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Text from Mikie Sounds

Text:hey people! morpheus and the increasing popularity crew returns to give you 'mikie sounds'. written on the 11th and 12th of april 2004 and released on may 1st. we have a new member in the group, but i'll introduce him to you a bit later... it's been quite some time since we released something on the old commodore and i know you all been waiting like mad for it!!! hahahaha! anyway, it's nice to be back writing some complete nonsense text (as always) about subjects that won't interest you one single bit. at least we've given you the opportunity to choose between a couple of different sounds from mikie by pressing the f-keys. you can also press space for a little effect, but do that only when you're tired of all the bullshit. this demo was programmed by wellknown 1844 and it's his last code for ipc as he's been kicked out of the group for various reasons i don't wanna waste my time on telling you. all ideas by me, music by galway and graphics by stephen wahid. if you've seen the highscore screen in mikie, you know where i took the design ideas from. if you're gonna do a mikie soundtrack demo, why not use the mikie look as well? in the game there's this cool vector routine but wellknown wasn't a good programmer enough to do one, so when i think of it, he's out of the group for that reason too! hahahaha!!! my radio show on slay radio starts in 10 minutes so i'm gonna be able to enjoy some great music while i write this. if you ever wanna listen to good remixes, slay radio is the station for you. to tune in... use your brain! we're having a small meeting here at my place and it's me, trazan (who is playing my indy pinball and he kinda swears a lot) and the new ipc recruit, who is sitting behind me writing game instructions for our little baby. his name is chapelier and he's a musician and a pretty darn good scrolltext writer too! hahaha!! this will actually be the first time for him writing scrolltexts... aw, that's cute, don't u agree? chap's loosing his scrolltext viginity!! hehehe.. i don't want to keep you waiting so here he comes! ... yeah, it's new command here now. morph's c64 has been taken over by chapelier. you surely notice the increase in text quality. no more typos, no more nonsense. ... ah! morph's show is on! jennifer rocks. and the sid rocks. i'd much rather be writing sid music than scrolltexts. but hey, you gotta take what you are given. at the moment there is only the starion writer and me. but some day... some day there will be only sid trackers. and sid fans. what a great world it will be!!! maybe there'd be some space for oldskoolish releases and silly scrolltexts too. and slay radio perhaps... and then some pizza. yeah, i like pizza. but on with the show. there is a great load of original c64 games in front of me (you know, not cracked, not copied). having just read the instruction leaflet of winter games i wonder where did epyx get their writers!? as their games are quite good, their texts should be too. but no. full of errors and typos. that's just something i can't stand. so i wonder why didn't they get someone good. like me! of course i was only 5 back then, but i'd still have written better english. surely you believe me? no? ok. i gotta keep on writing until morpheus returns. he is currently enjoying his cool radio show. morph here again... what a guy huh? starts his career in ipc by slagging me off!! what can i say? he's our man! heheh... when i come to think of it, there's only me and chap in ipc these days. wellknown has been kicked out and i haven't talked to unknown in years. i hope chap will do some music for our next demo. that would be nice. i was hoping that trazan would write some scrolltext but he went home because of his low score on the indy pinball. instead, let's do the greetings! our greetings goes to: slaygon, makke, mahoney (yes, the old legendary one), 02, boz, mr abbott, kenz, waz, honey of 1001 crew (thanks for giving me the scoop!), danny g, skitz, zyron, paul norman (thanks for the cd and the interview and also for being a good friend), the sarge (looking forward to your comeback pic, hehe), zzap of scc (you mailed -me-, yiieehhaa), stoo, the stuck in d'eighties guys: reyn, marcel, mark and ben, rob hubbard (for the scripts and everything else), druid, dan phillips, utopia of tsl, the spy (for being a good friend), slator, sledge, tass, mm, acidchild, menace (of course), jon hare (for the cool interview), rambones (for years of friendship), arrow of triad, andy wiffen (thanx for picking me up at the airport and driving me to the gig), cosmos designs, bacchus of fairlight (thanx for the pictures), tdj, sodan (will i ever recieve that interview?), steve of x-factor, bwb, hack 'n trade, jucke, the shark of inc (hope to see you at the next bit live), horizon, redstar of logic, anonym of padua, ste'86 (awesome pics maan), ste pickford, chris shrigley and finally to everyone i've interviewed the last five years. phheeww... brain order is no good order but that's all i could offer ya... i'm hungry, but i have nothing to eat at home. send me a pizza! no, send me your money so i can buy what ever i want! one man and his droid is blowing out of my speakers right now... what an amazing track that is. and it's really