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Forums > C64 Coding > Cycle Excact Timings and moving sprites
2016-09-19 06:16

Registered: Oct 2014
Posts: 502
Cycle Excact Timings and moving sprites

What fancy techniques to people have for handling the need for cycle exact timing for effects and then having sprites move over it?

I'm thinking of having side borders partially open in places which then may or may not have a number of sprites over. My current thinking is to have sets of 4 clock burners per sprite with a d015 sprite value per line when then looks up a num sprites per line value table per line that then indexes into a Branch offset table. so

lda SpritesValue,x
lda ValueToNumBitsSetLUT,y
lda BranchOffsetTable,y
sta BranchOffset
BranchOffset = *+1
bne $00
lda $00,x
lda $00,x
lda $00,x
lda $00,x ; I think 4 sprites will be enough
38 col
40 col
check num lines and loop

BranchOffsetTable 01,03,05,07,09 ; can't remember at the moment it if needs to be 1 or 0

but I might be over complicating it...
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2016-09-20 16:47

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11445
sure does
2016-09-20 21:21

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 707
Quote: Opening sideborders in the bottom border seems to work fine, but as I try and move the code to the top border, i.e Y=20, the sprites shown down the bottom of the screen where the border does open and at the top of the screen but the border is closed... Does it not work in the top border?

Are you updating sprite Y position before running the code at raster 20? (Even though the sprites appear at the bottom (and the bottom half at the top)
2016-09-21 14:05

Registered: Oct 2014
Posts: 502
Nope just me being an idiot, I was pretty sure that the D012/11 was going to be $100+ by the point I was checking to make sure D011 was positive, nope. So my is D011 positive check was happening just before $100 so it passed then my D012 loop to wait to 20 happened so the raster happened at 114.
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