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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #186917 : The Last Ninja4
2020-01-19 02:50

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 294
Release id #186917 : The Last Ninja4

no one can vote on my art now
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2020-01-20 15:32

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 443
Quote: I once was sceptical. I actually hated it when Didi started music compo while I was doing compo (at the same time) outside CSDB, but that is past.

I don't like flood of tiny releases on the release list either, but apart from that I find it positive that this kind of "abuse of CSDB" was invented. It created a lot of interesting compos and it probably reinvigorated the creative vibes of many sceners. Creativity is good. Maybe running compos should have their own tab in release list.

My intention was not to start argueing about sense or nonsense of competitions on CSDb. Just the "whatever you post on CSDb stays on CSDb" is not sufficient anymore, when CSDb is the original release platform. Simple as that: PAL has a point here. His stuff wasn't release elsewhere and just added here as part of the "convenient portal to scene releases". It was released here and he wanted to revoke it. And he can't. And I believe he had similar problems before, like GRG f.e. had: "Copyright fraud" or whatever the fitting phrase is.
2020-01-20 17:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3064
Quote: My intention was not to start argueing about sense or nonsense of competitions on CSDb. Just the "whatever you post on CSDb stays on CSDb" is not sufficient anymore, when CSDb is the original release platform. Simple as that: PAL has a point here. His stuff wasn't release elsewhere and just added here as part of the "convenient portal to scene releases". It was released here and he wanted to revoke it. And he can't. And I believe he had similar problems before, like GRG f.e. had: "Copyright fraud" or whatever the fitting phrase is.

Scene doesn't copy real life in how intelectual properties and personal rights are concerned. Scener's reputation is judged by his actions and by how he behaves. Ripping, transforming, remixing, copying, stealing, things like that were happenning through the history of scene and some of those actions resulted in art and some in shame. (Well, this is Joe's ground I'm not too good in intelectual talk about art I must admit;-)) General C64 scene, evolved from cracking scene and there is sort of doublethink around how copyright and distribution rights are treated in the scene.

Yes, EU politicians enforced policies for internet and gave general population tools to pursue whatever rights they consider important for themselves considering their digital presence, but can scener call himself a scener when using these tools? CSDB is not scene of course, but it's documenting it. It's not owning the information, it's just archiving it for other sceners benefit. And there are people in mod team who are guarding every piece of information, even information that might upset someone sometimes, because it's part of their, not so glorious history. It's cooperative effort of many free spirited people involved. Every byte is important here, for bigger picture, just like on real machine.
2020-01-20 17:25

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2334
Though I like some drama every now and then, I think this time it was more than obvious a case of "Never go full CSDb when drunk". On the other hand, that our mods have a talent to APPEAR a little arrogant, is a well-known fact. However, the question HAS been tried to answered by mods, e.g. by linking to long existing threads about the same topic (though with no real outcome apart from CSDb balanced average being a mystery/nuclear rocket science).

OT: I've got no problem with CSDb as compo platform. Relying on CSDb votes(!) to determine ranking might not be the best idea, indeed.

Ragequitting because of this trivial matter... MEH, I don't really hope so. Reminds me of some wise guy who once stated: Whosoever ragequits, has decided to quit anyway, and was just looking for an occasion or even creating drama on purpose as an alibi to quit. Nothing really happened, so I don't see why anybody would have to go to extremes.
2020-01-20 20:10
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
You have to consider uploads made on CSDb as like you have spread your disk to all your contacts. There is no way to make all of them delete it if you regret doing it, they already have spread your disk to their contacts anyway and your release is out there.
2020-01-20 20:21

Registered: Dec 2015
Posts: 111
What goes online stays online.
2020-01-27 21:29

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 479
Quoting PAL
I really feel sorry for something I also do not know what happened in... but Algorithm I never wanted anything bad between me and you and I just had a blast with you and also tried to be me for you.... I understand that I did something wrong but I will never understand what I did wrong because I never understood it... I would like to finalize our demo any day - lets do it some day in the future. You are real great and also a very jolly bloke when you are in mood.

A demo by PAL+Algo??? Sounds like a dream to come true, at least for me as a gfx-mode-fanboy and a PAL-pixelcraft-lover!!! Please make it real;)
2020-01-27 22:12

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 294
algo coded some real cool parts with my graphics, they should shine in the lights of nerd galore some day! They are real great! Algo is beyond insane in his membrane of demo coding! One of the best there is he is and it is a shame that he do not get that credit in a way... wooohooo - he is super great!
2020-01-28 03:28

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 498
Quote: algo coded some real cool parts with my graphics, they should shine in the lights of nerd galore some day! They are real great! Algo is beyond insane in his membrane of demo coding! One of the best there is he is and it is a shame that he do not get that credit in a way... wooohooo - he is super great!

He has a rating of 9.39/10 :)
2020-01-28 22:06

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 294
best algo there is!
2020-01-28 22:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 479
Quoting PAL
[..]wooohooo - he is super great!
Just like you with your magic pixeling gifts :) Just had to stress this once again 'cause it seems it got a little lost in your oh-so-true adulation for algo!
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