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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Capture device for capturing C-64 demos
2010-03-17 23:43
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Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 33
Capture device for capturing C-64 demos

I have been thinking about getting a capture device for capturing C-64 demos and old VHS cassettes. Currently Grass Valley's (ex-Canopus) ADVC-110 seems like a good choice.

Has some interesting read about capturing C-64 demos with ADVC-110.

Before buying it I'd like to know if there are any other similar devices which people have had good success in capturing video from C-64 (PAL 50fps progressive).

If you have any suggestions the price should be about in the same range as ADVC-110. I checked german pricewatch site (http://geizhals.at/deutschland/a126311.html) and it costs between 237,01€ - 296€ depending on where you order it.
2010-03-19 14:30
Mr. Mouse

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 236
Like I said, I have good experiences with it (as you can read in the thread you posted, it took me some time to get the procedure just right, and have the right script).

But this is the type of result (check HQ) I can get and that is more than satisfactory.


I realign the sound output at a later stage with the video. The ADVC110 has the option to force sound sync, and this is fine for standard video recording like VHS perhaps. For demos it is absolutely vital to have the sound cristal clear and without stutter, which is exactly what happens it you force sound sync. So I just record the sound along the way and resync it at edit time. You can use a good audio package to do that for you, something like CoolEdit Pro can already do it without any loss in pitch.
2010-03-19 15:20

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 157
Speaking of which - any chance one can download that video directly? So I can watch it on my media player for instance...
2010-03-19 23:01

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
at breakpoint we use "folsom imagepro hd" (google it, you dont want to buy one probably =P) - and even they have certain problems. i would be very sceptic about consumer-level devices when it comes to this kind of stuff.
2010-03-20 06:13

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 640
Groepaz: What are "certain problems", more specifically? All info I can find on the ImagePro HD touts that it can basically convert any signal into any other signal, so I'm curious about what it has problems with. :-)
2010-03-20 07:23
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Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 204
I tried to capture from a real 64 with my Dazzle 150, and it got really well.

And this is the result:

2010-03-20 08:41
The Human Code Machine

Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 112
You've better chosen something with a bit more movement and sound ;)
2010-03-20 09:47
Mr. Mouse

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 236
@Groepaz; You've seen my result with the ADVC110 (e.g. Edge of Disgrace). The ADVC110 is still more or less consumer level (about 250-300 euros), and the result is good. So I don't agree you need a high-end set-up to get the results we want.

@Sasq: you can download the .NSV file to play in WinAmp there.
2010-03-20 10:23

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 500
If anyone could be so kind to capure Trans*Form - that would be awesome. I need to supply someone a video of that demo, but I haven't been able to capture it properly myself.. and i've really tried a lot. (problems: the moving objects would be static in the video, missed a frame and some odd pixel artefacts appeared in my tryouts.)

And anyone being so kind to do so, a capture of the 'remix' version would be awesome too :) I'd be very grateful! Perhaps we can work something out in exchange for the effort :)
2010-03-21 19:42

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 640
@Groepaz; You've seen my result with the ADVC110 (e.g. Edge of Disgrace). The ADVC110 is still more or less consumer level (about 250-300 euros), and the result is good. So I don't agree you need a high-end set-up to get the results we want.

I downloaded the .nsv file, and to me it doesn't look like 50.12 fps, or even a tweened approximation. The movement in the chessboard parts is very jerky compared to real C64 output.
2010-03-21 21:31
Mr. Mouse

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 236
Granted. It is not HDTV. But you think it is worth to buy $7000 stuff to record demos? I'd rather turn on one of my c64s and play it on that thing ;). Anyhow, I am not saying you will have HDTV, I am saying you can get a good (not excellent) result for a good price. If you're satisfied with that, like I am, then that's one option. I for one don't have thousands of dollars lying around to satisfy some minor personal quirks. ;)
2010-03-22 00:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
Groepaz: What are "certain problems", more specifically? All info I can find on the ImagePro HD touts that it can basically convert any signal into any other signal, so I'm curious about what it has problems with. :-)

the imagepro is fully digitial, and as a result "overdriven" signals (like what you get from the c64 =P) can not be sampled in its full range, but you will get clipping. the result is that the luma levels are a bit weird at the high range, white and yellow turn out almost the same for example.
2010-03-24 11:30
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Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 33
Quote: If anyone could be so kind to capure Trans*Form - that would be awesome. I need to supply someone a video of that demo, but I haven't been able to capture it properly myself.. and i've really tried a lot. (problems: the moving objects would be static in the video, missed a frame and some odd pixel artefacts appeared in my tryouts.)

And anyone being so kind to do so, a capture of the 'remix' version would be awesome too :) I'd be very grateful! Perhaps we can work something out in exchange for the effort :)

Maybe Mr. Mouse can help you. He has done excellent C-64 captures for demoscene.tv...
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