fast, isn't it? try to play that on your keyboard you synth freak!! are you tired yet? my goal for the evening is to make you bored so that you either turn this off or kill yourself with a shotgun. some games to play before you kill yourself: krakout, winter games, world games, enduro racer, hero, california games and finish off with stroker 64 (hahahaha). and some demos to slice your wrists to: prometheus unbound, the metal bars, eyesoteric, wok zombie, hip-hop'88 and our own just for fun and max headroom demos. a drink tip: pour all the alcohol you have in a big bowl (if you ain't got any, steal some) and drink it like a mad man!! i promise you, it's the best thing you can do right now! i'll do it if you do it! you go first!!! my radio show is soon over which means that it's taken 1,5 hours to write all this and to me it looks like we're gonna have to write some more stuff for you. we're not trying to do the longest scrolltext ever, but when it's meeting, you know, you got to take the opportunity. it's getting quite late and i wanna watch a movie. what should we watch chap? star wars? indy? total recall? kill bill? hmmm... all good movies... what about another episode of miami vice?? i just love crockett and tubbs! they are so cool and so damn handsome in their clothes. no! no!! no!!! those clothes would make any man look like a dork, but back in the 80's, they were pretty cool. anyway, earlier today, we watched the episode where calderone's sons wants to kill tubbs because he killed calderone. calderone's daughter (and tubbs lover) dies and all hell breaks loose! it was a pretty good episode. it gets a 7 out of 10. i wanna hear thanatos! come on guys! play it! here's chap again... yes, back in command. it really has been several hours since we began writing this scrolly. it has mostly been morph sweating on this keyboard. what comes to me, my sweat has been pouring on another keyboard. i've been typing down instructions for games. yeah. i bet you wondered when i mentioned a few hours ago (or a few minutes for you) that i've been reading winter games instructions. maybe you thought "who the hell reads instructions to a game that is so self-explanatory??!" so now you know. i wrote them down. and it's really cool, you know, writing down instructions. after 50 years when all the original instructions have been lost - accidentally or not - there will still be those that i have typed down. it will be so cool to have been preserving such important historical documents. you know, they compare to the declaration of human rights or to the constitution of any nation. imho at least... not being of full nerd breed, i had to eat today amidst of typing instructions. it wasn't even cold pizza, and i didn't even drink bland coke with it. so... it's shameful and that's why i didn't mention it earlier. anyway. there has been some great music on slay radio to keep me inspired. boz and kenz are currently on air making farts, talking silly swedish things, and playing greeeeeeeeat remixes. like some stuck in d'eighties stuff. at the moment there's some niiiicey galway tune played on electric guitar. what could be better???! galway's originals of course. but this guitar version doesn't get left far behind. and right now i'm having an extra inspiration boost by morph playing drumrolls behind me. and not only drumrolls but he's playing on top of the tunes played on slay radio. now there's some oriental remix on. i can't tell which tune it is but it sure sounds like merry christmas mr. lawrence. so my bet would be international karate by rob hubbard. then again i may be wrong. what comes to the movies/series, miami vice rocks. not only that galway has made the music for it (or was it that hammer guy?) but it also has good style. which brings me to a whole other subject. i happened to type down the inlay of killer ring. to my great joy there was a cupcake recipe. and with what accuracy; depending on how high you live above the sea level there were adjustments to the basic recipe. you know, that tells you something about the devotion people put to oldie games. when something was to be done, they did it with thorough thoughts. like when they had to fill an inlay with text, they did it even if it meant finding some cupcake recipe to alter a bit and then type down. no, seriously this is a clear sign that back in d'eighties the game industry wasn't that serious. or in other words, there was no game industry. just people doing games. and those games i love. just like i love pizza. ahhhh.. lucky me, there's some pizza in the fridge. maybe i should eat some pizza from the fridge while watching some miami vice on the telly. morph's tv set is so cool because it shows miami vice whenever we want. i wonder where they sell those tv sets. i don't have such a tv. my tv set shows something totally different. and i don't mean monty python, which would btw be quite cool too. morpheus back here again on the keyboard. it's midnight here in stockholm and it's time to eat some food and watch a miami vice episode. chap is heating up a pizza and i'll have some tea and bread i think. if we won't see ya later tonight, we'll be back tomorrow. chap is going home to finland tomorrow by the way... --that's-- the reason why mikie is so sad.... i geddit... i wish i had a zillion dollars