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Forums > C64 Composing > Is every fart worth a release?
2015-06-26 21:44

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
Is every fart worth a release?

I wonder what you think!

More and more, sid music is presented to us here on CSDB as single release. Some music is worth a release, even with a standard PSID screen. But, to me: Some are not!

Now I know what some of you might say: Taste differs and who are we to decide what is worth of a release?
(I believe we had that discussion with 'just some lame' graphician)

And I know there is not much we can do about it, than bully some people or try to ask some people to refrain from releasing stuff until at least 3 or 4 people say it's worthy of releasing

That being said, I was wondering that 99% of the sidmusic in HVSC was never released on CSDB as a single release. Who wants to take up that job?

And to taunt you even further: I still have 9873 unreleased worktunes, most are about 37 seconds long and sound like shite. Shall I..... ?
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2015-06-27 20:06

Registered: Feb 2012
Posts: 77
One more important fact to consider is that every fart IS, by definition, infact a release (of gas).
2015-06-27 20:19

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5103
this thread reminds me to old me, bitching in late 90's about too much hungarian diskmags, now there are none, and I whish they would be still around.
2015-06-27 22:27

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 27
Somehow this topic reminds me of Deletionism and inclusionism in Wikipedia.

I say what's wrong with more releases? People like sharing and participating, albeit having different skills and tastes. Can't see any harm in a versatile conglomeration of (music) releases. There's no bad music, just different noises. Music elitists fuck off. ;]
2015-06-27 22:32

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4747
What stinsen said.
2015-06-28 06:47
The Shadow

Registered: Oct 2007
Posts: 304
Certainly every piece of music deserves a release. Oswald made a very good point. We should all be happy that there is a flow of new creations moving though the scene. Music, graphics, cracks, demos, tools, games and other efforts of creativity. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same music but what is important is that there is a wide choice available for everyone to enjoy. Someone may not enjoy a particular piece of music that someone else may be dancing to. Freedom of expression is important.
2015-06-28 10:14
Account closed

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
i think i'm in the "everything deserves a release" camp too, the only thing that "bugs" me is all these releases with the PSID64 interface wrapped around the music; there's nothing wrong with it of course but i'd rather see a music runner like Outrun Europe Soundtrack or what is essentially a demo part wrapped around them like Stardancer II.

And a music pack with multiple tunes and a nice interface would be good too...
2015-06-28 11:52

Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 151
Yes it's worth and it's freedom. At a guess scene would also feel pretty dead without such releases.
Plenty of my stuff (worktunes and shity tunes (okay nearly all are shity...) were never released but submitted to Warren / HVSC years later as I didn't care much at that time). Of cause some artists would doing good to release something like a gfx or music disc but everyone can do what he want. Oh and is it too much to ignore the stuff/artists you don't like? Maybe Pouet is the better place to observer then...
2015-06-28 16:57

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
freQvibes: I can prove with several examples that people get agitated, enraged and even depressed and sick. People who got encouraging comments at first, thought they could do it, got more and more feedback but could not handle that. People who, in my opinion, even got way too much praise on this website for their releases. Those people got hurt themselves! So it's not just ours ears that got hurt :)
And no, it's not as much as elitist, but more people who would like to keep the standard up at least and try to help people along the way.

celticdesign: so after 20 years, all of a sudden, csdb is no place for me and I should move to pouet? Or did you mean the people who take my first post the extreme way. Because when you reread what I wrote, I just asked some stuff and just said that some music isn't worth a 'release' to me. And for your music; you always added some extra graphics/code to make it into a release, for me.

T.M.R. You make wise choices in words; sort of what I was going for as a reaction! (hence the words about the PSID screen etc). I can't remember, in the beginning of csdb, that every sidtune itself was released. It was mainly after PSID became widely used, i think!

Oswald: To me, a diskmag is a release if it contains some attempt at contemporary music/graphics/code. If you just type text in basic that i.e. LMan joined Oxyron, then it doesn't make it a worthy release to me. Anyway; if you want to do some Hungarian diskmag with me, count me in! :)

I honestly have had the feeling, with some graphics and some music, that it was a release that was just meant as a joke and we just didn't get it. And it turned out it even was at some point! Some guys were just releasing music with bad init/play!

I wholeheartedly welcome any new composers in 2015 on the sid-train. I welcome LMan just as much as I do Uctumi. And I would be sad if the next superb sid-tune won't be released on csdb; it's just that I could do without a whole lot of others.
2015-06-28 18:06

Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 456
Can't have an Oxyron or Dane release every week. I just took a peek at the no-xs releases from around 1990. I still do not get what is rule you wish to impose on others.

New releases by new artists are generally much better artistically and technically in comparison to what we did 30 years back as teenagers.
2015-06-28 18:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11437
its the old problem again, csdb being "abused" as a release site.... with no swapping chain that filters the worst crap. it cant be solved, unless by imposing strict rules on what belongs here and what does not.

personally i'd rather see some more crappy beginners tunes and graphics than yet another shitty "crack". but thats just me, and its irrelevant for csdb obviously.
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