Text from Eighties Called+
Description: | Scrolltext |
Text: | i have absolutely no idea why walt decided to remake this intro. then, on the other hand ... it's walt and it doesn't always have to make sense what he does - we still love him. it's trap here. walt asked me to write a scrolltext for this little re-imagining of a very oldschool intro excess made for the intro compo back in 2018. i cannot explain why he did this, but as said - that's walt. as usual there is some really cool tricky coding involved. this may not seem like much, but compare this to the original release. can you spot the differences? suffice to say, this required some heavy duty cycle timing. speaking of timing, you can use the joystick in port 2 to adjust the speed of the rasters. apparently that's something that was missing in the original release according to theryk on csdb. are you in doubt if we are back for good anymore? we hope not. so far we released 2 big demos, 2 onefilers, an intro and a gfx release. we are quite happy with our level of activity. if you are too and want to encourage us, go vote for bonzai in the charts on csdb and everywhere else. tell your friends to do the same. if your votes make us jump to a more suitable spot, who knows - maybe we will release something to celebrate. we are very happy with the feedback you all gave us for the reu demo and we look forward to see some competition in that area. hopefully we will release something for the c65 or mega65 some time in the future too. who knows. remember, we are going to moonshine dragons 2 next year in poland and so should you. it will be a blast and we really need a lot of good people to compete with us in the demo competition. also, we cannot possibly drink enough polish beer without your help. so, come and party with us. only special greetings this time - shout outs and lots of love to cosine and lethargy for not having you in our greetings list - up until now anyway. a huge pile of love to mibri for his wonderful demo show every tuesday on twitch. svensk poelseret in abundance to hedning for organizing gubbdata. love you guys for your hard work. this intro was coded by walt as a tribute to excess - yeah, let's not forget the crackers - music by narciso, design and idea by artlace. so, final words - have you figured out the differences yet? if not, let's have a look at the hires logo at the top of the screen. try to do it yourself and you will see it is not an easy thing to do. oh, and do not forget to vote for bonzai in the charts. bonzai - more than just a tree trap crap wrap |
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