actually, because then i could hire chap and myself to do computer stuff seven days a week, every minute of the day, whoo oohhh whoo oohhh. i'm off now.... ...and now i'm back. it's 10:46 and we are here to write the last text for this demo. last night we watched the miami vice episode junk love and parts of tale of the goat. junk love was okay and the goat episode, well, the damn video cassette fucked up so we couldn't see much of it. i got my tea and bread while chap got his tea and pizza. great combination dude!! tomorrow the easter holiday is officially over and work starts again... damn... i wish i could do this every day, just be infront of my beloved machine playing games and making demos. talking about demos, we got something cool coming up in six months or so. i'm not gonna tell you who "we" are, but it's me and a couple of friends from the past doing something cool together.. you'll see (if you keep your eyes open). it's a typical hacker day today. we're both sitting infront of a computer while the sun is shining, the sky is blue and all... why are we doing this really? i've spent so many summers infront of the computer looking out thinking of all the things (well, the girls anyway) that i miss. this summer, i won't sit infront of this breadbin during the day. hell no, i'll be checking the girls out, meeting friends, partying and all that quality stuff. c64 is quality too, no doubt, but in the evenings when it's dark.. i'm talking to goblin of genesis project right now about doing an interview with him. let's see if he agrees. yes? no? i hope so because it would be a great addition to my other interviews with arrow of triad, grendel of byterapers and gotcha of crazy that i'm releasing soon. chap is writing instructions like a mad man and there's no one that could stop him now!! he's on a roll baby!! we're listening to one of the parallax tracks and things are great, though i wish it was raining outside.. heheheh... yes!!! goblin will do the interview! jihad!! opps!! yiiehha!! and he's sending me some 100 gp cracks as well which is goooood for my collection. my collection is growing and growing and soon i'll be able to open a c64 museum. but there's a few items missing, like a sx-64, the console version of the c64, a c64 previously owned by a c64 personality etc. i have to take care of some things in my apartment now, so for me, it's bye bye. chap will finish things off. until next time, have a great life, see you soon... chapelier here writing a glorious (hopefully) ending to this seemingly neverending scrolltext. there's still a few hours before my boat leaves for finland. oh, the grief. there's still several... dozens... no, hundreds of instructions to type in and i only got started! luckily this is not the last easter ever, so there's a good chance i'll get to do this again. and hopefully on a proper keyboard. the one i've been using is not that good because its about half the size of my hand. so everytime i press a key, i press six other keys at the same time. well, i got used to that after some typing. you see, the trick is to grow long fingernails and then type with them. ...you gotta know all the tricks when you type down instructions. consider this as my special exclusive advice to you, the peristent reader of this loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong scrolly. i think this scrolly is long, at least judging by the time morph and i have used typing all this in. last night when i had my tea and pizza (a great combination, yes, just like hot chocolate made on a water/milk mixture) i burned my hands. you see, pizzas are dangerous. when you heat them in an oven, the plate gets so hot that no armor will protect you - not even those oven gloves... it's like flying into a cave wall when you have shields, or like saving lord british in ultima 5 without the sandalwood box. you think you're doing fine, but -slam- you're suddenly done for. so watch out for hot pizza. real nerds eat their pizza cold for this exact reason. and i have strong suspicions that they drink their cola bland also because there is some danger in fresh cola.
all rightey mightey. back to sanity. when i get home, the first thing i'll do is to try out my new c64. i just bought it from another finnish guy. i received it just before i left for sweden to meet morph. the c64 came with a 1541-ii (with a separate transformer, yeah! coz i hate overheating disk drives), two joysticks, a load of disks and cassettes and two light guns. i've heard the light guns are next to useless what comes to their usefulness in games. but i think it's cool to have those things anyway. i think i'm becoming a collector. i'd better go make some room in my closet. coz i've seen morpheus' closet, and that's just loaded with c64 stuff. whenever he goes in there and picks up some original games from the bottom of the neat piles of boxes, something falls down. i just hope the games survive those falls. oh, the precious games... so my closet had better have lots of shelves to store all the stuff i am going to have. nothing must fall down. okay. enough said. i'll get back to finish my instruction typing session before i leave this c64 paradise. see ya in another scrolly!

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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