ain't that hard. And you may do know about them, but in that case, you keep ignoring their positive sides for some reasons unbeknownst to me.

Yes, this! Decrying all content on (e.g.) twitter etc is like saying all phone calls or books are stupid. The medium is not the message.
2014-01-16 08:45

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1403
As for the original topic, yes, there's nothing wrong with artistic nudity per se, but converted scans of porn is just lazy, and the imbalance in male vs female representation is exclusionary and arguably misogynistic. It certainly does nothing to encourage women to be involved in the scene.
2014-01-16 10:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Groepaz, the term "significant other" has been around since the 1950s, though it first became popular in the US in the 70s and 80s. I first came across it on newsgroups about relationships in the late 80s - before the world wide web even existed never mind social media sites like facebook etc.

It's gender neutral, and avoids having to define the extent to which the relationship's been formalised (gf? fiancé? wife? bff?)

Don't bother CJam, being the knowledgeable and informed man he is, I am pretty sure he exactly knows what "significant other" means. He was just not familiar with the abbreviation, which is actually quite reasonable considering he's practically living on CSDb :)
2014-01-16 10:52

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1403
Hah! Well the abbreviation's also older than HTTP, but I still take your point.
2014-01-16 16:37

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
He was just not familiar with the abbreviation, which is actually quite reasonable considering he's practically living on CSDb :)

obviously! and you know it because you live on twitter (which isnt 99% idiotic babble, but the medium of sane writers).

good we cleared that up now!
2014-01-16 19:11

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
He was just not familiar with the abbreviation, which is actually quite reasonable considering he's practically living on CSDb :)

obviously! and you know it because you live on twitter (which isnt 99% idiotic babble, but the medium of sane writers).

good we cleared that up now!

K, Groepaz, maybe you should inform Seth Shostak (astronomer), Jen Scheer (a former space shuttle technician), Richard Dawkins, Stephen Curry (structural biologist), Attila Csordas (stem cell biologist), Markus Hammonds (astrochemist), J. Osborne-Gowey (aquatic and landscape ecologist), Michio Kaku (theoretical physicist), Paul Halpern (physicist), Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Dr. Alexy Bersenev (cell stem research), Hiroshi Ishiguro (robotics), Neil Gunther (computer performance analyst), Noah Gray (neuroscientist), Bill Nye and hundreds of other scientists about your findings on Twitter.

Using the medium of the idiots, how low! They must be retarded or something. We're so lucky to have you among us, Groepaz, our epitome of sanity and the living vantage point for wit and intelligence.
2014-01-16 19:21

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
I'm surrounded by scientists every day. They are all apple-fags, hipsters and idiots. And on twitter.
2014-01-16 20:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: I'm surrounded by scientists every day. They are all apple-fags, hipsters and idiots. And on twitter.

Meh. I couldn't care less about their personality. Their achievements and work is what counts.

And every medium is as useful as you make it to be.
2014-01-16 22:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
hundreds of scientists on twitter? wow. according to wikipedia twitter has about 100 million users. i leave calculating the idiot rate to you - but it seems my 99% was even grossly understated.
2014-01-16 22:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: hundreds of scientists on twitter? wow. according to wikipedia twitter has about 100 million users. i leave calculating the idiot rate to you - but it seems my 99% was even grossly understated.

If you only follow the tweets of people you're interested in, then it's 100% of your Twitter experience. No one is forcing you to read Justin Bieber's or Kim Kardashian's shit, y'know.
2014-01-16 22:29

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
yeah, why inform yourself about the stuff they are doing in proper science mags or even their books (i seriously recommend hawkings) when you can filter some of what they say from the noise at twitter? it doesnt make sense!
2014-01-16 23:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: yeah, why inform yourself about the stuff they are doing in proper science mags or even their books (i seriously recommend hawkings) when you can filter some of what they say from the noise at twitter? it doesnt make sense!

Do you even know how Twitter works? You see only the tweets of those people you follow, there's no noise as long you don't start to follow morons.

I've also read Hawking, Tyson or Dawkins, but I'm interested in their tweets as well. They share very interesting ideas, opinions, links, news, etc. What's exactly wrong with that? I think it's damn fascinating that I could follow the everyday line of thought of people I admire and applaud. I could even interact and communicate with them if they're willing to correspond.

The number of idiot/clueless users doesn't decreases a service's benefits or defines its practicality, at all.
2014-01-16 23:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
The number of idiot/clueless users doesn't decreases a service's benefits or defines its practicality, at all.

i will so quote that next time you go nuts on how all the idiots on csdb piss you off, and therfor *ragequit* =)

and you are still trying to beat sense into the thread are ya?

good luck =)
2014-01-16 23:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
The number of idiot/clueless users doesn't decreases a service's benefits or defines its practicality, at all.

i will so quote that next time you go nuts on how all the idiots on csdb piss you off, and therfor *ragequit* =)

and you are still trying to beat sense into the thread are ya?

good luck =)

Well, I can't chose the people I share CSDb with, so I have to deal with that one or another way :)

This could be as well a reincarnation of the Bitching thread. Nothing makes sense here since the very first post.
2014-01-16 23:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Nothing makes sense here since the very first post.
amen. good opportunity to close it =P
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